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# require 'spec_helper'
# module Resetter
# @@original_global_actions_cell_klass = Admin::GlobalActionsCell
# def self.original_global_actions_cell_klass
# @@original_global_actions_cell_klass
# end
# def self.reset_global_actions_cell_klass
# ::Admin.send(:remove_const, 'GlobalActionsCell')
# ::Admin.const_set('GlobalActionsCell', self.original_global_actions_cell_klass.clone)
# ::Admin::GlobalActionsCell.any_instance.stubs(:sections).returns({ :main => 'settings', :sub => 'site' })
# end
# end
# describe Admin::GlobalActionsCell do
# render_views
# let(:menu) { render_cell('admin/global_actions', :show) }
# describe 'show menu' do
# before(:each) do
# Resetter.reset_global_actions_cell_klass
# end
# it 'has 3 links' do
# menu.should have_selector('li', :count => 3)
# end
# it 'has a link to edit my account' do
# menu.should have_link('Site')
# end
# it 'has a link to edit the template files' do
# menu.should have_link('Theme files')
# end
# it 'has a link to edit my account' do
# menu.should have_link('My account')
# end
# end
# describe 'add a new menu item' do
# before(:each) do
# Resetter.reset_global_actions_cell_klass
# Admin::GlobalActionsCell.update_for(:testing_add) { |m| m.add(:my_link, :label => 'My link', :url => 'http://www.locomotivecms.com') }
# end
# it 'has 4 items' do
# menu.should have_selector('li', :count => 4)
# end
# it 'has a new link' do
# menu.should have_link('My link')
# end
# end
# describe 'remove a new menu item' do
# before(:each) do
# Resetter.reset_global_actions_cell_klass
# Admin::GlobalActionsCell.update_for(:testing_remove) { |m| m.remove(:theme_assets) }
# end
# it 'has 2 items' do
# menu.should have_selector('li', :count => 2)
# end
# it 'does not have the link to edit the template files' do
# menu.should_not have_link('Theme files')
# end
# end
# describe 'modify an existing menu item' do
# before(:each) do
# Resetter.reset_global_actions_cell_klass
# Admin::GlobalActionsCell.update_for(:testing_update) { |m| m.modify(:theme_assets, { :label => 'Modified !' }) }
# end
# it 'still has 3 items' do
# menu.should have_selector('li', :count => 3)
# end
# it 'has a modified menu item' do
# menu.should_not have_link('Theme files')
# menu.should have_link('Modified !')
# end
# end
# end