*foreplay.txt* Clojure REPL tease Author: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/> License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|) This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set. You need Clojure runtime files to use this plugin. Try VimClojure. You don't need the interactive stuff. CLASSPATH *foreplay-classpath* Upon loading a Clojure buffer, the 'path' option is automatically set to your class path. The class path is found by `lein classpath`, `mvn dependency:build-classpath`, or failing both of those, $CLASSPATH. This behavior is going away soon. Install classpath.vim if you'd like to keep it. https://github.com/tpope/vim-classpath LEININGEN *foreplay-leiningen* Leiningen support is currently bare bones. If a Leiningen project is found, 'makeprg' will be set to "lein". Leiningen 2.x writes to target/repl-port when `lein repl` is invoked. If this file is found, an nREPL connection will be established automatically. CONNECTING TO A REPL *foreplay-connect* *foreplay-:Connect* :Connect {proto}://{host}:{port} Connect to a REPL server. :Connect Interactively prompt for the options to connect to a REPL server. The REPL is used for the commands below. If no REPL is found for the current buffer and classpath.vim is installed, java (or $JAVA_CMD) is invoked directly, which can be quite slow depending on your setup. The only adapter shipped with foreplay.vim is for nREPL. You need Ruby installed and either |if_pyth| or the ruby command in your PATH. (This curious combination is an accident of history.) DOCUMENTATION *foreplay-documentation* *foreplay-:Doc* :Doc {symbol} Show the docs for the given symbol. *foreplay-:Javadoc* :Javadoc {class} Open the java docs for the given class in a browser. *foreplay-K* K Look up docs for keyword under cursor. *foreplay-:FindDoc* :FindDoc {arg} Wrapper around (clojure.repl/find-doc ...). *foreplay-:Apropos* :Apropos {arg} Wrapper around (clojure.repl/apropos ...). *foreplay-:Source* :Source {symbol} Show the source for the given symbol. *foreplay-[d* [d Show source for keyword under cursor. ]d NAVIGATING *foreplay-navigating* These commands will never use a remote REPL, only a local one, as file paths on a remote server wouldn't be very useful locally. *foreplay-[_CTRL-D* [<C-D> Jump to the source of the keyword under the cursor. ]<C-D> *foreplay-CTRL-W_CTRL-D* <C-W><C-D> Jump to the source of the keyword under the cursor in <C-W>d a split. *foreplay-gf* gf Go to the file for the namespace under the cursor. *foreplay-:Djump* :Djump {symbol} Jump to the definition for the given symbol. *foreplay-:Dsplit* :Dsplit {symbol} Jump to the definition for the given symbol in a split. EVALUATING CODE *foreplay-eval* All code is evaluated in the namespace of the current file, requiring it if necessary. If the current file sits outside the class path (project.clj, for example), the user namespace is used instead. If an exception occurs, the stack trace is loaded into the |location-list|. Use |:lopen| to view it. *foreplay-:Require* :Require [ns] Require :reload the given/current namespace. *foreplay-:Require!* :Require! [ns] Require :reload-all the given/current namespace. *foreplay-:Eval* :Eval Eval/print the outermost expression for the current line. :{range}Eval Eval/print the given range. :Eval {expr} Eval/print the given expression. *foreplay-:Eval!* :[range]Eval! Eval the given range or outermost expression and replace it with its result. :[range]Eval! {expr} Eval the given expression and insert it after the given range or current line. *foreplay-cp* cp{motion} Eval/print the code indicated by {motion}. cpp Eval/print the inner-most expr at the cursor. *foreplay-cpr* cpr Eval a require :reload form. *foreplay-cpR* cpR Eval a require :reload-all form. *foreplay-c!* c!{motion} Eval/replace the code indicated by {motion}. c!! Eval/replace the inner-most expr at the cusror. *foreplay-cqp* cqp Bring up a prompt for code to eval/print. *foreplay-cqc* cqc Bring up a |command-line-window| for code to eval/print. Equivalent to cqp<C-F>i. *foreplay-cq* cq{motion} Bring up a |command-line-window| with text indicated by {motion} prepopulated. And insert mode: *foreplay-i_CTRL-R_(* <C-R>( Evaluate the given expression and insert the result. There's omnicomplete on |CTRL-X_CTRL-O|, which works in Clojure buffers and in the |command-line-window|, and tab complete at the cqp prompt. ABOUT *foreplay-about* Grab the latest version or report a bug on GitHub: http://github.com/tpope/vim-foreplay vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: