theme assets page in progress

This commit is contained in:
did 2011-12-07 02:09:13 +01:00
parent af955ef927
commit 368f643cf0
38 changed files with 513 additions and 260 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
class Locomotive.Models.ThemeAsset extends Backbone.Model class Locomotive.Models.ThemeAsset extends Backbone.Model
paramRoot: 'theme_asset'
urlRoot: "#{Locomotive.mount_on}/theme_assets"
class Locomotive.Models.ThemeAssetsCollection extends Backbone.Collection class Locomotive.Models.ThemeAssetsCollection extends Backbone.Collection

View File

@ -74,12 +74,6 @@ class Locomotive.Views.Pages.FormView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.FormView
after_inputs_fold: -> after_inputs_fold: ->
@editor.refresh() @editor.refresh()
show_error: (attribute, message, html) ->
switch attribute
when 'raw_template'
@$("#page_raw_template_input .CodeMirror").after(html)
else super
render_editable_elements: -> render_editable_elements: ->
@$('.formtastic fieldset.inputs:first').before(@editable_elements_view.render().el) @$('.formtastic fieldset.inputs:first').before(@editable_elements_view.render().el)
@editable_elements_view.after_render() @editable_elements_view.after_render()

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
Locomotive.Views.Snippets ||= {} Locomotive.Views.Shared ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.Snippets.ItemView extends Backbone.View class Locomotive.Views.Shared.ListItemView extends Backbone.View
tagName: 'li' tagName: 'li'
events: events:
'click a.remove': 'remove_snippet' 'click a.remove': 'remove_snippet'
template: ->
# please overide template
render: -> render: ->
$(@el).html(ich.snippet_item(@model.toJSON())) $(@el).html(@template()(@model.toJSON()))
return @ return @

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
Locomotive.Views.Shared ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.Shared.ListView extends Backbone.View
tagName: 'div'
_item_views = []
initialize: ->
_.bindAll(@, 'insert_item', 'remove_item')
@collection.bind('add', @insert_item)
@collection.bind('remove', @remove_item)
template: ->
# please overide template
item_view_class: ->
# please overide item_view_class
render: ->
return @
render_items: ->
if @collection.length == 0
@collection.each (item) =>
insert_item: (item) ->
klass = @item_view_class()
view = new klass model: item, parent_view: @
(@_item_views ||= []).push(view)
remove_item: (item) ->
@$('.no-items').show() if @collection.length == 0
view = _.find @_item_views, (tmp) -> tmp.model == item
view.remove() if view?
remove: ->
_.each @_item_views, (view) => view.remove()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#= require ../shared/list_item_view
Locomotive.Views.Snippets ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.Snippets.ListItemView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.ListItemView
template: ->

