* stable: (36 commits) Tweak the changelog. [CSS3] The box-shadow $spread value now defaults to using the browser default instead of 0. update the lockfile some todos Move the contributing guide to the tutorials section. add on-page anchors to the command line reference page. Better docs on the grid image command. Move the tutorials to the main nav... I don't think most people see it. Don't set the display in the box-flex mixin. This makes nested flex boxes annoying. Closes GH-207 Add a note about the colorization change. Add a note about the compass validator Only colorize the action when logging results. Update to use the new compass validator during development. Fix broken test cases. Support true in addition to the inset keyword for the box-shadow mixin. Closes GH-206 IE8 compat for :last-child selector Make the compass configuration file more self documenting by adding comments for preferred_syntax, output_style, and line_comments. Pass --no-line-comments to disable line comments. A little less noise during installation. Change the default Sass directory in standalone projects from src to sass. Closes GH-203 ... Conflicts: TODO.md VERSION.yml doc-src/content/CHANGELOG.markdown features/command_line.feature features/step_definitions/command_line_steps.rb lib/compass/commands/write_configuration.rb
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Feature: Command Line
In order to manage my stylesheets
As a user on the command line
I want to create a new project
Scenario: Install a project without a framework
When I create a project using: compass create my_project
Then a directory my_project/ is created
And a configuration file my_project/config.rb is created
And a sass file my_project/src/screen.scss is created
And a sass file my_project/src/print.scss is created
And a sass file my_project/src/ie.scss is created
And a sass file my_project/src/screen.scss is compiled
And a sass file my_project/src/print.scss is compiled
And a sass file my_project/src/ie.scss is compiled
And a css file my_project/stylesheets/screen.css is created
And a css file my_project/stylesheets/print.css is created
And a css file my_project/stylesheets/ie.css is created
And I am told how to link to /stylesheets/screen.css for media "screen, projection"
And I am told how to link to /stylesheets/print.css for media "print"
And I am told how to conditionally link "IE" to /stylesheets/ie.css for media "screen, projection"
Scenario: Install a project with blueprint
When I create a project using: compass create bp_project --using blueprint
Then a directory bp_project/ is created
And a configuration file bp_project/config.rb is created
And a sass file bp_project/src/screen.scss is created
And a sass file bp_project/src/print.scss is created
And a sass file bp_project/src/ie.scss is created
And a sass file bp_project/src/screen.scss is compiled
And a sass file bp_project/src/print.scss is compiled
And a sass file bp_project/src/ie.scss is compiled
And a css file bp_project/stylesheets/screen.css is created
And a css file bp_project/stylesheets/print.css is created
And a css file bp_project/stylesheets/ie.css is created
And an image file bp_project/images/grid.png is created
And I am told how to link to /stylesheets/screen.css for media "screen, projection"
And I am told how to link to /stylesheets/print.css for media "print"
And I am told how to conditionally link "lt IE 8" to /stylesheets/ie.css for media "screen, projection"
Scenario: Install a project with specific directories
When I create a project using: compass create custom_project --using blueprint --sass-dir sass --css-dir css --images-dir assets/imgs
Then a directory custom_project/ is created
And a directory custom_project/sass/ is created
And a directory custom_project/css/ is created
And a directory custom_project/assets/imgs/ is created
And a sass file custom_project/sass/screen.scss is created
And a css file custom_project/css/screen.css is created
And an image file custom_project/assets/imgs/grid.png is created
Scenario: Perform a dry run of creating a project
When I create a project using: compass create my_project --dry-run
Then a directory my_project/ is not created
But a configuration file my_project/config.rb is reported created
And a sass file my_project/src/screen.scss is reported created
And a sass file my_project/src/print.scss is reported created
And a sass file my_project/src/ie.scss is reported created
And I am told how to link to /stylesheets/screen.css for media "screen, projection"
And I am told how to link to /stylesheets/print.css for media "print"
And I am told how to conditionally link "IE" to /stylesheets/ie.css for media "screen, projection"
Scenario: Creating a bare project
When I create a project using: compass create bare_project --bare
Then a directory bare_project/ is created
And a configuration file bare_project/config.rb is created
And a directory bare_project/src/ is created
And a directory bare_project/stylesheets/ is not created
And I am congratulated
And I am told that I can place stylesheets in the src subdirectory
And I am told how to compile my sass stylesheets
Scenario: Creating a bare project with a framework
When I create a project using: compass create bare_project --using blueprint --bare
Then an error message is printed out: A bare project cannot be created when a framework is specified.
