2009-11-25 14:22:09 -05:00

305 lines
9.0 KiB

foreach (array(
'F' => 3,
'Protect' => 0,
'Restore' => 0,
'Unprotect' => 0,
'R' => 3,
'RT' => 3,
'RL' => 2,
'In_R' => 2,
'M' => 1,
'EM' => 3,
'SL' => 1,
'SC' => 2,
) as $function => $param_count) {
if ($param_count == 0) {
add_action("comicpress-${function}", $function, 10);
} else {
add_filter("comicpress-${function}", $function, 10, $param_count);
// Global template functions for ComicPress
function F($name, $path, $override_post = null) {
global $post;
$comic_post = new ComicPressComicPost(is_null($override_post) ? $post : $override_post);
$comicpress = ComicPress::get_instance();
return $comicpress->find_file($name, $path, $comic_post->find_parents());
* Protect global $post and $wp_query.
* @param object $use_this_post If provided, after saving the current post, set up this post for template tag use.
function Protect($use_this_post = null) {
global $post, $wp_query, $__post, $__wp_query;
$__post = $post;
$__wp_query = $wp_query;
if (!is_null($use_this_post)) {
$post = $use_this_post;
* Temporarily restore the global $post variable and set it up for use.
function Restore() {
global $post, $__post;
$post = $__post;
* Restore global $post and $wp_query.
function Unprotect() {
global $post, $wp_query, $__post, $__wp_query;
$post = $__post;
$wp_query = $__wp_query;
$__post = $__wp_query = null;
* Prepare the restrictions for R functions.
* This does some pre-processing before the R functions send the restrictions off to get_${which}_post.
* @param array $restrictions The restrictions to use to find categories.
* @param object $override_post The post to use for restrictions that reference a post automatically.
* @return array The list of restrictions to use.
function __prep_R($restrictions, $post_to_use) {
if (is_string($restrictions)) {
switch ($restrictions) {
case 'from_post':
$restrictions = array('from_post' => $post_to_use);
foreach (get_all_category_ids() as $id) {
$category = get_category($id);
if (strtolower($category->slug) == strtolower($restrictions)) {
$restrictions = array('child_of' => $category->slug);
if (is_array($restrictions)) {
$new_restrictions = array();
foreach ($restrictions as $type => $list) {
if (is_string($list)) {
$value = $list;
switch ($list) {
case '__post': $value = $post_to_use; break;
$new_restrictions[$type] = $value;
} else {
$new_restrictions[$type] = $list;
$restrictions = $new_restrictions;
return $restrictions;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
* Find a post relative to the provided post.
* @param string $which The relative direction to search. Choices: first, last, next, previous
* @param array $restrictions The restrictions to use to find categories.
* @param object $override_post The post to check. If not provided, use the Loop post saved by Protect().
* @return object|false The found post, or false if not found.
function R($which, $restrictions = null, $override_post = null) {
global $post;
$post_to_use = !is_null($override_post) ? $override_post : $post;
$categories = RL($restrictions, $post_to_use);
$dbi = ComicPressDBInterface::get_instance();
$new_post = false;
switch ($which) {
case 'first': $new_post = $dbi->get_first_post($categories); break;
case 'last': $new_post = $dbi->get_last_post($categories); break;
case 'next': $new_post = $dbi->get_next_post($categories, $post_to_use); break;
case 'previous': $new_post = $dbi->get_previous_post($categories, $post_to_use); break;
return $new_post;
* Find a post relative to the provided post and, if found, force the Loop to use this post for template tags.
* @param string $which The relative direction to search. Choices: first, last, next, previous
* @param array $restrictions The restrictions to use to find categories.
* @param object $override_post The post to check. If not provided, use the Loop post saved by Protect().
* @return object|false The found post that is now being used for template tags, or false if not found.
function RT($which, $restrictions = null, $override_post = null) {
global $post, $__post;
if (!empty($override_post)) {
$post_to_use = $override_post;
} else {
$post_to_use = (!empty($__post)) ? $__post : $post;
$post = false;
if (($new_post = R($which, $restrictions, $post_to_use)) !== false) {
$post = $new_post;
return $post;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Get the list of categories that match the provided restrictions.
* @param array $restrictions The restrictions to use to find categories.
* @param object $override_post The post to check. If not provided, use the current Loop post.
* @return array The list of categories that match the provided restrictions.
function RL($restrictions = null, $override_post = null) {
global $post;
$post_to_use = !is_null($override_post) ? $override_post : $post;
$storyline = new ComicPressStoryline();
$restrictions = __prep_R($restrictions, $post_to_use);
return $storyline->build_from_restrictions($restrictions);
* Check if the provided post is in any of the categories matched by the restrictions.
* @param array $restrictions The restrictions to use to find categories.
* @param object $override_post The post to check. If not provided, use the current Loop post.
* @return boolean True if the post is in the list of categories matched by the restrictions.
function In_R($restrictions = null, $override_post = null) {
global $post;
$post_to_use = !is_null($override_post) ? $override_post : $post;
$post_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_to_use->ID);
if (is_array($post_categories)) {
if (count($post_categories) == 1) {
$category_id = reset($post_categories);
if (is_numeric($category_id)) {
return in_array($category_id, RL($restrictions, $post_to_use));
return false;
* Retrieve post attachment info to be used with EM().
* @param object $override_post The post to retrieve attachment info for. If not provided, use the current Loop post.
* @return array The list of attachment info.
function M($override_post = null) {
global $post, $__attachments;
$post_to_use = !is_null($override_post) ? $override_post : $post;
$comic_post = new ComicPressComicPost($post_to_use);
$__attachments = $comic_post->get_attachments_with_children(true);
return $__attachments;
* Call a function on the backend specified by the provided attachment info.
* @param array $attachment_info The post attachment info from M().
* @param string $which The subattachment short name to reference.
* @param string $action The method to call on the backend.
* @return object The result from the backend.
function EM($attachment_info, $which = 'default', $action = 'embed') {
if (substr($action, 0, 1) != '_') {
$args = func_get_args();
if (isset($attachment_info[$which])) {
if (($attachment = ComicPressBackend::generate_from_id($attachment_info[$which])) !== false) {
if (method_exists($attachment, $action)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($attachment, $action), array_merge(array($which), array_slice($args, 3)));
switch ($action) {
case 'object': return $attachment;
* Return the raw storyline structure.
* @return array The astoryline structure from ComicPressStoryline
function SL() {
$storyline = new ComicPressStoryline();
return $storyline->_structure;
* Get a category relative to the provided category.
* If no category is provided, use the current post's category.
* Relative measures can be one of: current, previous, lext, level, parent
* If no relative measure is provided, the current category is returned.
* @param string $which The relative measure to use.
* @param object $relative_to The post object to be relative to.
* @return object|false The relative category object, or false if not found.
function SC($which = 'current', $relative_to = null) {
global $post;
$storyline = new ComicPressStoryline();
if (is_null($relative_to)) {
if (is_object($post)) {
if (isset($post->ID)) {
$categories = wp_get_post_categories($post->ID);
if (is_array($categories)) {
$relative_to = reset($categories);
if (!is_null($relative_to)) {
if ($which == 'current') {
$result = $relative_to;
} else {
$result = $storyline->_get_field($which, $relative_to);
if ($result !== false) {
$category = get_category($result);
// sanity check
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if (!empty($category)) {
return $category;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return false;