require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") if defined?(Nokogiri::XML) && Webrat.configuration.parse_with_nokogiri? describe "Nokogiri Extension" do include Webrat::Matchers def fail raise_error(Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError) end before(:each) do @text_and_password = <<-HTML
HTML @text_only = <<-HTML
HTML @password_only = <<-HTML
HTML end describe ":text" do it "passes have_selector(:text) if a node with type=text exists" do @text_and_password.should have_selector(":text") end it "passes not have_selector(:text) if no node with text=text exists" do @password_only.should_not have_selector(":text") end it "fails have_selector(:text) if no node with type=text exists" do lambda { @password_only.should have_selector(":text") }.should fail end it "fails not have_selector(:text) if a node with type=text exists" do lambda { @text_only.should_not have_selector(":text") }.should fail end it "works together with other selectors" do @text_and_password.should have_selector("input:text[type*='te']") end end describe ":password" do it "passes have_selector(:password) if a node with type=password exists" do @text_and_password.should have_selector(":password") end it "passes not have_selector(:text) if no node with text=text exists" do @text_only.should_not have_selector(":password") end it "fails have_selector(:password) if no node with type=password exists" do lambda { @text_only.should have_selector(":password") }.should fail end it "fails not have_selector(:password) if a node with type=password exists" do lambda { @password_only.should_not have_selector(":password") }.should fail end it "works together with other selectors" do @text_and_password.should have_selector("input:password[type*='pa']") end end end end