View File

@ -1,47 +1,17 @@
#= require ../shared/list_view
Locomotive.Views.Snippets ||= {} Locomotive.Views.Snippets ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.Snippets.ListView extends Backbone.View class Locomotive.Views.Snippets.ListView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.ListView
tagName: 'div'
className: 'box' className: 'box'
_item_views = []
initialize: -> initialize: ->
_.bindAll(@, 'remove_item')
@collection = new Locomotive.Models.SnippetsCollection(@options.collection) @collection = new Locomotive.Models.SnippetsCollection(@options.collection)
@collection.bind('remove', @remove_item)
render: ->
return @
render_items: ->
if @collection.length == 0
@collection.each (snippet) =>
insert_item: (snippet) ->
view = new Locomotive.Views.Snippets.ItemView model: snippet, parent_view: @
(@_item_views ||= []).push(view)
remove_item: (snippet) ->
@$('.no-items').show() if @collection.length == 0
view = _.find @_item_views, (tmp) -> tmp.model == snippet
view.remove() if view?
remove: ->
_.each @_item_views, (view) => view.remove()
super super
template: ->
item_view_class: ->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#= require ../shared/form_view
Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.FormView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.FormView
el: '#content'
'click a#image-picker-link': 'open_image_picker'
'submit': 'save'
initialize: ->
_.bindAll(@, 'insert_image')
@model = new Locomotive.Models.ThemeAsset(@options.theme_asset) = @model
@image_picker_view = new Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.ImagePickerView on_select: @insert_image
Backbone.ModelBinding.bind @
render: ->
return @
enable_toggle_between_file_and_text: ->
@model.set(performing_plain_text: @$('#theme_asset_performing_plain_text').val())
@$('.selector > a.alt').click (event) =>
event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault()
if @$('#file-selector').is(':hidden')
@$('#text-selector').slideUp 'normal', =>
@model.set(performing_plain_text: false)
@$('#file-selector').slideUp 'normal', =>
@model.set(performing_plain_text: true)
enable_source_file: ->
# only in HTML 5
@$('#theme_asset_source').bind 'change', (event) =>
input = $([0]
if input.files?
@model.set(source: input.files[0])
show_error: (attribute, message, html) ->
switch attribute
when 'source'
@$(if @model.get('performing_plain_text')
'#theme_asset_plain_text_input .CodeMirror'
else super
open_image_picker: (event) ->
event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault()
@image_picker_view.editor = @editor
insert_image: (path) ->
text = "{{ '#{path}' | theme_image_url }}"
source_mode: ->
if @model.get('plain_text_type') == 'javascript' then 'javascript' else 'css'
enable_source_editing: ->
input = @$('#theme_asset_plain_text')
return if input.size() == 0
@editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea input.get()[0],
mode: @source_mode()
autoMatchParens: false
lineNumbers: false
passDelay: 50
tabMode: 'shift'
theme: 'default'
onChange: (editor) => @model.set(plain_text: editor.getValue())
bind_source_mode: ->
@$('#theme_asset_plain_text_type').bind 'change', (event) =>
@editor.setOption 'mode', @source_mode()
after_inputs_fold: ->
@editor.refresh() if @editor?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.EditView extends Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.FormView
save: (event) ->
@save_in_ajax event, on_success: (response, xhr) =>
help = @$('.inner >')
help.find('a').html(response.url).attr('href', response.url)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ class Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.ImagePickerView extends Locomotive.Views.Shar
events: events:
'click ul.list a': 'select_asset' 'click ul.list a': 'select_asset'
initialize: ->
@collection ||= new Locomotive.Models.ThemeAssetsCollection()
template: -> template: ->
ich.theme_image_picker ich.theme_image_picker

View File

@ -4,45 +4,82 @@ class Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.IndexView extends Backbone.View
el: '#content' el: '#content'
# events: _lists_views: []
# 'click .box a.remove': 'remove_asset'
# initialize: -> initialize: ->
_.bindAll(@, 'add_asset')
render: -> render: ->
@render_snippets() @render_snippets()
return @ return @
render_snippets: -> build_uploader: ->
@snippets_view = new Locomotive.Views.Snippets.ListView collection: @options.snippets el = @$('.quick-upload input[type=file]')
link = @$('.quick-upload') el,
url: link.attr('href')
data_name: el.attr('name')
file_ext: '*.jpg;*.png;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.flv;*.swf;*.ttf;*.js;*.css;*.mp3'
height: link.outerHeight()
width: link.outerWidth()
success: (model) => @add_asset(model)
error: (msg) =>
$.growl('alert', msg)
@$('#snippets-anchor').replaceWith(@snippets_view.render().el) add_asset: (model) ->
list_view = @pick_list_view(model.content_type)
render_snippets: ->
@render_list 'snippets', @options.snippets, Locomotive.Views.Snippets.ListView
render_images: ->
@render_list 'images', @options.images
render_js_and_css: ->
@render_list 'js-and-css', @options.js_and_css_assets, Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.ListView, ich.js_and_css_list
render_fonts: ->
@render_list 'fonts', @options.fonts, Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.ListView, ich.fonts_list
render_media: ->
@render_list 'media',, Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.ListView, ich.media_list
render_list: (type, collection, view_klass, template) ->
return if @$("##{type}-anchor").size() == 0
view_klass ||= Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.ListView
view = new view_klass(collection: collection, type: type)
if template?
view.template = -> template
(@_lists_views ||= []).push(view)
pick_list_view: (content_type) ->
type = switch content_type
when 'image' then 'images'
when 'javascript', 'stylesheet' then 'js-and-css'
when 'media' then 'media'
when 'font' then 'fonts'
_.find @_lists_views, (view) => view.options.type == type
remove: -> remove: ->
@snippets_view.remove() _.each @_lists_views, (view) => view.remove()
super super
# remove_asset: (event) ->
# event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault()
# link = $(
# if confirm(link.attr('data-confirm'))
# $.rails.ajax
# url: link.attr('href')
# type: 'post'
# dataType: 'json'
# data:
# _method: 'delete'
# success: (data, status, xhr) => @on_successful_delete(link, xhr)
# error: @on_failed_delete
# on_successful_delete: (link, xhr) ->
# link.parents('')
# $.growl('success', xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Message'))
# on_failed_delete: (data, status, xhr) ->
# $.growl('error', xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Message'))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#= require ../shared/list_item_view
Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.ListItemView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.ListItemView
template: ->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#= require ../shared/list_view
Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.ListView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.ListView
className: 'box'
initialize: ->
@collection = new Locomotive.Models.ThemeAssetsCollection(@options.collection)
template: ->
item_view_class: ->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.NewView extends Locomotive.Views.ThemeAssets.FormView
save: (event) ->
@save_in_ajax event,
on_success: (response, xhr) ->
window.location.href = xhr.getResponseHeader('location')