And the command exits with a non-zero error code
Scenario: Initializing a rails project
Given I'm in a newly created rails project: my_rails_project
When I initialize a project using: compass init rails --sass-dir app/stylesheets --css-dir public/stylesheets/compiled
Then a config file config/compass.rb is reported created
Then a config file config/compass.rb is created
And a sass file app/stylesheets/screen.scss is created
And a sass file app/stylesheets/print.scss is created
And a sass file app/stylesheets/ie.scss is created
Scenario: Compiling an existing project.
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass compile
Then a directory tmp/ is created
And a sass file sass/layout.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file sass/print.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file sass/reset.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file sass/utilities.scss is reported compiled
And a css file tmp/layout.css is created
And a css file tmp/print.css is created
And a css file tmp/reset.css is created
And a css file tmp/utilities.css is created
Scenario: Compiling an existing project with a specified project
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
And I am in the parent directory
When I run: compass compile tmp_compass
Then a directory tmp_compass/tmp/ is created
And a sass file tmp_compass/sass/layout.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file tmp_compass/sass/print.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file tmp_compass/sass/reset.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file tmp_compass/sass/utilities.scss is reported compiled
And a css file tmp_compass/tmp/layout.css is created
And a css file tmp_compass/tmp/print.css is created
And a css file tmp_compass/tmp/reset.css is created
And a css file tmp_compass/tmp/utilities.css is created
Scenario: Dry Run of Compiling an existing project.
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass compile --dry-run
Then a directory tmp/ is not created
And a sass file sass/layout.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file sass/print.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file sass/reset.sass is reported compiled
And a sass file sass/utilities.scss is reported compiled
And a css file tmp/layout.css is not created
And a css file tmp/print.css is not created
And a css file tmp/reset.css is not created
And a css file tmp/utilities.css is not created
And a css file tmp/layout.css is reported created
And a css file tmp/print.css is reported created
And a css file tmp/reset.css is reported created
And a css file tmp/utilities.css is reported created
Scenario: Recompiling a project with no changes
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass compile
And I run: compass compile
Then a sass file sass/layout.sass is reported unchanged
And a sass file sass/print.sass is reported unchanged
And a sass file sass/reset.sass is reported unchanged
And a sass file sass/utilities.scss is reported unchanged
Scenario: compiling a specific file in a project
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
And I run: compass compile sass/utilities.scss
Then a sass file sass/layout.sass is not mentioned
And a sass file sass/print.sass is not mentioned
And a sass file sass/reset.sass is not mentioned
And a sass file sass/utilities.scss is reported compiled
And a css file tmp/utilities.css is reported created
And a css file tmp/utilities.css is created
Scenario: Re-compiling a specific file in a project with no changes
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass compile
And I run: compass compile sass/utilities.scss
Then a sass file sass/layout.sass is not mentioned
And a sass file sass/print.sass is not mentioned
And a sass file sass/reset.sass is not mentioned
And a sass file sass/utilities.scss is reported compiled
And a css file tmp/utilities.css is reported identical
Scenario: Installing a pattern into a project
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass install blueprint/buttons
Then a sass file sass/buttons.scss is created
And an image file images/buttons/cross.png is created
And an image file images/buttons/key.png is created
And an image file images/buttons/tick.png is created
And a css file tmp/buttons.css is created
Scenario: Basic help
When I run: compass help
Then I should see the following "primary" commands:
| compile |
| create |
| init |
| watch |
And I should see the following "other" commands:
| config |
| frameworks |
| grid-img |
| help |
| imports |
| install |
| interactive |
| stats |
| unpack |
| validate |
| version |
