require "rubygems" $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) module Webrat class WebratError < StandardError end VERSION = '0.3.2' def self.root #:nodoc: defined?(RAILS_ROOT) ? RAILS_ROOT : Merb.root end end # We need Nokogiri's CSS to XPath support, even if using REXML and Hpricot for parsing and searching require "nokogiri/css" # Require nokogiri and fall back on rexml+Hpricot begin require "nokogiri" require "webrat/core/nokogiri" rescue LoadError => e require "hpricot" require "rexml/document" end require "webrat/core" # TODO: This is probably not a good idea. # Probably better for webrat users to require "webrat/rails" etc. directly if defined?(RAILS_ENV) require "webrat/rails" end