View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ {
text-align: center; text-align: center;
color: #9d8963; color: #9d8963;
font-size: 16px !important; font-size: 16px !important;
@include single-text-shadow(rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 1px, 1px, 1px);
a { a {
@include hover-link; @include hover-link;
@ -74,86 +75,86 @@ {
} }
} }
// ul.list { ul.list {
// background: #fff; background: #fff;
// list-style: none; list-style: none;
// margin: 0px 0 20px 0; margin: 0px 0 20px 0;
// li.item { li.item {
// position: relative; position: relative;
// height: 31px; height: 31px;
// line-height: 31px; line-height: 31px;
// background: #ebedf4; background: #ebedf4;
// @include border-radius(16px); @include border-radius(16px);
// @include box-shadow(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 1px 0px 0px); @include box-shadow(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 1px 0px 0px);
// margin-bottom: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;
// clear: both; clear: both;
// a { a {
// margin-left: 18px; margin-left: 18px;
// @include hover-link; @include hover-link;
// font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
// font-size: 14px; font-size: 14px;
// color: #1F82BC; color: #1F82BC;
// outline: none; outline: none;
// } }
// em { // em {
// display: block; // display: block;
// float: left; // float: left;
// height: 31px; // height: 31px;
// width: 18px; // width: 18px;
// } // }
// strong { // strong {
// display: block; // display: block;
// height: 31px; // height: 31px;
// margin-left: 18px; // margin-left: 18px;
// //
// a { // a {
// position: relative; // position: relative;
// top: 2px; // top: 2px;
// left: 15px; // left: 15px;
// //
// text-decoration: none; // text-decoration: none;
// color: #1f82bc; // color: #1f82bc;
// font-size: 13px; // font-size: 13px;
// @include single-text-shadow(#fff, 1px, 1px, 1px); // @include single-text-shadow(#fff, 1px, 1px, 1px);
// //
// &:hover { // &:hover {
// text-decoration: underline; // text-decoration: underline;
// } // }
// } // }
// } // }
// &.sortable li strong a { left: 10px; } // &.sortable li strong a { left: 10px; }
// div.more { div.more {
// position: absolute; position: absolute;
// top: 0px; top: 0px;
// right: 15px; right: 15px;
// font-size: 11px; font-size: 11px;
// color: #8b8d9a; color: #8b8d9a;
// a { a {
// position: relative; position: relative;
// top: 4px; top: 4px;
// margin-left: 10px; margin-left: 10px;
// } }
// span.handle { // span.handle {
// position: relative; // position: relative;
// top: 5px; // top: 5px;
// margin: 0 0 0 15px; // margin: 0 0 0 15px;
// cursor: move; // cursor: move;
// } // }
// } // li div.more } // li div.more
// } // ul.list li } // ul.list li
// } }
// ul.theme-assets { // ul.theme-assets {
// margin-left: 40px; // margin-left: 40px;

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
.nav { .nav {
@include box-header; @include box-header;
padding-left: 0px;
a { a {
float: left; float: left;
display: block; display: block;

View File

@ -431,5 +431,31 @@ form.formtastic {
} //ol } //ol
} // fieldset } // fieldset
// theme assets
.selector {
position: relative;
a.alt {
position: absolute;
display: inline-block;
line-height: 32px;
top: 0px;
right: 20px;
padding-left: 20px;
background: transparent image-url("locomotive/icons/asset_switch.png") no-repeat left center;
color: #787a89;
font-size: 11px;
@include single-text-shadow(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6), 1px, 1px, 1px);
text-decoration: none;
&:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
} }

