require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../spec_helper") describe "contain" do include Webrat::Matchers before(:each) do @body = <<-EOF
hello, world!
EOF end describe "#matches?" do it "should call element#contains? when the argument is a string" do @body.should contain("hello, world!") end it "should call element#matches? when the argument is a regular expression" do @body.should contain(/hello, world/) end it "should treat newlines as spaces" do "
it takes\ndifferent strokes
".should contain("it takes different strokes") end it "should multiple spaces as a single space" do "
it takes different strokes
".should contain("it takes different strokes") end end describe "asserts for contains," do include Test::Unit::Assertions before(:each) do should_receive(:response_body).and_return @body require 'test/unit' end describe "assert_contain" do it "should pass when containing the text" do assert_contain("hello, world") end it "should pass when containing the regexp" do assert_contain(/hello, world/) end it "should throw an exception when the body doesnt contain the text" do lambda { assert_contain("monkeys") }.should raise_error(AssertionFailedError) end it "should throw an exception when the body doesnt contain the regexp" do lambda { assert_contain(/monkeys/) }.should raise_error(AssertionFailedError) end end describe "assert_not_contain" do it "should pass when not containing the text" do assert_not_contain("monkeys") end it "should pass when not containing the regexp" do assert_not_contain(/monkeys/) end it "should throw an exception when the body does contain the text" do lambda { assert_not_contain("hello, world") }.should raise_error(AssertionFailedError) end it "should throw an exception when the body does contain the regexp" do lambda { assert_not_contain(/hello, world/) }.should raise_error(AssertionFailedError) end end end describe "#failure_message" do it "should include the content string" do hc ="hello, world!") hc.matches?(@body) hc.failure_message.should include("\"hello, world!\"") end it "should include the content regular expresson" do hc =,\sworld!/) hc.matches?(@body) hc.failure_message.should include("/hello,\\sworld!/") end it "should include the element's inner content" do hc =,\sworld!/) hc.matches?(@body) hc.failure_message.should include("hello, world!") end end end