Scenario: Recompiling a project with no material changes
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass compile
And I wait 1 second
And I touch sass/layout.sass
And I run: compass compile
Then a sass file sass/layout.sass is reported compiled
Then a css file tmp/layout.css is reported identical
And a sass file sass/print.sass is reported unchanged
And a sass file sass/reset.sass is reported unchanged
And a sass file sass/utilities.scss is reported unchanged
Scenario: Recompiling a project with changes
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass compile
And I wait 1 second
And I add some sass to sass/layout.sass
And I run: compass compile
Then a sass file sass/layout.sass is reported compiled
And a css file tmp/layout.css is reported overwritten
And a sass file sass/print.sass is reported unchanged
And a sass file sass/reset.sass is reported unchanged
And a sass file sass/utilities.scss is reported unchanged
Scenario: Watching a project for changes
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass compile
And I run in a separate process: compass watch
And I wait 1 second
And I touch sass/layout.sass
And I wait 2 seconds
And I shutdown the other process
Then a css file tmp/layout.css is reported identical
Scenario: Generating a grid image so that I can debug my grid alignments
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass grid-img 30+10x24
Then a png file images/grid.png is created
And the image images/grid.png has a size of 40x24
Scenario: Generating a grid image to a specified path with custom dimensions
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass grid-img 50+10x24 assets/wide_grid.png
Then a directory assets is created
Then a png file assets/wide_grid.png is created
And the image assets/wide_grid.png has a size of 60x24
Scenario: Generating a grid image with invalid dimensions
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass grid-img 50x24 assets/wide_grid.png
Then a directory assets is not created
And a png file assets/wide_grid.png is not created
Scenario: Generate a compass configuration file
Given I should clean up the directory: config
When I run: compass config config/compass.rb --sass-dir sass --css-dir assets/css
Then a configuration file config/compass.rb is created
And the following configuration properties are set in config/compass.rb:
| property | value |
| sass_dir | sass |
| css_dir | assets/css |
Scenario Outline: Print out a configuration value
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass config -p <property>
Then I should see the following output: <value>
And the command exits <exit>
| property | value | exit |
| extensions_dir | extensions | normally |
| extensions_path | $PROJECT_PATH/extensions | normally |
| css_dir | tmp | normally |
| css_path | $PROJECT_PATH/tmp | normally |
| sass_dir | sass | normally |
| sass_path | $PROJECT_PATH/sass | normally |
| foobar | ERROR: configuration property 'foobar' does not exist | with a non-zero error code |
Scenario: Validate the generated CSS
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass validate
Then my css is validated
And I am informed that my css is valid.
Scenario: Get stats for my project
Given I am using the existing project in test/fixtures/stylesheets/compass
When I run: compass stats
Then I am told statistics for each file:
| Filename | Rules | Properties | Mixins Defs | Mixins Used | CSS Rules | CSS Properties |
| sass/border_radius.scss | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 18 |
| sass/box.sass | 15 | 0 | 0 | 19 | 15 | 59 |
| sass/fonts.sass | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| sass/gradients.sass | 19 | 0 | 0 | 19 | 19 | 19 |
| sass/image_size.sass | 4 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 8 |
| sass/images.scss | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 |
| sass/layout.sass | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 10 |
| sass/legacy_clearfix.scss | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 5 | 11 |
| sass/lists.scss | 10 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 39 | 123 |
| sass/print.sass | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 61 | 61 |
| sass/reset.sass | 4 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 190 | 664 |
| sass/utilities.scss | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 9 |
| ------------------------- | ----- | ---------- | -------------- | ----------- | --------- | -------------- |
| Total.* | 62 | 12 | 0 | 61 | 348 | 987 |
Scenario: List frameworks registered with compass
When I run: compass frameworks
Then I should see the following lines of output:
| blueprint |
| compass |