ensure javascript formatting loads if coffeescript syntax highlighting is requested by not available

This commit is contained in:
John Bintz 2011-05-14 11:57:10 -04:00
parent de6d38b31e
commit 1f9d76ab6a
1 changed files with 4 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ endif
if &ft =~ "coffee"
runtime! syntax/coffee.vim
if !exists("b:current_syntax")
runtime! syntax/javascript.vim
syn case match
syn keyword specFunctions afterEach beforeEach describe it expect addMatchers spyOn not
syn keyword specFunctions afterEach beforeEach describe it expect addMatchers spyOn not context
syn keyword specDisabled xit xdescribe
syn keyword specSpys andCallThrough andReturn andThrow andCallFake callCount argsForCall mostRecentCall
syn keyword specAsync runs waits waitsFor