The new +horizontal-list-container and +horizontal-list-item mixins can
be used to build your horizontal list when you need more control over
the selectors (E.g. when working with nested lists).
YUI doesn't even consider it part of the reset. With so much
disagreement, I decided to make the compass reset agnostic and let
individual frameworks decide what the body line-height ought to be.
To perform a reset, simply @import compass/reset.sass
To perform a selective reset, you should @import compass/utilities/general/reset.sass which will provide
reset mixins without defining any css rules.
Here's a quick rundown of what's included in this checkin (@ denotes an import file, + denotes a mixin):
@ compass/utilities
@ compass/utilities/general
@ compass/utilities/general/clearfix
+clearfix - Clearing floats without extra markup
@ compass/utilities/general/tag_cloud
+tag-cloud(!base_size = 1em) - Emits styles for a tag cloud
@ compass/utilities/links
@ compass/utilities/links/hover_link
+hover-link - makes a link underlined only when hovered.
@ compass/utilities/links/link_colors
+link-colors(!normal, [!hover, !active, !visited, !focus]) - specify all the colors
of a link with one mixin. Colors not sepecified will not be emitted, this may or
may not work out depending on how you've defined your style rules.
@ compass/utilities/links/unstyled_link
+unstyled-link - A link that looks and acts like the text it is contained within
@ compass/utilities/lists
@ compass/utilities/lists/bullets
+no-bullet - Turns off the bullet for a single list element.
+no-bullets - Turns off the bullets for all the list elements in a list.
+pretty-bullets(!bullet_icon, !width, !height[, !line_height = 18px, !padding = 14px]) - use an icon for the list elements of a list.
@ compass/utilities/lists/horizontal_list
+horizontal-list - A list where the elements are floated left.
@ compass/utilities/lists/inline_list
+inline-list - A list where both the list and the list elements are inlined.
+comma-delimited-list - an inline-list that is comma delimited.
@ compass/utilities/tables
@ compass/utilities/tables/alternating_rows_and_columns
+alternating-rows-and-columns(!even_row_color, !odd_row_color, !dark_intersection) - The first colors are the even/odd colors respectively and the last argument is a shade that is subtracted from those colors for the even columns.
@ compass/utilities/text
@ compass/utilities/text/nowrap
+nowrap - Because remembering whether or not there's a hyphen in white-space is too hard