require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_helper") describe "fills_in" do before do @session = @session.stubs(:assert_response) @session.stubs(:get_via_redirect) @session.stubs(:response).returns(@response=mock) end it "should work with textareas" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS @session.expects(:post_via_redirect).with("/login", "user" => {"text" => "filling text area"}) @session.fills_in "User Text", :with => "filling text area" @session.clicks_button end it "should work with password fields" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS @session.expects(:post_via_redirect).with("/login", "user" => {"text" => "pass"}) @session.fills_in "user_text", :with => "pass" @session.clicks_button end it "should fail if input not found" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS lambda { @session.fills_in "Email", :with => "" }.should raise_error end it "should allow overriding default form values" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS @session.expects(:post_via_redirect).with("/login", "user" => {"email" => ""}) @session.fills_in "user[email]", :with => "" @session.clicks_button end it "should choose the shortest label match" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS @session.expects(:post_via_redirect).with("/login", "user" => {"mail1" => "", "mail2" => "value"}) @session.fills_in "Some", :with => "value" @session.clicks_button end it "should choose the first label match if closest is a tie" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS @session.expects(:post_via_redirect).with("/login", "user" => {"mail1" => "value", "mail2" => ""}) @session.fills_in "Some mail", :with => "value" @session.clicks_button end it "should anchor label matches to start of label" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS lambda { @session.fills_in "mail", :with => "value" }.should raise_error end it "should anchor label matches to word boundaries" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS lambda { @session.fills_in "Email", :with => "value" }.should raise_error end it "should work with inputs nested in labels" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS @session.expects(:post_via_redirect).with("/login", "user" => {"email" => ""}) @session.fills_in "Email", :with => "" @session.clicks_button end it "should work with full input names" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS @session.expects(:post_via_redirect).with("/login", "user" => {"email" => ""}) @session.fills_in "user[email]", :with => "" @session.clicks_button end it "should work with symbols" do @response.stubs(:body).returns(<<-EOS)
EOS @session.expects(:post_via_redirect).with("/login", "user" => {"email" => ""}) @session.fills_in :email, :with => "" @session.clicks_button end end