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Feature: Create and manage has many relationships
In order to work with two associated models together
As an administrator
I want to set up and manage a has many relationship
Given I have the site: "test site" set up
And I have a custom model named "Clients" with
| label | type | required | target |
| Name | string | true | |
| Description | string | false | |
And I have a custom model named "Projects" with
| label | type | required | target |
| Name | string | true | |
| Description | text | false | |
| Client | belongs_to | false | Clients |
And I set up a has_many relationship between "Clients" and "Projects"
And I have entries for "Clients" with
| name | description |
| Alpha, Inc | Description for Alpha, Inc |
| Beta, Inc | Description for Beta, Inc |
| Gamma, Inc | Description for Gamma, Inc |
And I have entries for "Projects" with
| name | description |
| Fun project | Description for the fun one |
| Boring project | Description for the boring one |
And I am an authenticated user
Scenario: I view a client without any projects
When I go to the list of "Clients"
And I follow "Alpha, Inc"
Then I should see "The list is empty" within the list of entries
Scenario: I add a project to a client
When I go to the list of "Projects"
And I follow "Fun project"
And I select "Alpha, Inc" from "Client"
And I press "Save"
Then I should see "Entry was successfully updated."
When I go to the list of "Clients"
And I follow "Alpha, Inc"
Then I should see "Fun project" within the list of entries
Scenario: I add a project to a client from the client page
When I go to the list of "Clients"
And I follow "Beta, Inc"
And I follow "+ Add a new entry"
Then I should see "Projects new entry"
When I press "Create" within the dialog popup
Then I should see "Entry was not created."
When I fill in "Name" with "Project X" within the dialog popup
And I fill in "Description" with "Lorem ipsum" within the dialog popup
And I sync my form with my backbone model because of Firefox
And I press "Create" within the dialog popup
Then I should see "Entry was successfully created."
And I should see "Project X" within the list of entries
And "p.empty" should not be visible within the list of entries