* stable:
[Blueprint] Add some missing imports so that these modules can be imported individually.
[Blueprint] Added test cases for importing each blueprint module individually.
* stable:
Prepare for release.
[Blueprint] Fixed an incorrect include.
Verify all sass files generate the correct css in the test fixtures.
Fixed a regression in the rails installer.
Remove a redundant, broken test
[Compass Core] Only unquote strings when a number might be passed instead.
[Docs] Fix some obsolete syntax that was used in the examples.
[Docs] Update the gem bundle
Fix some tests around listing projects.
[Command Line] Allow another configuration file to be used when creating a new project
[Blueprint] The basic template was missing the scaffolding.
[Blueprint] Better descriptions of the various blueprint project templates.
[Command Line] The compass frameworks command has nicer output now -- similar to compass help. The -q option can be used to get a simple list of frameworks.
[Rails] Provide a wrapper method for Rails.root/RAILS_ROOT that avoids deprecation warnings and handles the case where rails is not loaded at all.
[Docs] Fix a bug in the docs for link_icons. Closes GH-146.
[Blueprint] Clean up some comments in the blueprint templates.
[Command Line] Fix a bug in `compass stats` when using scss files.
[Command Line] Respect the --dry-run option during compilation.
Fix a bug in the command and added a test case for that feature.
Fix some broken documentation.
* stable:
[Compass Core] Don't suggest putting some values in quotes unecessarily, and unquote them if the user has.
[Docs] This documentation was incorrect.
[Docs] Some useful content from the wiki.
* stable:
Bump versions for v0.10.1 release.
Update the CHANGELOG for the v0.10.1 release.
Fix a broken reference to the extensions tutorial. Closes GH-135.
[Blueprint] Regression fix: automatically apply the reset if blueprint/reset is imported. Closes GH-132.
Fix a failing test case.
[Rails] When configuring the Sass::Plugin, don't overwrite existing template locations. Closes GH-136.
[Command Line] Improved descriptions of the watch and init commands.
[Rails] Improved the next steps to perform after installing compass so that it mentions registering the compass gem.
[Rails] Fixed a reference to the old configuration file.
Add a note to the changelog about uninstalling chriseppstein-compass
Get rid of some dead code that was breaking Rails 3. Closes GH-137.
* stable:
[Command Line] Actually register the subcommand for listing frameworks
[Command Line] Add a sub command for emitting sass CLI imports
Every stable release is fine. no need to qualify it.
[Docs] Put Lorin's video on the homepage.