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Locomotive
def destroy def destroy
@snippet = current_site.snippets.find(params[:id]) @snippet = current_site.snippets.find(params[:id])
# @snippet.destroy @snippet.destroy
respond_with @snippet, :location => theme_assets_url respond_with @snippet, :location => theme_assets_url
end end

View File

@ -20,31 +20,31 @@ module Locomotive
end end
def new def new
@asset =[:id]) @theme_asset =[:id])
respond_with @asset respond_with @theme_asset
end end
def create def create
@asset = current_site.theme_assets.create(params[:theme_asset]) @theme_asset = current_site.theme_assets.create(params[:theme_asset])
respond_with @asset, :location => edit_theme_asset_url(@asset._id) respond_with @theme_asset, :location => edit_theme_asset_url(@theme_asset._id)
end end
def edit def edit
@asset = current_site.theme_assets.find(params[:id]) @theme_asset = current_site.theme_assets.find(params[:id])
resource.performing_plain_text = true if resource.stylesheet_or_javascript? @theme_asset.performing_plain_text = true if @theme_asset.stylesheet_or_javascript?
respond_with @asset respond_with @theme_asset
end end
def update def update
@asset = current_site.theme_assets.find(params[:id]) @theme_asset = current_site.theme_assets.find(params[:id])
@asset.update_attributes(params[:theme_asset]) @theme_asset.update_attributes(params[:theme_asset])
respond_with @asset, :location => edit_theme_asset_url(@asset._id) respond_with @theme_asset, :location => edit_theme_asset_url(@theme_asset._id)
end end
def destroy def destroy
@asset = current_site.theme_assets.find(params[:id]) @theme_asset = current_site.theme_assets.find(params[:id])
@asset.destroy @theme_asset.destroy
respond_with @asset respond_with @theme_asset
end end
end end

