require 'fileutils' require 'open-uri' require 'rubygems' require 'mini_magick' # Breaks up images into tiles suitable for viewing with Zoomify. # See for more details. # # @author Donald A. Ball Jr. # @copyright (C) 2008 Donald A. Ball Jr. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module Zoomifier TILESIZE = 256 # Zoomifies the image file specified by filename. The zoomified directory # name will be the filename without its extension, e.g. 5.jpg will be # zoomified into a directory named 5. If there is already a directory with # this name, it will be destroyed without mercy. def self.zoomify(filename) raise ArgumentError unless filename && File.file?(filename) #filename = File.expand_path(filename) outputdir = File.dirname(filename) + '/' + File.basename(filename, '.*') raise ArgumentError unless filename != outputdir if && File.file?(outputdir + '/ImageProperties.xml') && File.mtime(filename) <= File.mtime(outputdir + '/ImageProperties.xml') return end FileUtils.rm_rf(outputdir) if File.exists?(outputdir) Dir.mkdir(outputdir) tmpdir = "#{outputdir}/tmp" Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) tilesdir = nil original_image = # Each level of zoom is a factor of 2. Here we obtain the number of zooms # allowed by the original file dimensions and the constant tile size. levels = (Math.log([original_image['height'], original_image['width']].max.to_f / TILESIZE) / Math.log(2)).ceil tiles = 0 (0..levels).each do |level| n = levels - level # Obtain the image to tile for this level. The 0th level should consist # of one tile, while the highest level should be the original image. create_image = proc { image = image.resize("#{image['width'] >> n}x#{image['height'] >> n}") image } tiles(tmpdir, level, create_image) do |filename| # The tile images are chunked into directories named TileGroupN, N # starting at 0 and increasing monotonically. Each directory contains # at most 256 images. The images are sorted by level, tile row, and # tile column. div, mod = tiles.divmod(256) if mod == 0 tilesdir = "#{outputdir}/TileGroup#{div}" Dir.mkdir(tilesdir) end"#{tmpdir}/#{filename}", "#{tilesdir}/#{filename}") tiles += 1 end # Rmagick needs a bit of help freeing image memory. GC.start end"#{outputdir}/ImageProperties.xml", 'w') do |f| f.write("") end FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) outputdir end # Splits the given image up into images of TILESIZE, writes them to the # given directory, and yields their names def self.tiles(dir, level, image) my_image = image.() original_width = my_image['width'] original_height = my_image['height'] my_image.write "#{dir}/_tmp.jpg" slice(original_height).each_with_index do |y_slice, j| slice(original_width).each_with_index do |x_slice, i| # The images are named "level-column-row.jpg" filename = "#{level}-#{i}-#{j}.jpg" new_image ="#{dir}/_tmp.jpg") new_image.crop("#{x_slice[1]}x#{y_slice[1]}+#{x_slice[0]}+#{y_slice[0]}") new_image.strip new_image.write("#{dir}/#{filename}") # Rmagick needs a bit of help freeing image memory. GC.start yield filename end end end # Returns an array of slices ([offset, length]) obtained by slicing the # given number by TILESIZE. # E.g. 256 -> [[0, 256]], 257 -> [[0, 256], [256, 1]], # 513 -> [[0, 256], [256, 256], [512, 1]] def self.slice(n) results = [] i = 0 while true if i + TILESIZE >= n results << [i, n-i] break else results << [i, TILESIZE] i += TILESIZE end end results end def self.unzoomify(url) tmpdir = 'tmp' FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) if File.exists?(tmpdir) Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) doc = nil begin open("#{url}/ImageProperties.xml") do |f| doc = end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError return nil end attrs = doc.root.attributes return nil unless attrs['TILESIZE'] == '256' && attrs['VERSION'] == '1.8' width = attrs['WIDTH'].to_i height = attrs['HEIGHT'].to_i tiles = attrs['NUMTILES'].to_i image_paths = (0 .. tiles/256).map {|n| "TileGroup#{n}"} max_level = 0 while (get_tile(url, image_paths, tmpdir, "#{max_level}-0-0.jpg")) max_level += 1 end max_level -= 1 image =, height) (0 .. width / TILESIZE).each do |column| (0 .. height / TILESIZE).each do |row| filename = "#{max_level}-#{column}-#{row}.jpg" get_tile(url, image_paths, tmpdir, filename) tile_image ="#{tmpdir}/#{filename}").first image.composite!(tile_image, column*TILESIZE, row*TILESIZE, Magick::OverCompositeOp) time_image = nil GC.start end end # FIXME - get filename from the url image.write('file.jpg') { self.quality = 90 } image = nil GC.start FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) end # TODO - could reduce the miss rate by using heuristics to guess the # proper path from which to download the file def self.get_tile(url, image_paths, tmpdir, filename) image_paths.each do |path| begin open("#{tmpdir}/#{filename}", 'wb') {|f| f.write(open("#{url}/#{path}/#{filename}").read)} return filename rescue OpenURI::HTTPError end end nil end end if __FILE__ == $0 if ARGV.length == 1 Zoomifier::zoomify(ARGV[0]) else puts "Usage: zoomify filename" end end