module Webrat module MerbTest #Our own redirect actions defined below, to deal with the fact that we need to store #a controller reference. def current_page @current_page ||= end def current_page=(new_page) @current_page = new_page end # Issues a GET request for a page, follows any redirects, and verifies the final page # load was successful. # # Example: # visits "/" def visits(*args) @current_page =, *args) end def save_and_open_page current_page.save_and_open end [:reloads, :fills_in, :clicks_button, :selects, :chooses, :checks, :unchecks, :clicks_link, :clicks_link_within, :clicks_put_link, :clicks_get_link, :clicks_post_link, :clicks_delete_link].each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |*args| current_page.send(method_name, *args) end end #Session defines the following (used by webrat), but RspecStory doesn't. Merb's get/put/delete return a controller, #which is where we get our status and response from. # #We have to preserve cookies like this, or the session is lost. # #While (in a web application) a PUT is modelled as a POST with a parameter _method, #this close to the metal we need to make sure that we actually hit the underlying 'put' method, #so we rewrite 'method'. def request_via_redirect(method,path,parameters={},headers={}) method = parameters["_method"] if !parameters["_method"].blank? mycookies = defined?(@controller) ? @controller.cookies : nil #will be nil if no requests yet begin @controller=self.send(method, path, parameters, headers) do |new_controller| new_controller.cookies = mycookies end rescue => exception raise unless exception.kind_of?(Merb::ControllerExceptions::Base) #Now we want to go one level below 'post' to build the request ourselves, then send it to the controller exception_klass = exception.class klass = ::Exceptions rescue Merb::Controller request = fake_request request.params[:exception] = exception request.params[:action] = @controller=dispatch_request(request, klass, end follow_redirect! while redirect? status end def get_via_redirect(path, parameters = {}, headers = {}) request_via_redirect(:get,path,parameters,headers) end def put_via_redirect(path, parameters = {}, headers = {}) request_via_redirect(:put,path,parameters,headers) end def post_via_redirect(path, parameters = {}, headers = {}) request_via_redirect(:post,path,parameters,headers) end def delete_via_redirect(path, parameters = {}, headers = {}) request_via_redirect(:delete,path,parameters,headers) end def follow_redirect! mycookies = @controller.cookies rescue nil @controller=get @controller.headers["Location"] do |new_controller| new_controller.cookies=mycookies end end def redirect? [307, *(300..305)].include?(status) end def status @controller.status end def response @controller #things like @controller.body will work. end def assert_response(resp) if resp == :success response.should be_successful else raise "assert_response #{resp.inspect} is not supported" end end end end class Application < Merb::Controller def cookies=(newcookies) @_cookies = newcookies end end #Other utilities used by Webrat that are present in Rails but not Merb. We can require heavy dependencies #here because we're only loaded in Test mode. require 'strscan' require 'cgi' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "merb_support", "param_parser.rb") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "merb_support", "url_encoded_pair_parser.rb") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "merb_support", "indifferent_access.rb") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "merb_support", "support.rb")