View File

@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ module Locomotive
## fields ## ## fields ##
field :local_path field :local_path
field :content_type field :content_type
field :width, :type => Integer field :width, :type => Integer
field :height, :type => Integer field :height, :type => Integer
field :size, :type => Integer field :size, :type => Integer
field :folder, :default => nil field :folder, :default => nil
mount_uploader :source, ThemeAssetUploader, :mount_on => :source_filename mount_uploader :source, ThemeAssetUploader, :mount_on => :source_filename
## associations ## ## associations ##
@ -23,12 +23,14 @@ module Locomotive
index [[:site_id, Mongo::ASCENDING], [:local_path, Mongo::ASCENDING]] index [[:site_id, Mongo::ASCENDING], [:local_path, Mongo::ASCENDING]]
## callbacks ## ## callbacks ##
before_validation :check_for_folder_changes
before_validation :store_plain_text before_validation :store_plain_text
before_validation :sanitize_folder before_validation :sanitize_folder
before_validation :build_local_path before_validation :build_local_path
## validations ## ## validations ##
validates_presence_of :site, :source validates_presence_of :site
validates_presence_of :source, :on => :create
validates_presence_of :plain_text_name, :if => { |a| a.performing_plain_text? } validates_presence_of :plain_text_name, :if => { |a| a.performing_plain_text? }
validates_uniqueness_of :local_path, :scope => :site_id validates_uniqueness_of :local_path, :scope => :site_id
validates_integrity_of :source validates_integrity_of :source
@ -37,7 +39,8 @@ module Locomotive
## named scopes ## ## named scopes ##
## accessors ## ## accessors ##
attr_accessor :plain_text_name, :plain_text, :plain_text_type, :performing_plain_text attr_accessor :plain_text_name, :plain_text, :plain_text_type, :performing_plain_text
attr_accessible :folder, :source, :plain_text_type, :performing_plain_text, :plain_text_name, :plain_text
## methods ## ## methods ##
@ -82,6 +85,8 @@ module Locomotive
end end
def store_plain_text def store_plain_text
return if self.persisted? && !self.stylesheet_or_javascript?
self.content_type ||= @plain_text_type if self.performing_plain_text? self.content_type ||= @plain_text_type if self.performing_plain_text?
data = self.performing_plain_text? ? self.plain_text : data = self.performing_plain_text? ? self.plain_text :
@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ module Locomotive
sanitized_source = self.escape_shortcut_urls(data) sanitized_source = self.escape_shortcut_urls(data)
self.source ={ self.source ={
:tempfile =>, :tempfile =>,
:filename => "#{self.plain_text_name}.#{self.stylesheet? ? 'css' : 'js'}" :filename => "#{self.plain_text_name}.#{self.stylesheet? ? 'css' : 'js'}"
}) })
@ -122,7 +127,7 @@ module Locomotive
self.folder = ActiveSupport::Inflector.transliterate(self.folder).gsub(/(\s)+/, '_').gsub(/^\//, '').gsub(/\/$/, '') self.folder = ActiveSupport::Inflector.transliterate(self.folder).gsub(/(\s)+/, '_').gsub(/^\//, '').gsub(/\/$/, '')
# folder should begin by a root folder # folder should begin by a root folder
if (self.folder =~ /^(stylesheets|javascripts|images|medias|fonts)/).nil? if (self.folder =~ /^(stylesheets|javascripts|images|media|fonts)/).nil?
self.folder = File.join(self.content_type.to_s.pluralize, self.folder) self.folder = File.join(self.content_type.to_s.pluralize, self.folder)
end end
end end
@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ module Locomotive
def escape_shortcut_urls(text) def escape_shortcut_urls(text)
return if text.blank? return if text.blank?
text.gsub(/[("'](\/(stylesheets|javascripts|images|medias)\/(([^;.]+)\/)*([a-z_\-0-9]+)\.[a-z]{2,3})[)"']/) do |path| text.gsub(/[("'](\/(stylesheets|javascripts|images|media)\/(([^;.]+)\/)*([a-z_\-0-9]+)\.[a-z]{2,3})[)"']/) do |path|
sanitized_path = path.gsub(/[("')]/, '').gsub(/^\//, '') sanitized_path = path.gsub(/[("')]/, '').gsub(/^\//, '')
@ -150,8 +155,21 @@ module Locomotive
end end
end end
def check_for_folder_changes
if self.persisted? && self.folder_changed? && !self.source_filename_changed?
# a simple way to rename a file
old_asset = self.class.find(self._id)
file = old_asset.source.file
file.content_type = File.mime_type?(file.path) if file.content_type.nil?
self.source = file
self.changed_attributes['source_filename'] = nil # delete the old file
def content_type_can_not_changed def content_type_can_not_changed
self.errors.add(:source, :extname_changed) if !self.new_record? && self.content_type_changed? self.errors.add(:source, :extname_changed) if self.persisted? && self.content_type_changed?
end end
end end

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Locomotive module Locomotive
class ThemeAssetPresenter < BasePresenter class ThemeAssetPresenter < BasePresenter
delegate :content_type, :to => :source
def local_path def local_path
self.source.local_path(true) self.source.local_path(true)
end end
@ -13,12 +15,16 @@ module Locomotive
number_to_human_size(self.source.size) number_to_human_size(self.source.size)
end end
def dimensions
self.source.image? ? "#{self.source.width}px x #{self.source.height}px" : nil
def updated_at def updated_at
I18n.l(self.source.updated_at, :format => :short) I18n.l(self.source.updated_at, :format => :short)
end end
def included_methods def included_methods
super + %w(local_path url size updated_at) super + %w(content_type local_path url size dimensions updated_at)
end end
end end

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ module Locomotive
end end
def, path) def, path)
asset = => site, :folder => File.dirname(path)) asset = => site, :folder => File.dirname(path))
uploader = uploader =
uploader.retrieve_from_store!(File.basename(path)) uploader.retrieve_from_store!(File.basename(path))
uploader uploader
end end

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%script{ :type => 'text/html', :id => 'snippet_item' } %script{ :type => 'text/html', :id => 'snippet_item' }
%strong= link_to "{{name}}", edit_snippet_path('{{id}}') %strong= link_to "{{name}}", edit_snippet_path('snippet_id').gsub(/\/snippet_id\//, '/{{id}}/')
.more .more
%span!= t('.updated_at') %span!= t('.updated_at')
{{updated_at}} {{updated_at}}

