Sass Utility Mixins that encapsulate many common styling patterns. Using them can significantly speed up the styling of a webpage.
Here's a quick rundown of what's included in this checkin (@ denotes an import file, + denotes a mixin): @ compass/utilities @ compass/utilities/general @ compass/utilities/general/clearfix +clearfix - Clearing floats without extra markup @ compass/utilities/general/tag_cloud +tag-cloud(!base_size = 1em) - Emits styles for a tag cloud @ compass/utilities/links @ compass/utilities/links/hover_link +hover-link - makes a link underlined only when hovered. @ compass/utilities/links/link_colors +link-colors(!normal, [!hover, !active, !visited, !focus]) - specify all the colors of a link with one mixin. Colors not sepecified will not be emitted, this may or may not work out depending on how you've defined your style rules. @ compass/utilities/links/unstyled_link +unstyled-link - A link that looks and acts like the text it is contained within @ compass/utilities/lists @ compass/utilities/lists/bullets +no-bullet - Turns off the bullet for a single list element. +no-bullets - Turns off the bullets for all the list elements in a list. +pretty-bullets(!bullet_icon, !width, !height[, !line_height = 18px, !padding = 14px]) - use an icon for the list elements of a list. @ compass/utilities/lists/horizontal_list +horizontal-list - A list where the elements are floated left. @ compass/utilities/lists/inline_list +inline-list - A list where both the list and the list elements are inlined. +comma-delimited-list - an inline-list that is comma delimited. @ compass/utilities/tables @ compass/utilities/tables/alternating_rows_and_columns +alternating-rows-and-columns(!even_row_color, !odd_row_color, !dark_intersection) - The first colors are the even/odd colors respectively and the last argument is a shade that is subtracted from those colors for the even columns. @ compass/utilities/text @ compass/utilities/text/nowrap +nowrap - Because remembering whether or not there's a hyphen in white-space is too hard
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// *
// --------------------------------------------------------------
@import compass/utilities
@import compass/utilities/general/clearfix
// Main layout grid, edit these parameters to build your grid and container sizes.
!layout_grid_columns = 24
@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
// Clearing floats without extra markup
// Based on How To Clear Floats Without Structural Markup by PiE
// []
// The above article no longer recommends its approach instead
// This is recommended now:
// []
:overflow auto
// This makes ie6 get layout
:display inline-block
// and this puts it back to block
:display block
:white-space nowrap
@import utilities/general
@import utilities/links
@import utilities/lists
@import utilities/tables
@import utilities/text
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@import general/clearfix
@import general/tag_cloud
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@import links/hover_link
@import links/link_colors
@import links/unstyled_link
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@import lists/horizontal_list
@import lists/inline_list
@import lists/bullets
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@import tables/alternating_rows_and_columns
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@import text/nowrap
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// Clearing floats without extra markup
// Simple Clearing of Floats
// []
:overflow auto
// This makes ie6 get layout
:display inline-block
// and this puts it back to block
:display block
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Emits styles for a tag cloud
=tag-cloud(!base_size = 1em)
:font-size= !base_size
:line-height= 1.2 * !base_size
.xxs, .xs, .s, .l, .xl, .xxl
:line-height 1.2 !base_size
:font-size= !base_size / 2.0
:font-size= 2.0 * !base_size / 3.0
:font-size= 3.0 * !base_size / 4.0
:font-size= 4.0 * !base_size / 3.0
:font-size= 3.0 * !base_size / 2.0
:font-size= 2.0 * !base_size
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// a link that only has an underline when you hover over it
:text-decoration none
:text-decoration underline
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// Set all the colors for a link with one mixin call
// Order of arguments is:
// normal, hover, active, visited, focus
// states not specified will inherit.
// Mixin like so:
// a
// +link-colors(#00c, #0cc, #c0c, #ccc, #cc0)
=link-colors(!normal, !hover = false, !active = false, !visited = false, !focus = false)
:color= !normal
@if !visited
:color= !visited
@if !focus
:color= !focus
@if !hover
:color= !hover
@if !active
:color= !active
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// A link that looks and acts like the text it is contained within
:color inherit
:text-decoration inherit
:cursor inherit
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Turn off the bullet for an element of a list
:list-style-type none
:margin-left 0px
// turns off the bullets for an entire list
// Make a list(ul/ol) have an image bullet
// mixin should be used like this for an icon that is 5x7:
// ul.pretty
// +pretty-bullets(/images/my-icon.png, 5px, 7px)
=pretty-bullets(!bullet_icon, !width, !height, !line_height = 18px, !padding = 14px)
:margin-left 0
:padding-left= !padding
:background= url(!bullet_icon) no-repeat ((!padding - !width) / 2) ((!line_height - !height) / 2)
:list-style-type none
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// A list(ol,ul) that is layed out such that the elements are floated left and won't wrap.
// This is not an inline list.
:overflow auto
:list-style-type none
:padding-left 0px
:margin 0px
:white-space nowrap
:float left
:left 4px
:right 4px
:padding-left 0px
:padding-right 0px
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// makes a list inline.
:list-style-type none
:margin 0px
:padding 0px
:display inline
:margin 0px
:padding 0px
:display inline
// makes an inlin list that is comma delimited.
// use of this recipe is not recommended at this time due to browser support issues.
// use of :content and :after is not fully supported in all browsers.
// See for the support matrix
// :last-child is not fully supported
// see for the support matrix
:content ", "
&:last-child, &.last
:content ""
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
=alternating-rows-and-columns(!even_row_color, !odd_row_color, !dark_intersection)
:padding 2px
:text-align right
:text-align center
:font-size .9em
:background-color= #fff - !dark_intersection
:font-size .9em
:background-color= #fff - !dark_intersection
:background-color= !odd_row_color
:background-color= !odd_row_color - !dark_intersection
:background-color= !even_row_color
:background-color= !even_row_color - !dark_intersection
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
// When remembering whether or not there's a hyphen in white-space is too hard
:white-space nowrap
Reference in New Issue
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