2011-11-19 16:33:16 +00:00
Locomotive.Views.Shared ||= {}
class Locomotive.Views.Shared.AssetPickerView extends Backbone.View
tag: 'div'
initialize: ->
_.bindAll(@, 'add_assets', 'add_asset', 'remove_asset')
@collection.bind('reset', @add_assets)
@collection.bind('add', @add_asset)
@collection.bind('remove', @remove_asset)
render: ->
return @
template: ->
# please overide template
fetch_assets: ->
# please overide fetch_assets
build_uploader: (el, link) ->
# please overide build_uploader
create_dialog: ->
@dialog = $(@el).dialog
modal: true
width: 650,
create: =>
$('.ui-widget-overlay').bind 'click', => @close()
2011-11-19 23:54:33 +00:00
2011-11-19 16:33:16 +00:00
actions = @$('.dialog-actions').appendTo($(@el).parent()).addClass('ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix')
actions.find('#close-link').click (event) => @close(event)
open: =>
actions = $(@el).parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane')
el = actions.find('input[type=file]')
link = actions.find('#upload-link')
@build_uploader(el, link)
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2011-11-19 16:33:16 +00:00
=> link.addClass('hover'),
=> link.removeClass('hover')
open: ->
close: (event) ->
event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault() if event?
shake: ->
$(@el).parents('.ui-dialog').effect('shake', { times: 4 }, 100)
center: ->
$(@el).dialog('option', 'position', 'center')
add_assets: (collection) ->
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collection.each (asset) =>
@add_asset(asset, true)
2011-11-19 16:33:16 +00:00
setTimeout (=> @create_dialog()), 30 # disable flickering
2011-11-20 00:27:23 +00:00
add_asset: (asset, first) ->
# please overide add_asset (the 'first' param is to know if it comes from the first collection fetch)
2011-11-19 16:33:16 +00:00
remove_asset: (asset) ->
# please overide remove_asset
_move_to_last_asset: ->
limit = @$('ul.list li.clear').position()
@$('ul.list').animate(scrollTop: limit.top, 100) if limit?
_refresh: ->
if @collection.length == 0
@$('ul.list').hide() & @$('p.no-items').show()
@$('p.no-items').hide() & @$('ul.list').show()
@center() if @dialog?
_on_refresh: ->
_reset: ->
$('.ui-widget-overlay').unbind 'click'
@$('.actions input[type=file]').remove()
@dialog.dialog('destroy') if @dialog?