post_id = $post_id; } } function WDTSTranscriptManager($post_id = null) { $this->__construct($post_id); } function _get_transcripts_metadata() { $transcripts = false; if (!is_null($this->key)) { $post = get_post($this->post_id); if (!empty($post)) { $transcripts = get_post_meta($this->post_id, $this->key, true); if (!is_array($transcripts)) { $transcripts = array(); } } } return $transcripts; } /** * Save a transcript to a post. * @param int $post_id The post to attach the transcript to. * @param string $language The language of the transcript. * @param string $transcript The transcript content. * @return bool True if the transcript was saved, false otherwise. */ function save_transcript($transcript_info) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if (!empty($user)) { $transcript_info = (array)$transcript_info; $transcript_info['user_id'] = $user->ID; unset($transcript_info['key']); foreach (array_keys($transcript_info) as $key) { if (strpos($key, "_") === 0) { unset($transcript_info[$key]); } } if (($transcripts = $this->_get_transcripts_metadata()) !== false) { $max_key = 0; foreach ($transcripts as $transcript) { $max_key = max($max_key, $transcript['key']) + 1; } $transcript_info['key'] = $max_key; if ($this->allow_multiple) { $transcripts[] = $transcript_info; } else { $new_transcripts = array(); $was_added = false; foreach ($transcripts as $transcript) { if ($transcript['language'] == $transcript_info['language']) { $was_added = true; $transcript_info['key']--; $new_transcripts[] = $transcript_info; } else { $new_transcripts[] = $transcript; } } if (!$was_added) { $new_transcripts[] = $transcript_info; } $transcripts = $new_transcripts; } $this->_update_search_field($transcripts); return update_post_meta($this->post_id, $this->key, $transcripts); } } return false; } function update_transcript($info) { if (isset($info['key'])) { if (($transcripts = $this->_get_transcripts_metadata()) !== false) { $new_transcripts = array(); foreach ($transcripts as $transcript) { if ($transcript['key'] == $info['key']) { foreach (array('transcript') as $field) { if (isset($info[$field])) { $transcript[$field] = $info[$field]; } } } $new_transcripts[] = $transcript; } return update_post_meta($this->post_id, $this->key, $new_transcripts); } } } function _update_search_field($transcripts) { if (!empty($this->search_key)) { $search_lines = array(); foreach ($transcripts as $transcript) { $search_lines[] = preg_replace_callback('#\[[^\]]+\]#', array(&$this, '_update_search_field_callback'), $transcript['transcript']); } update_post_meta($this->post_id, $this->search_key, implode(" ", $search_lines)); } } function _update_search_field_callback($result) { $properties = preg_match_all('#[a-z]+="([^\"]+)"#', reset($result), $matches); $return = ""; foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { $return .= $match . " "; } return $return; } function delete_transcript($language = null) { return $this->_delete_transcript_by_field('language', $language); } function delete_transcript_by_key($key = null) { return $this->_delete_transcript_by_field('key', $key); } function _delete_transcript_by_field($field, $value) { if (($transcripts = $this->_get_transcripts_metadata()) !== false) { $new_transcripts = array(); $deleted_transcript = false; foreach ($transcripts as $transcript) { if ($transcript[$field] != $value) { $new_transcripts[] = $transcript; } else { $deleted_transcript = $transcript; } } $this->_update_search_field($new_transcripts); update_post_meta($this->post_id, $this->key, $new_transcripts); return $deleted_transcript; } return false; } function get_transcripts() { return $this->_get_transcripts_metadata(); } function get_transcripts_for_user($user_id) { $user_transcripts = array(); if (($transcripts = $this->_get_transcripts_metadata()) !== false) { foreach ($transcripts as $transcript) { if ($transcript['user_id'] == $user_id) { $user_transcripts[] = $transcript; } } } return $user_transcripts; } function get_transcript_by_key($key) { foreach ($this->get_transcripts() as $transcript) { if ($transcript['key'] == $key) { return $transcript; } } return false; } function get_languages() { $languages = array(); if (($transcripts = $this->_get_transcripts_metadata()) !== false) { foreach ($transcripts as $transcript) { $languages[$transcript['language']] = true; } } return array_keys($languages); } } ?>