View File

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
- edit = local_assigns.key?(:edit) ? edit : true %script{ :type => 'text/html', :id => 'editable_theme_asset_item' }
%li{ :class => (asset.new_record? ? 'new-asset' : 'asset') } %strong= link_to "{{local_path}}", edit_theme_asset_path('asset_id').gsub(/\/asset_id\//, '/{{id}}/')
%strong= link_to asset.local_path(!edit), edit ? edit_theme_asset_path(asset) : asset.source.url, :'data-local-path' => asset.local_path
.more .more
%span.size= number_to_human_size(asset.size) %span.size {{size}}
%span!= t('.updated_at') %span!= t('.updated_at') l asset.updated_at, :format => :short {{updated_at}}
- if edit && can?(:destroy, asset) = link_to 'x', '#', :class => 'remove', :confirm => t('locomotive.messages.confirm')
= link_to 'x', theme_asset_path(asset), :class => 'remove', :confirm => t('locomotive.messages.confirm'), :method => :delete

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
- content_for :head do - content_for :head do
/ = include_javascripts :image_picker, :theme_assets = render '/locomotive/theme_assets/picker'
/ = include_stylesheets :fancybox
- content_for :backbone_view_data do
{ theme_asset: #{@theme_asset.persisted? ? @theme_asset.to_json : 'null'} }
= f.hidden_field :performing_plain_text = f.hidden_field :performing_plain_text
@ -9,8 +12,7 @@
= f.input :source = f.input :source
- if allow_plain_text_editing?(@theme_asset) - if allow_plain_text_editing?(@theme_asset)
%span.alt = link_to t('locomotive.theme_assets.form.choose_plain_text'), '#', :class => 'alt'
!= t('locomotive.theme_assets.form.choose_plain_text')
- if allow_plain_text_editing?(@theme_asset) - if allow_plain_text_editing?(@theme_asset)
#text-selector{ :class => "selector #{'hidden' unless display_plain_text?(@theme_asset)}", :style => "#{'display: none' unless display_plain_text?(@theme_asset)}" } #text-selector{ :class => "selector #{'hidden' unless display_plain_text?(@theme_asset)}", :style => "#{'display: none' unless display_plain_text?(@theme_asset)}" }
@ -19,12 +21,11 @@
- if @theme_asset.new_record? - if @theme_asset.new_record?
= f.input :plain_text_name = f.input :plain_text_name
= f.input :plain_text_type, :as => 'select', :collection => %w(stylesheet javascript) = f.input :plain_text_type, :as => 'select', :collection => %w(stylesheet javascript), :include_blank => false
= f.input :plain_text, :as => :'Locomotive::Code', :type => plain_text_type(@theme_asset) = f.input :plain_text, :as => :'Locomotive::Code', :type => plain_text_type(@theme_asset)
%span.alt = link_to t('locomotive.theme_assets.form.choose_file'), '#', :class => 'alt'
!= t('locomotive.theme_assets.form.choose_file')
= f.inputs :name => :options, :class => "inputs foldable #{'folded' if inputs_folded?(@asset)}" do = f.inputs :name => :options, :class => "inputs foldable #{'folded' if inputs_folded?(@theme_asset)}" do
= f.input :folder = f.input :folder

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
= file_field_tag 'theme_asset[source]' = file_field_tag 'theme_asset[source]'
= link_to t('locomotive.theme_assets.image_picker.upload'), theme_assets_url(:json), :class => 'new', :id => 'upload-link' = link_to t('locomotive.theme_assets.image_picker.upload'), theme_assets_url(:json), :class => 'new', :id => 'upload-link'
%script{ :type => 'text/html', :id => 'theme_asset' } %script{ :type => 'text/html', :id => 'theme_asset' }
%li.item %li.item
@ -22,5 +21,3 @@
&mdash; &mdash;
%span!= t('.updated_at') %span!= t('.updated_at') {{updated_at}} {{updated_at}}

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- content_for :buttons do - content_for :buttons do
= local_action_button t(''), new_theme_asset_url, :class => 'new' = local_action_button t(''), new_theme_asset_url, :class => 'new'
- if %w(image javascript stylesheet).include?(@theme_asset.content_type.to_s) - if %w(image javascript stylesheet).include?(@theme_asset.content_type.to_s)
!= t(".help_#{@theme_asset.content_type}", :path => @theme_asset.local_path(true), :width => @theme_asset.width, :height => @theme_asset.height) != t(".help_#{@theme_asset.content_type}", :path => @theme_asset.local_path(true), :width => @theme_asset.width, :height => @theme_asset.height)

