314 lines
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314 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2010 unscriptable.com
/*jslint browser:true, on:true, sub:true */
(function (doc) {
* RequireJS css! plugin
* This plugin will load and wait for css files. This could be handy when
* loading css files as part of a layer or as a way to apply a run-time theme.
* Most browsers do not support the load event handler of the link element.
* Therefore, we have to use other means to detect when a css file loads.
* (The HTML5 spec states that the LINK element should have a load event, but
* not even Chrome 8 or FF4b7 have it, yet.
* http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/semantics.html#the-link-element)
* This plugin tries to use the load event and a universal work-around when
* it is invoked the first time. If the load event works, it is used on
* every successive load. Therefore, browsers that support the load event will
* just work (i.e. no need for hacks!). FYI, Feature-detecting the load
* event is tricky since most browsers have a non-functional onload property.
* The universal work-around watches a stylesheet until its rules are
* available (not null or undefined). There are nuances, of course, between
* the various browsers. The isLinkReady function accounts for these.
* Note: it appears that all browsers load @import'ed stylesheets before
* fully processing the rest of the importing stylesheet. Therefore, we
* don't need to find and wait for any @import rules explicitly.
* Note #2: for Opera compatibility, stylesheets must have at least one rule.
* AFAIK, there's no way to tell the difference between an empty sheet and
* one that isn't finished loading in Opera (XD or same-domain).
* Options:
* !nowait - does not wait for the stylesheet to be parsed, just loads it
* Global configuration options:
* cssDeferLoad: Boolean. You can also instruct this plugin to not wait
* for css resources. They'll get loaded asap, but other code won't wait
* for them. This is just like using the !nowait option on every css file.
* cssWatchPeriod: if direct load-detection techniques fail, this option
* determines the msec to wait between brute-force checks for rules. The
* default is 50 msec.
* You may specify an alternate file extension:
* require('css!myproj/component.less') // --> myproj/component.less
* require('css!myproj/component.scss') // --> myproj/component.scss
* When using alternative file extensions, be sure to serve the files from
* the server with the correct mime type (text/css) or some browsers won't
* parse them, causing an error in the plugin.
* usage:
* require(['css!myproj/comp']); // load and wait for myproj/comp.css
* define(['css!some/folder/file'], {}); // wait for some/folder/file.css
* require(['css!myWidget!nowait']);
* Tested in:
* Firefox 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, and 4.0b6
* Safari 3.0.4, 3.2.1, 5.0
* Chrome 7 (8+ is partly b0rked)
* Opera 9.52, 10.63, and Opera 11.00
* IE 6, 7, and 8
* Netscape 7.2 (WTF? SRSLY!)
* Does not work in Safari 2.x :(
* In Chrome 8+, there's no way to wait for cross-domain (XD) stylesheets.
* See comments in the code below.
* TODO: figure out how to be forward-compatible when browsers support HTML5's
* load handler without breaking IE and Opera
// compressibility shortcuts
onreadystatechange = 'onreadystatechange',
onload = 'onload',
createElement = 'createElement',
// failed is true if RequireJS threw an exception
failed = false,
insertedSheets = {},
features = {
// true if the onload event handler works
// "event-link-onload" : false
// find the head element and set it to it's standard property if nec.
head = doc.head || (doc.head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]);
function has (feature) {
return features[feature];
// failure detection
// we need to watch for onError when using RequireJS so we can shut off
// our setTimeouts when it encounters an error.
if (require['onError']) {
require['onError'] = (function (orig) {
return function () {
failed = true;
orig.apply(this, arguments);
/***** load-detection functions *****/
function loadHandler (params, cb) {
// We're using 'readystatechange' because IE and Opera happily support both
var link = params.link;
link[onreadystatechange] = link[onload] = function () {
if (!link.readyState || link.readyState == 'complete') {
features["event-link-onload"] = true;
function nameWithExt (name, defaultExt) {
return name.lastIndexOf('.') <= name.lastIndexOf('/') ?
name + '.' + defaultExt : name;
function parseSuffixes (name) {
// creates a dual-structure: both an array and a hashmap
// suffixes[0] is the actual name
var parts = name.split('!'),
suf, i = 1, pair;
while ((suf = parts[i++])) { // double-parens to avoid jslint griping
pair = suf.split('=', 2);
parts[pair[0]] = pair.length == 2 ? pair[1] : true;
return parts;
function createLink (doc, optHref) {
var link = doc[createElement]('link');
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.type = "text/css";
if (optHref) {
link.href = optHref;
return link;
// Chrome 8 hax0rs!
