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130 lines
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OSX.require_framework '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework'
module Rucola
class FSEvents
class FSEvent
attr_reader :fsevents_object
attr_reader :id
attr_reader :path
def initialize(fsevents_object, id, path)
@fsevents_object, @id, @path = fsevents_object, id, path
# Returns an array of the files/dirs in the path that the event occurred in.
# The files are sorted by the modification time, the first entry is the last modified file.
def files
Dir.glob("#{File.expand_path(path)}/*").sort_by {|f| File.mtime(f) }.reverse
# Returns the last modified file in the path that the event occurred in.
def last_modified_file
class StreamError < StandardError; end
attr_reader :paths
attr_reader :stream
attr_accessor :allocator
attr_accessor :context
attr_accessor :since
attr_accessor :latency
attr_accessor :flags
# Initializes a new FSEvents `watchdog` object and starts watching the directories you specify for events. The
# block is used as a handler for events, which are passed as the block's argument. This method is the easiest
# way to start watching some directories if you don't care about the details of setting up the event stream.
# Rucola::FSEvents.start_watching('/tmp') do |events|
# events.each { |event| log.debug("#{event.files.inspect} were changed.") }
# end
# Rucola::FSEvents.start_watching('/var/log/system.log', '/var/log/secure.log', :since => last_id, :latency => 5) do
# Growl.notify("Something was added to your log files!")
# end
# Note that the method also returns the FSEvents object. This enables you to control the event stream if you want to.
# fsevents = Rucola::FSEvents.start_watching('/Volumes') do |events|
# events.each { |event| Growl.notify("Volume changes: #{event.files.to_sentence}") }
# end
# fsevents.stop
def self.start_watching(*params, &block)
fsevents = new(*params, &block)
# Creates a new FSEvents `watchdog` object. You can specify a list of paths to watch and options to control the
# behaviour of the watchdog. The block you pass serves as a callback when an event is generated on one of the
# specified paths.
# fsevents = FSEvents.new('/etc/passwd') { Mailer.send_mail("Someone touched the password file!") }
# fsevents.create_stream
# fsevents.start
# fsevents = FSEvents.new('/home/upload', :since => UploadWatcher.last_event_id) do |events|
# events.each do |event|
# UploadWatcher.last_event_id = event.id
# event.files.each do |file|
# UploadWatcher.logfile.append("#{file} was changed")
# end
# end
# end
# *:since: The service will report events that have happened after the supplied event ID. Never use 0 because that
# will cause every fsevent since the "beginning of time" to be reported. Use OSX::KFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow
# if you want to receive events that have happened after this call. (Default: OSX::KFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow).
# You can find the ID's passed with :since in the events passed to your block.
# *:latency: Number of seconds to wait until an FSEvent is reported, this allows the service to bundle events. (Default: 0.0)
# Please refer to the Cocoa documentation for the rest of the options.
def initialize(*params, &block)
raise ArgumentError, 'No callback block was specified.' unless block_given?
options = params.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? params.pop : {}
@paths = params.flatten
paths.each { |path| raise ArgumentError, "The specified path (#{path}) does not exist." unless File.exist?(path) }
@allocator = options[:allocator] || OSX::KCFAllocatorDefault
@context = options[:context] || nil
@since = options[:since] || OSX::KFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow
@latency = options[:latency] || 0.0
@flags = options[:flags] || 0
@stream = options[:stream] || nil
@user_callback = block
@callback = Proc.new do |stream, client_callback_info, number_of_events, paths_pointer, event_flags, event_ids|
events = []
number_of_events.times {|i| events << Rucola::FSEvents::FSEvent.new(self, event_ids[i], paths_pointer[i]) }
# Create the stream.
# Raises a Rucola::FSEvents::StreamError if the stream could not be created.
def create_stream
@stream = OSX.FSEventStreamCreate(@allocator, @callback, @context, @paths, @since, @latency, @flags)
raise(StreamError, 'Unable to create FSEvents stream.') unless @stream
OSX.FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(@stream, OSX.CFRunLoopGetCurrent, OSX::KCFRunLoopDefaultMode)
# Start the stream.
# Raises a Rucola::FSEvents::StreamError if the stream could not be started.
def start
raise(StreamError, 'Unable to start FSEvents stream.') unless OSX.FSEventStreamStart(@stream)
# Stop the stream.
# You can resume it by calling `start` again.
def stop