View File

@ -1,13 +1,37 @@
- title t('.title') - title t('.title')
- content_for :head do
= render 'asset'
= render 'list', :name => 'images', :title => t('.images'), :empty_message => t('.no_items', :url => new_theme_asset_url)
= render 'list', :name => 'media', :title => t('.media'), :empty_message => t('.no_items', :url => new_theme_asset_url)
- if can?(:manage, Locomotive::Snippet)
= render '/locomotive/snippets/snippet'
= render 'list', :name => 'snippets', :title => t('.snippets'), :empty_message => t('locomotive.snippets.index.no_items', :url => new_snippet_url)
- if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset)
= render 'list', :name => 'js_and_css', :title => t('.css_and_js'), :empty_message => t('.no_items', :url => new_theme_asset_url)
= render 'list', :name => 'fonts', :title => t('.fonts'), :empty_message => t('.no_items', :url => new_theme_asset_url)
- content_for :backbone_view_data do - content_for :backbone_view_data do
:plain :plain
{ snippets: #{@snippets.to_json} } {
snippets: #{can?(:manage, Locomotive::Snippet) ? @snippets.to_json : 'null'},
images: #{@assets[:images].to_json},
media: #{@assets[:media].to_json},
js_and_css_assets: #{can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset) ? @js_and_css_assets.to_json : 'null'},
fonts: #{can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset) ? @assets[:fonts].to_json : 'null'}
- content_for :submenu do - content_for :submenu do
= render_cell 'locomotive/settings_menu', :show = render_cell 'locomotive/settings_menu', :show
- content_for :buttons do - content_for :buttons do
- if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset)
= file_field_tag 'theme_asset[source]'
= local_action_button :quick_upload, theme_assets_url(:json), :class => 'new'
= local_action_button t(''), new_snippet_url, :class => 'new' if can?(:manage, Locomotive::Snippet) = local_action_button t(''), new_snippet_url, :class => 'new' if can?(:manage, Locomotive::Snippet)
= local_action_button :new, new_theme_asset_url, :class => 'new' if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset) = local_action_button :new, new_theme_asset_url, :class => 'new' if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset)
@ -16,49 +40,12 @@
- if can?(:manage, Locomotive::Snippet) - if can?(:manage, Locomotive::Snippet)
#snippets-anchor #snippets-anchor
- content_for :head do - if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset)
= render '/locomotive/snippets/snippet' #js-and-css-anchor
= render 'list', :name => 'snippets', :title => t('.snippets'), :empty_message => t('locomotive.snippets.index.no_items', :url => new_snippet_url)
/ .box #images-anchor
/ %h3!= t('.snippets')
/ .inner
/ - if @snippets.empty?
/!= t('locomotive.snippets.index.no_items', :url => new_snippet_url)
/ - else
/ %ul.snippets
/ = render @snippets
- if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset) - if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset)
.box #fonts-anchor
%h3!= t('.css_and_js')
- if @js_and_css_assets.empty?!= t('.no_items', :url => new_theme_asset_url)
- else
= render :partial => 'asset', :collection => @js_and_css_assets
.box #media-anchor
%h3!= t('.images')
- if @assets[:images].nil?!= t('.no_items', :url => new_theme_asset_url)
- else
= render :partial => 'asset', :collection => @assets[:images]
- if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ThemeAsset)
- if @assets[:fonts]
%h3!= t('.fonts')
= render :partial => 'asset', :collection => @assets[:fonts]
- if @assets[:medias]
%h3!= t('.medias')
= render :partial => 'asset', :collection => @assets[:medias]

View File

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ de:
css_and_js: Style und Javascript css_and_js: Style und Javascript
fonts: Fonts fonts: Fonts
images: Bilder images: Bilder
medias: Medien media: Medien
no_items: "Momentan gibt es keine Dateien. Klicke einfach <a href='%{url}'>hier</a>, um die erste Datei zu erstellen." no_items: "Momentan gibt es keine Dateien. Klicke einfach <a href='%{url}'>hier</a>, um die erste Datei zu erstellen."
asset: asset:
updated_at: Aktualisiert am updated_at: Aktualisiert am

View File

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ en:
css_and_js: Style and javascript css_and_js: Style and javascript
fonts: Fonts fonts: Fonts
images: Images images: Images
medias: Medias media: Media
no_items: "There are no files for now." no_items: "There are no files for now."
asset: asset:
updated_at: Updated at updated_at: Updated at

