array( array('code' => 'en', 'default' => true), 'fr', 'es', 'it', 'de' ), 'capabilities' => array( 'submit_transcriptions' => 'administrator', 'approve_transcriptions' => 'administrator', 'change_languages' => 'administrator' ) ); var $capabilities = array(); var $language_file; var $all_languages = array(); var $notices = array(); /** * Initialize the admin interface. * @param WhatDidTheySay $what_did_they_say The WhatDidTheySay object to use for all transcript transactions. */ function WhatDidTheySayAdmin() { $this->language_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/lsr-language.txt'; } /** * Initialize the object. */ function init() { $this->capabilities = array( 'submit_transcriptions' => __('Submit transcriptions to a post', 'what-did-they-say'), 'approve_transcriptions' => __('Approve transcriptions to a post', 'what-did-they-say'), 'change_languages' => __('Change the available languages', 'what-did-they-say') ); add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'admin_menu')); add_action('admin_notices', array(&$this, 'admin_notices')); add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'admin_init')); wp_enqueue_script('prototype'); add_filter('user_has_cap', array(&$this, 'user_has_cap'), 5, 3); add_filter('the_media_transcript', array(&$this, 'the_media_transcript')); add_filter('the_language_name', array(&$this, 'the_language_name')); add_filter('wp_footer', array(&$this, 'wp_footer')); if (isset($_REQUEST['wdts'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['wdts']['_nonce'])) { if (wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['wdts']['_nonce'], 'what-did-they-say')) { $this->handle_update($_REQUEST['wdts']); } } } $this->read_language_file(); } /** * Handle admin_init action. */ function admin_init() { wp_enqueue_script('scriptaculous-effects'); } /** * Handle the_media_transcript filter. * @param string $transcript The transcription text. * @return string The processed transcription text. */ function the_media_transcript($transcript) { return '
' . $transcript . '
'; } /** * Handle the_language_name filter. * @param string $language The name of the language. * @return string The processed language name. */ function the_language_name($language) { return '

' . $language . '

'; } /** * Handle the wp_footer action. */ function wp_footer() { ?> notices)) { echo '
'; foreach ($this->notices as $notice) { echo "

" . $notice . "

