Make sprites work with the asset pipeline.

This commit is contained in:
Chris Eppstein 2011-08-28 13:00:19 -07:00
parent e2960d81b0
commit 7147147e24

View File

@ -31,6 +31,45 @@ class Rails::Railtie::Configuration
data.project_type = :rails # Forcing this makes sure all the rails defaults will be loaded.
Compass.configuration.on_sprite_saved do |filename|
# This is a huge hack based on reading through the sprockets internals.
# Sprockets needs an API for adding assets during precompilation.
# At a minimum sprockets should provide this API:
# #filename is a path in the asset source directory
# Rails.application.assets.new_asset!(filename)
# # logical_path is how devs refer to it, data is the contents of it.
# Rails.application.assets.new_asset!(logical_path, data)
# I would also like to select one of the above calls based on whether
# the user is precompiling or not:
# Rails.application.assets.precompiling? #=> true or false
# But even the above is not an ideal API. The issue is that compass sprites need to
# avoid generation if the sprite file is already generated (which can be quite time
# consuming). To do this, compass has it's own uniqueness hash based on the user's
# inputs instead of being based on the file contents. So if we could provide our own
# hash or some metadata that is opaque to sprockets that could be read from the
# asset's attributes, we could avoid cluttering the assets directory with generated
# sprites and always just use the logical_path + data version of the api.
if Rails.application.config.action_controller.perform_caching
asset = Rails.application.assets.find_asset(filename)
pathname =
logical_path = filename[(Compass.configuration.generated_images_path.length+1)..-1]
# Force the asset into the cache so find_asset will find it.
cached_assets = Rails.application.assets.instance_variable_get("@assets")
cached_assets[logical_path] = cached_assets[filename] = asset
# Copy the asset into the static root so the browsers will find it.
asset_attributes = Rails.application.assets.attributes_for(logical_path)
digest_path = asset_attributes.path_with_fingerprint(asset.digest)
static_path = Rails.application.assets.static_root.join(digest_path)