The previous version of liquid grid would not take margins into proper
account. With this patch the margins are a correct percentage of the
container, and adding multiple margins / columns together should add up
to just about 100% (not entirely accurate, but very close).
The math is as follows:
With the previous version, you get these numbers:
4.173% grid width * 24 columns = 100.152%, which due to rounding 'fixes'
in the template becomes exactly 100%. However, this is without any margins.
Once you add margins, you exceed 100%, rendering margins unusable. To add
to the confusion, the margins are not a percentage of the width, but instead
in 'em' units, making it very difficult to keep the entire grid from getting
beyond 100% in width once you add margins.
With this patch, you get these numbers:
(3.167% grid width + 1.042% margin) * 24 columns = 101.1016%. Since you
don't use any margin for the last column, you subtract one margin and end up
with 99.974%. Optimally this number would be 100.000%, but the 0.026% error
is difficult to remove, and an acceptable compromise in my opinion.
In summary, this patch enables margins to be used with the liquid grid,
which is the expected behaviour.
* Updated every CSS3 example to follow doc conventions: no tabs, spaces(2), colon after property (e.g. background: red), id naming like #id-name, no camelCasing
* commit 'wolfr/docs':
Added examples for compass/css3: border radius, box shadow, box sizing, columns, inline block, opacity, text shadow. Slighty modified example CSS for better display.
Formatting changes only; markdown `code` backticks instead of <code>; newlines adjustment in -box-sizing
Clarify documentation README so it is newbie friendly. Added new section on setting up the docs. Moved setup-related items to that section. Kept Chris' original section on structure and howtos, getting around the docs.
* commit 'wolfr/docs':
Updated documentation for CSS3 module [multi line comment]
Added descripton for box shadow mixin and updated box-shadow sass file so it gets parsed through markdown correctly
* Wrote a description for the CSS3 module.
* Wrote a description for every single import in the CSS3 module.
* Wrote a description for every single mixin in the CSS3 module.
* Updated sass files to reflect parsing through markdown in the docs.
* Added missing inline documentation to certain files e.g. _columns.sass.
* ! Did not modify any mixin