// This is an ugly hack needed by Chrome 8+ which no longer waits for rules
// to be applied to the document before exposing them to javascript.
// Unfortunately, this routine will never fire for XD stylsheets since
// Chrome will also throw an exception if attempting to access the rules
// of an XD stylesheet. Therefore, there's no way to detect the load
// event of XD stylesheets until Google fixes this, preferably with a
// functional load event! As a work-around, use ready() before rendering
// widgets / components that need the css to be ready.
var testEl;
function styleIsApplied () {
if (!testEl) {
testEl = doc[createElement]('div');
testEl.id = '_cssx_load_test';
testEl.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;top:-999px;left:-999px;';
return doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(testEl, null).marginTop == '-5px';
function isLinkReady (link) {
// This routine is a bit fragile: browser vendors seem oblivious to
// the need to know precisely when stylesheets load. Therefore, we need
// to continually test beta browsers until they all support the LINK load
// event like IE and Opera.
var sheet, rules, ready = false;
try {
// webkit's and IE's sheet is null until the sheet is loaded
sheet = link.sheet || link.styleSheet;
// mozilla's sheet throws an exception if trying to access xd rules
rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules;
// webkit's xd sheet returns rules == null
// opera's sheet always returns rules, but length is zero until loaded
// friggin IE doesn't count @import rules as rules, but IE should
// never hit this routine anyways.
ready = rules ?
rules.length > 0 : // || (sheet.imports && sheet.imports.length > 0) :
rules !== undef;
// thanks, Chrome 8, for this lovely hack
if (ready && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') >= 0) {
sheet.insertRule('#_cssx_load_test{margin-top:-5px;}', 0);
ready = styleIsApplied();
catch (ex) {
// 1000 means FF loaded an xd stylesheet
// other browsers just throw a security error here (IE uses the phrase 'Access is denied')
ready = (ex.code == 1000) || (ex.message.match(/security|denied/i));
return ready;
function ssWatcher (params, cb) {
// watches a stylesheet for loading signs.
if (isLinkReady(params.link)) {
else if (!failed) {
setTimeout(function () { ssWatcher(params, cb); }, params.wait);
function loadDetector (params, cb) {
// It would be nice to use onload everywhere, but the onload handler
// only works in IE and Opera.
// Detecting it cross-browser is completely impossible, too, since
var loaded;
function cbOnce () {
if (!loaded) {
loaded = true;
loadHandler(params, cbOnce);
if (!has("event-link-onload")) ssWatcher(params, cbOnce);
function cleanup (params) {
var link = params.link;
link[onreadystatechange] = link[onload] = null;
/***** finally! the actual plugin *****/
var plugin = {
//prefix: 'css',
'load': function (resourceDef, require, callback, config) {
var resources = resourceDef.split(","),
loadingCount = resources.length;
// all detector functions must ensure that this function only gets
// called once per stylesheet!
function loaded () {
// load/error handler may have executed before stylesheet is
// fully parsed / processed in Opera, so use setTimeout.
// Opera will process before the it next enters the event loop
// (so 0 msec is enough time).
if(--loadingCount == 0){
// TODO: move this setTimeout to loadHandler
setTimeout(function () { callback(link); }, 0);
// after will become truthy once the loop executes a second time
for (var i = resources.length - 1, after; i >= 0; i--, after = url) {
resourceDef = resources[i];
// TODO: this is a bit weird: find a better way to extract name?
opts = parseSuffixes(resourceDef),
name = opts.shift(),
url = require['toUrl'](nameWithExt(name, 'css')),
link = createLink(doc),
nowait = 'nowait' in opts ? opts['nowait'] != 'false' : !!config['cssDeferLoad'],
params = {
link: link,
url: url,
wait: config['cssWatchPeriod'] || 50
if (nowait) {
else {
// hook up load detector(s)
loadDetector(params, loaded);
// go!
link.href = url;
if (after) {
head.insertBefore(link, insertedSheets[after].previousSibling);
else {
insertedSheets[url] = link;
/* the following methods are public in case they're useful to other plugins */
'nameWithExt': nameWithExt,
'parseSuffixes': parseSuffixes,
'createLink': createLink