"; } echo '
'; } } /** * Handle an update to options. * @param array $info The part of the $_POST array for What Did They Say?!? */ function handle_update($info) { if (isset($info['module'])) { $method_name = "handle_update_" . str_replace("-", "_", $info['module']); if (method_exists($this, $method_name)) { $result = $this->{$method_name}($info); if (!empty($result)) { $this->notices[] = $result; } } } } /** * Handle updates to queued transcripts. * @param array $info The part of the $_POST array for What Did They Say?!? * @return string|false A string if a message is to be displayed, or false if no message. */ function handle_update_queue_transcript($info) { $updated = false; if (current_user_can('submit_transcriptions')) { $queued_transcript = new WDTSTranscriptOptions($info['post_id']); if ($this->what_did_they_say->get_allow_transcripts_for_post()) { switch ($info['action']) { case 'submit_queued_transcript': $result = $this->what_did_they_say->add_queued_transcription_to_post($info['post_id'], $info); if ($result) { $updated = __('Transcript added to queue.', 'what-did-they-say'); } } } } return $updated; } /** * Handle updates to post transcripts. * @param array $info The part of the $_POST array for What Did They Say?!? * @return string|false A string if a message is to be displayed, or false if no message. */ function handle_update_post_transcripts($info) { $updated = false; if (current_user_can('approve_transcriptions')) { $options = get_option('what-did-they-say-options'); switch ($info['action']) { case "manage_post_transcripts": foreach ($info['transcripts'] as $language => $transcript) { switch ($language) { case "_allow": $allow = true; break; default: $this->what_did_they_say->save_transcript($info['post_id'], $language, $transcript); break; } } $this->what_did_they_say->set_allow_transcripts_for_post($info['post_id'], isset($info['allow_on_post'])); $queued_transcriptions = $this->what_did_they_say->get_queued_transcriptions_for_post($info['post_id']); if (is_array($queued_transcriptions)) { $transcriptions_to_delete = array(); foreach ($queued_transcriptions as $transcription) { $transcriptions_to_delete[$transcription->id] = true; } if (isset($post_transcript_info['queue'])) { foreach ($post_transcript_info['queue'] as $id => $keep) { unset($transcriptions_to_delete[$id]); } } foreach (array_keys($transcriptions_to_delete) as $id) { $this->what_did_they_say->delete_queued_transcription($id); } } $updated = __('Transcripts updated.', 'what-did-they-say'); break; } } return $updated; } /** * Handle updates to languages. * @param array $info The part of the $_POST array for What Did They Say?!? * @return string|false A string if a message is to be displayed, or false if no message. */ function handle_update_languages($info) { $updated = false; if (current_user_can('change_languages')) { $language_options = new WDTSLanguageOptions(); switch ($info['action']) { case "delete": if ($result = $language_options->delete_language($info['code'])) { $updated = sprintf(__('%s deleted.', 'what-did-they-say'), $result['name']); } else { $updated = sprintf(__('Language not deleted!', 'what-did-they-say')); } break; case "add": $this->read_language_file(); if (isset($this->all_languages[$info['code']])) { if ($language_options->add_language($info['code'], array('name' => $this->all_languages[$info['code']]))) { $updated = sprintf(__('%s added.', 'what-did-they-say'), $this->all_languages[$info['code']]); } else { $updated = sprintf(__('Language not added!', 'what-did-they-say')); } } break; case "default": if ($language_options->set_default_language($info['code'])) { $updated = sprintf(__('%s set as default.', 'what-did-they-say'), $language_options->get_language_name($info['code'])); } else { $updated = sprintf(__('Language not set as default!', 'what-did-they-say')); } break; case "rename": $original_language_name = $language_options->get_language_name($info['code']); if ($language_options->rename_language($info['code'], $info['name'])) { $updated = sprintf(__('%1$s renamed to %2$s.', 'what-did-they-say'), $original_language_name, $info['name']); } else { $updated = sprintf(__('Language not renamed!', 'what-did-they-say')); } break; } } return $updated; } /** * Handle updates to user capabilities. * @param array $info The part of the $_POST array for What Did They Say?!? * @return string|false A string if a message is to be displayed, or false if no message. */ function handle_update_capabilities($info) { $updated = false; if (current_user_can('edit_users')) { $options = get_option('what-did-they-say-options'); if (isset($info['capabilities'])) { foreach (array_keys($this->default_options['capabilities']) as $capability) { if (isset($info['capabilities'][$capability])) { $options['capabilities'][$capability] = $info['capabilities'][$capability]; } } $updated = __('User capabilities updated.', 'what-did-they-say'); } if ($updated !== false) { update_option('what-did-they-say-options', $options); } } return $updated; } /** * Handle resettings what-did-they-say-options. * @param array $info The part of the $_POST array for What Did They Say?!? * @return string|false A string if a message is to be displayed, or false if no message. */ function handle_update_reset_options($info) { $updated = false; if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { delete_option('what-did-they-say-options'); $this->install(); $updated = __('What Did They Say?!? options reset.', 'what-did-they-say'); } return $updated; } /** * Read a data file containing all the known languages on Earth. * The data originally came from, specifically * The data file format is tab-delimited, with the following fields: * language_code date_added name_of_language additional_information * @return array The list of all known languages on Earth as code => language. */ function read_language_file() { if (file_exists($this->language_file)) { foreach (file($this->language_file) as $language) { $language = trim($language); list($code, $date_added, $name, $additional) = explode("\t", $language); $this->all_languages[$code] = $name; } } return $this->all_languages; } /** * Handle plugin installation. */ function install() { $this->read_language_file(); $options = get_option('what-did-they-say-options'); if (empty($options)) { $this->default_options['languages'] = $this->build_default_languages(); ksort($this->default_options['languages']); update_option('what-did-they-say-options', $this->default_options); } } /** * From $this->default_options, fill in the language details from the language file. * @return array The language info will all details filled in. */ function build_default_languages() { $full_default_language_info = array(); foreach ($this->default_options['languages'] as $info) { $code = null; if (is_string($info)) { $code = $info; $default = false; } if (is_array($info)) { extract($info); } if (isset($this->all_languages[$code])) { $full_default_language_info[$code] = array('name' => $this->all_languages[$code]); if (!empty($default)) { $full_default_language_info[$code]['default'] = true; } } } return $full_default_language_info; } /** * Handle admin_menu action. */ function admin_menu() { if (current_user_can('edit_users')) { add_options_page( __('What Did They Say?!? Settings', 'what-did-they-say'), __('What Did They Say?!?', 'what-did-they-say'), 'manage_options', 'manage-wdts', array(&$this, 'manage_admin') ); } if (current_user_can('approve_transcriptions')) { add_meta_box( 'manage-transcriptions', __('Manage Transcriptions', 'what-did-they-say'), array(&$this, 'manage_transcriptions_meta_box'), 'post', 'normal', 'low' ); } } /** * Show the admin page. */ function manage_admin() { $options = get_option('what-did-they-say-options'); $nonce = wp_create_nonce('what-did-they-say'); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); } /** * Show the Manage Transcriptions meta box. */ function manage_transcriptions_meta_box() { global $post; $options = get_option('what-did-they-say-options'); $transcripts = $this->what_did_they_say->get_transcripts($post->ID); $queued_transcriptions = $this->what_did_they_say->get_queued_transcriptions_for_post($post->ID); $nonce = wp_create_nonce('what-did-they-say'); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); } } ?>