The previous version of liquid grid would not take margins into proper
account. With this patch the margins are a correct percentage of the
container, and adding multiple margins / columns together should add up
to just about 100% (not entirely accurate, but very close).
The math is as follows:
With the previous version, you get these numbers:
4.173% grid width * 24 columns = 100.152%, which due to rounding 'fixes'
in the template becomes exactly 100%. However, this is without any margins.
Once you add margins, you exceed 100%, rendering margins unusable. To add
to the confusion, the margins are not a percentage of the width, but instead
in 'em' units, making it very difficult to keep the entire grid from getting
beyond 100% in width once you add margins.
With this patch, you get these numbers:
(3.167% grid width + 1.042% margin) * 24 columns = 101.1016%. Since you
don't use any margin for the last column, you subtract one margin and end up
with 99.974%. Optimally this number would be 100.000%, but the 0.026% error
is difficult to remove, and an acceptable compromise in my opinion.
In summary, this patch enables margins to be used with the liquid grid,
which is the expected behaviour.
* master:
[Blueprint] Add mixins for +prepend-top and +append-bottom and corresponding grid classes when generating the css grid classes.
Use FSSM by Travis Tilley to monitor for filesystem changes. On mac this will use filesystem events instead of polling. Fixes an infinite looping issue when compilation errors occur.
frameworks by passing a directory that contains those frameworks. Each
framework can choose to adhere to the naming convention of providing a
'stylesheets' directory and a 'templates' directory, or it can register
itself by providing a ruby file at one of the following locations:
The first file found in the above order will be required. The framework
should register itself there using the Compass::Frameworks.register method.
Added two rules (':height auto !important' and ':height 100%') to the !root_selector of the sticky-footer mixin so that it also works with IE6.
Tested and working with Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 3, and IE6.
to the new compass/utilities/css3 module. If you were explicitly importing
compass/utilities/general, compass/utilities/general/inline_block or
compass/utilities/general/opacity to access the opacity or
inline-block mixins, you'll need to update your imports.
Since this requires the installation of an additional xml file for
firefox support, it is provided as a pattern.
To install:
compass -p ellipsis
To use:
Mix +ellipsis into a selector targeting the textual element that will
truncate via ellipsis. By default, ellipsis text is set tono-wrap. Pass
false as the first argument if you don't want that.
Firefox is the lame browser in this respect, it requires a lot of bending
over backwards and has many quirky behaviors. Please read the blog post at for a full
explanation of the issues. Also note that ellipsis text is white-space
sensitive in Firefox, an issue that is sure to affect Haml users more than