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Raw Normal View History

class Locomotive.Models.ContentEntry extends Backbone.Model
paramRoot: 'content_entry'
urlRoot: "#{Locomotive.mounted_on}/content_types/:slug/entries"
initialize: ->
@urlRoot = @urlRoot.replace(':slug', @get('content_type_slug'))
_.each @get('has_many_custom_fields'), (field) =>
name = field[0]
collection = new Locomotive.Models.ContentEntriesCollection(@get(name))
@set_attribute name, collection
_.each @get('many_to_many_custom_fields'), (field) =>
name = field[0]
collection = new Locomotive.Models.ContentEntriesCollection(@get(name))
collection.comparator = (entry) -> entry.get('__position') || 0
@set_attribute name, collection
set_attribute: (attribute, value) ->
data = {}
data[attribute] = value
@set data
update_attributes: (attributes) ->
_.each attributes.file_custom_fields, (field) => # special treatment for files
attribute = "#{field}_url"
@set_attribute attribute, attributes[attribute]
@set_attribute "remove_#{field}", false
toMinJSON: ->
_.tap {}, (hash) =>
_.each @attributes, (val, key) =>
if key == 'id' || key == '_destroy' || key.indexOf('position_in_') == 0
hash[key] = val
toJSON: ->
_.tap super, (hash) =>
hash['_slug'] = '' if hash['_slug'] == null # avoid empty hash
_.each _.keys(hash), (key) =>
unless _.include(@get('safe_attributes'), key)
delete hash[key]
_.each @get('has_many_custom_fields'), (field) => # include the has_many relationships
name = field[0]
hash["#{name}_attributes"] = @get(name).toMinJSON()
_.each @get('many_to_many_custom_fields'), (field) => # include the many_to_many relationships
name = field[0]; setter_name = field[1]
hash[setter_name] = @get(name).sort().map (entry) => entry.id
class Locomotive.Models.ContentEntriesCollection extends Backbone.Collection
model: Locomotive.Models.ContentEntry
url: "#{Locomotive.mounted_on}/content_types/:slug/entries"
toMinJSON: ->
@map (entry) => entry.toMinJSON()