View File

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ es:
css_and_js: Estilo y Javascript css_and_js: Estilo y Javascript
fonts: Fuentes fonts: Fuentes
images: Imágenes images: Imágenes
medias: Media media: Media
no_items: "Por ahora no hay ficheros." no_items: "Por ahora no hay ficheros."
asset: asset:
updated_at: Última actualización updated_at: Última actualización

View File

@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ fr:
snippets: Snippets snippets: Snippets
css_and_js: Style et javascript css_and_js: Style et javascript
images: Images images: Images
medias: Médias media: Média
fonts: Polices fonts: Polices
no_items: "Il n'existe pas de fichiers." no_items: "Il n'existe pas de fichiers."
asset: asset:

View File

@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ it:
css_and_js: Style e javascript css_and_js: Style e javascript
fonts: Fonts fonts: Fonts
images: Immagini images: Immagini
medias: Media media: Media
no_items: "Per ora non ci sono file. Clicca <a href=\"%{url}\">qui</a> per creare il primo." no_items: "Per ora non ci sono file. Clicca <a href=\"%{url}\">qui</a> per creare il primo."
asset: asset:
updated_at: Modificato il updated_at: Modificato il

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ nl:
css_and_js: Stijlen en javascripts css_and_js: Stijlen en javascripts
fonts: Lettertypes fonts: Lettertypes
images: Afbeeldingen images: Afbeeldingen
medias: Media media: Media
no_items: "Er zijn momenteel geen bestanden. Klik <a href=\"%{url}\">hier</a> om de eerste aan te maken." no_items: "Er zijn momenteel geen bestanden. Klik <a href=\"%{url}\">hier</a> om de eerste aan te maken."
asset: asset:
updated_at: Gewijzigd op updated_at: Gewijzigd op

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
css_and_js: Stilark og javascript css_and_js: Stilark og javascript
fonts: Fonter fonts: Fonter
images: Bilder images: Bilder
medias: Media media: Media
no_items: "Det er ingen filer her ennå." no_items: "Det er ingen filer her ennå."
asset: asset:
updated_at: Sist oppdatert updated_at: Sist oppdatert

View File

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ pt-BR:
css_and_js: CSS e Javascript css_and_js: CSS e Javascript
fonts: Fontes fonts: Fontes
images: Imagens images: Imagens
medias: Mídia media: Mídia
no_items: "Ainda não existem arquivos. Clique <a href=\"%{url}\">aqui</a> para criar o primeiro." no_items: "Ainda não existem arquivos. Clique <a href=\"%{url}\">aqui</a> para criar o primeiro."
asset: asset:
updated_at: Atualizado em updated_at: Atualizado em

View File

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ ru:
css_and_js: Стили и javascript css_and_js: Стили и javascript
fonts: Шрифты fonts: Шрифты
images: Изображения images: Изображения
medias: Медиа media: Медиа
no_items: "Пока нет ни одного файла." no_items: "Пока нет ни одного файла."
asset: asset:
updated_at: Обновлено updated_at: Обновлено

View File

@ -25,12 +25,13 @@ x edit my site
x create a new site x create a new site
x create a new accounts x create a new accounts
- theme assets - theme assets
xpolish the page x polish the page
x snippets x snippets
- delete in ajax x delete in ajax
- upload many files at once - upload many files at once
- site picker - site picker
- import/export - import/export
- QU
- content types - content types
- install a site by default at the first installation (without asking) - install a site by default at the first installation (without asking)

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Locomotive
def content_types def content_types
{ {
:image => ['image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/jpg', 'image/x-icon'], :image => ['image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/jpg', 'image/x-icon'],
:media => [/^video/, 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'application/x-swf', /^audio/, 'application/ogg', 'application/x-mp3'], :media => [/^video/, 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'application/x-flash-video', 'application/x-swf', /^audio/, 'application/ogg', 'application/x-mp3'],
:pdf => ['application/pdf', 'application/x-pdf'], :pdf => ['application/pdf', 'application/x-pdf'],
:stylesheet => ['text/css'], :stylesheet => ['text/css'],
:javascript => ['text/javascript', 'text/js', 'application/x-javascript', 'application/javascript', 'text/x-component'], :javascript => ['text/javascript', 'text/js', 'application/x-javascript', 'application/javascript', 'text/x-component'],