require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') describe "attach_file with merb" do before do Webrat.configuration.mode = :merb @filename = __FILE__ end it "should fail if no file field found" do with_html <<-HTML
HTML lambda { attach_file("Doc", "/some/path") }.should raise_error(Webrat::NotFoundError) end it "should submit empty strings for blank file fields" do with_html <<-HTML
HTML webrat_session.should_receive(:post).with("/widgets", { "widget" => { "file" => "" } }) click_button end it "should submit the attached file" do with_html <<-HTML
HTML webrat_session.should_receive(:post).with { |path, params| path.should == "/widgets" params.should have_key("widget") params["widget"].should have_key("file") params["widget"]["file"].should be_an_instance_of(File) params["widget"]["file"].path.should == @filename } attach_file "Document", @filename click_button end it "should support collections" do with_html <<-HTML
HTML webrat_session.should_receive(:post).with { |path, params| path.should == "/widgets" params.should have_key("widget") params["widget"].should have_key("files") params["widget"]["files"][0].should be_an_instance_of(File) params["widget"]["files"][0].path.should == @filename params["widget"]["files"][1].should be_an_instance_of(File) params["widget"]["files"][1].path.should == @filename } attach_file "Document", @filename attach_file "Spreadsheet", @filename click_button end xit "should allow the content type to be specified" do with_html <<-HTML
HTML ActionController::TestUploadedFile.should_receive(:new).with(@filename, "image/png").any_number_of_times attach_file "Picture", @filename, "image/png" click_button end end