* This fixes Opera's gradient background bug when the container has border.
It is still displayed wrong as the gradient is repeated towards the end.
* Firefox and Webkit ignore background-size
* IE9 displays correctly
* stable: (36 commits)
Tweak the changelog.
[CSS3] The box-shadow $spread value now defaults to using the browser default instead of 0.
update the lockfile
some todos
Move the contributing guide to the tutorials section.
add on-page anchors to the command line reference page.
Better docs on the grid image command.
Move the tutorials to the main nav... I don't think most people see it.
Don't set the display in the box-flex mixin. This makes nested flex boxes annoying. Closes GH-207
Add a note about the colorization change.
Add a note about the compass validator
Only colorize the action when logging results.
Update to use the new compass validator during development.
Fix broken test cases.
Support true in addition to the inset keyword for the box-shadow mixin. Closes GH-206
IE8 compat for :last-child selector
Make the compass configuration file more self documenting by adding comments for preferred_syntax, output_style, and line_comments.
Pass --no-line-comments to disable line comments.
A little less noise during installation.
Change the default Sass directory in standalone projects from src to sass. Closes GH-203
* stable:
Fix broken test.
tests for padding free horizontal list.
Update tests for charset changes.
Fix test failure in ruby 1.9.2
fix some gem issues
Option for horizontal-list to skip padding.
rake examples was getting a non-existent branch. Default to master.
update changelog
Make it easier to disable the asset cache buster.
Turns out that IE6 & 7 don't support this.
Fixed typo.
HTML5 reset includes box-model reset for newer browsers.
Added @charset declaration to force UTF-8 encoding on systems with different default encodings
Some doc modifications.
* stable:
Print out the new style help with -h and --help instead of the old-style help.
clean up the docs on the fancy-type module in blueprint.
update some comments and formatting
make the docs on extensions a bit more clear for rubygems extensions.
official gradients still need image declared
fix typo in docs
Print a better error message if the extension isn't found.
versions change.
prepare for release
Update docs
Update docs
A command to unpack an extension from the system location.
* stable: (81 commits)
Gemfiles for testing and a rails test helper that works for both rails 2 and rails 3.
provide correct installation steps when the compass validator is not found.
Fix a broken test case.
That wasn't supposed to be released yet.
Fixed error: there is no opposite-position(both)
Fix a bug in the statistics analyzer for rules with interpolation.
bump version for release
upgrade to bundler 1.0
link the docs to the stable branch.
Update the CHANGELOG for the 0.10.5 release
Read assets in binary mode for the windows users.
bump version.
Get the imports straightend out for the new mixins.
Bug fix: make the path-based configuration really work right.
inline-block-list tests
inline-block-list documentation
inline-block-list mixin
added additional html5 block-level elements per recommended reset stylesheet: http://html5doctor.com/html-5-reset-stylesheet/
Prepare for release.
Prepare for release
It now uses a hacked zoom property to target ie6 and 7 only so that they
gain layout. If you prefer an approach that validates, set:
$default-has-layout-approach: block;
and the has-layout mixin behavior will remain unchanged.
* docs: (56 commits)
Turn on support for -ms in experimental properties.
document the hide-text mixin
Allow box shadow to be turned off by @include box-shadow(none). Closes GH-102.
Fix a broken link to the changelog
I guess I relied on that silly import.
Use the gemspec the way the ruby gods intended.
Better handling of the Compass::VERSION scheme.
remove a doc reference to an obsolete file and add some meta descriptions.
document some small functional changes
fixed typo in demo header styles
allow overflow-x on code to scroll
example code in css-slideshows
mixin source uses :target for css interaction
more sensible nav markup/structure
Update the docs for lists.
Don't need rcov usually
Don't display a variable description for empty comments.
add a scroll bar for long mixin defs
More docs on the compass utilities.
* master: (48 commits)
Record current revision for release.
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.10.0.rc1
Release Candidate 1
Fix a bug in 1.8.6 where readbyte is not defined.
Record current revision for release.
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.10.0.pre9
Update changelog for release.
Version bump for v0.10.pre9
[Compass Core] Fix a ruby 1.9 bug in the image_size helper functions for jpeg images.
Try to fix a test failure that only happens on RunCodeRun.
[Compass Core] Silence a deprecation warning.
Fixed a typo in the inline list utility.
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.10.0.pre8
Version bump to .pre8
[Rails] Fix rails boot sequence in Rails 2.3.x environments.
Record current revision for release.
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.10.0.pre7
Version Bump
A better error message if a color stop list is not passed in.
Fix for rgba colors with the new gradient mixins.
* Wrote a description for the CSS3 module.
* Wrote a description for every single import in the CSS3 module.
* Wrote a description for every single mixin in the CSS3 module.
* Updated sass files to reflect parsing through markdown in the docs.
* Added missing inline documentation to certain files e.g. _columns.sass.
* ! Did not modify any mixin
frameworks by passing a directory that contains those frameworks. Each
framework can choose to adhere to the naming convention of providing a
'stylesheets' directory and a 'templates' directory, or it can register
itself by providing a ruby file at one of the following locations:
The first file found in the above order will be required. The framework
should register itself there using the Compass::Frameworks.register method.
Added two rules (':height auto !important' and ':height 100%') to the !root_selector of the sticky-footer mixin so that it also works with IE6.
Tested and working with Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 3, and IE6.
to the new compass/utilities/css3 module. If you were explicitly importing
compass/utilities/general, compass/utilities/general/inline_block or
compass/utilities/general/opacity to access the opacity or
inline-block mixins, you'll need to update your imports.
Since this requires the installation of an additional xml file for
firefox support, it is provided as a pattern.
To install:
compass -p ellipsis
To use:
Mix +ellipsis into a selector targeting the textual element that will
truncate via ellipsis. By default, ellipsis text is set tono-wrap. Pass
false as the first argument if you don't want that.
Firefox is the lame browser in this respect, it requires a lot of bending
over backwards and has many quirky behaviors. Please read the blog post at
http://mattsnider.com/css/css-string-truncation-with-ellipsis/ for a full
explanation of the issues. Also note that ellipsis text is white-space
sensitive in Firefox, an issue that is sure to affect Haml users more than
The new +horizontal-list-container and +horizontal-list-item mixins can
be used to build your horizontal list when you need more control over
the selectors (E.g. when working with nested lists).
YUI doesn't even consider it part of the reset. With so much
disagreement, I decided to make the compass reset agnostic and let
individual frameworks decide what the body line-height ought to be.