require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../spec_helper") describe HashWithIndifferentAccess do it "should not update constructor when not a hash" do HashWithIndifferentAccess.should_receive(:update).never'test') end it "should get the default for key" do h = => 'me') h.should_receive(:super).never h.default(:test).should == 'me' end context "a hash with a test value applied" do setup do @h = @h[:test] = 'me' end it "should assign a new value" do @h[:test].should == 'me' end it "should return true if asked for existing key" do @h.key?(:test).should be_true end it "should return array of values for keys" do @h.values_at(:test).should == ['me'] end it "should merge with another hash" do another = => 'test') @h.merge(another).values_at(:test, :value).should == ['me','test'] end it "should delete the key" do @h.delete(:test) @h.any?.should be_false @h[:test].should be_nil end end end