Changing text on both graphical navigation widgets to denote their purpose a little better. Since the new graphical navigation widget doesnt work with multiple comic categories when not in storyline based mode going to keep the old one active.

Note: Need to fix the CSS on the old one to work with the new one.

Signed-off-by: Philip M. Hofer (Frumph) <>
This commit is contained in:
Philip M. Hofer (Frumph) 2010-01-03 20:39:55 -08:00
parent 71c853cd02
commit babb991ba3
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ class ComicPressGraphicalNavigationWidget extends WP_Widget {
function ComicPressGraphicalNavigationWidget($skip_widget_init = false) {
if (!$skip_widget_init) {
$widget_ops = array('classname' => __CLASS__, 'description' => __('Displays Graphical Navigation Buttons. (used in comic sidebars)','comicpress') );
$this->WP_Widget(__CLASS__, __('ComicPress Comic Navigation','comicpress'), $widget_ops);
$widget_ops = array('classname' => __CLASS__, 'description' => __('Displays Graphical Navigation Buttons. This widget is used in conjunction with ComicPress Manager and it\'s storyline enabled features.','comicpress') );
$this->WP_Widget(__CLASS__, __('ComicPress Navigation(Storyline)','comicpress'), $widget_ops);

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Author URI:
class widget_comicpress_graphical_navigation extends WP_Widget {
function widget_comicpress_graphical_navigation() {
$widget_ops = array('classname' => 'widget_comicpress_graphical_navigation', 'description' => __('Displays Graphical Navigation Buttons. (used in comic sidebars)','comicpress') );
$this->WP_Widget('comicpress_graphicalnavigation', __('ComicPress Navigation (orig)','comicpress'), $widget_ops);
$widget_ops = array('classname' => 'widget_comicpress_graphical_navigation', 'description' => __('Displays Graphical Navigation Buttons. This widget is for when you are not using the advanced storyline enabled widget.','comicpress') );
$this->WP_Widget('comicpress_graphicalnavigation', __('ComicPress Navigation','comicpress'), $widget_ops);
function widget($args, $instance) {