require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../spec_helper") describe "field_labeled" do class << self def using_this_html html before(:each) do with_html(html) end end def field_labeled(label) @label = label yield end def should_return_a type, opts it "should return a textfield" do field_labeled(opts[:for]).should be_an_instance_of(type) end end def with_an_id_of id, opts it "should return an element with the correct id" do field_labeled(opts[:for]).should match_id(id) end end def should_raise_error_matching regexp, opts it "should raise with wrong label" do lambda { field_labeled(opts[:for]) }.should raise_error(regexp) end end end def match_id(id) simple_matcher "element with id #{id.inspect}" do |element, matcher| if id.is_a?(Regexp) =~ id else == id.to_s end end end describe "finding a text field" do using_this_html <<-HTML
HTML should_return_a Webrat::TextField, :for => "The Label" with_an_id_of "element_42", :for => "The Label" should_raise_error_matching /Could not find .* "Other Label"/, :for => "Other Label" end describe "finding a hidden field" do using_this_html <<-HTML
HTML should_return_a Webrat::HiddenField, :for => "The Label" with_an_id_of "element_42", :for => "The Label" should_raise_error_matching /Could not find .* "Other Label"/, :for => "Other Label" end describe "finding a checkbox" do using_this_html <<-HTML
HTML should_return_a Webrat::CheckboxField, :for => "The Label" with_an_id_of "element_42", :for => "The Label" should_raise_error_matching /Could not find .* "Other Label"/, :for => "Other Label" end describe "finding a radio button" do using_this_html <<-HTML
HTML should_return_a Webrat::RadioField, :for => "The Label" with_an_id_of "element_42", :for => "The Label" should_raise_error_matching /Could not find .* "Other Label"/, :for => "Other Label" end describe "finding a text area" do using_this_html <<-HTML
HTML should_return_a Webrat::TextareaField, :for => "The Label" with_an_id_of "element_42", :for => "The Label" should_raise_error_matching /Could not find .* "Other Label"/, :for => "Other Label" end describe "finding a field with it's label containing newlines" do using_this_html <<-HTML
HTML should_return_a Webrat::TextField, :for => "A label with a link on it's own line" with_an_id_of "element_42", :for => "A label with a link on it's own line" should_raise_error_matching /Could not find .* "Other Label"/, :for => "Other Label" end describe "finding a field when labels without fields also match" do using_this_html <<-HTML
HTML should_return_a Webrat::TextField, :for => "The Label" with_an_id_of "element_42", :for => "The Label" end describe "finding a field whose label ends with an non word character" do using_this_html <<-HTML
HTML should_return_a Webrat::TextField, :for => "License #" with_an_id_of "element_42", :for => "License #" should_raise_error_matching /Could not find .* "Other License #"/, :for => "Other License #" end end