require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') require "webrat/selenium/silence_stream" require "webrat/selenium/selenium_session" describe Webrat::SeleniumSession do before :each do Webrat.configuration.mode = :selenium @selenium = end it "should throw timeout instead of spec expectionnotmet error" do lambda { @selenium.wait_for(:timeout => 0.0001) do raise ::Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError end }.should raise_error(Webrat::TimeoutError) end it "should throw timeout instead of selenium command error" do lambda { @selenium.wait_for(:timeout => 0.0001) do raise ::Selenium::CommandError end }.should raise_error(Webrat::TimeoutError) end it "should throw timeout instead of webrat error" do lambda { @selenium.wait_for(:timeout => 0.0001) do raise end }.should raise_error(Webrat::TimeoutError) end end