" foreplay.vim - Clojure REPL tease " Maintainer: Tim Pope if exists("g:loaded_foreplay") || v:version < 700 || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_foreplay = 1 " File type {{{1 augroup foreplay_file_type autocmd! autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.clj setfiletype clojure autocmd FileType clojure \ if expand('%:p') !~# '^zipfile:' | \ let &l:path = classpath#detect() | \ endif augroup END if &viminfo !~# '!' set viminfo+=! endif " }}}1 " Escaping {{{1 function! foreplay#shellesc(arg) abort if a:arg =~ '^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$' return a:arg elseif &shell =~# 'cmd' return '"'.substitute(substitute(a:arg, '"', '""', 'g'), '%', '"%"', 'g').'"' else let escaped = shellescape(a:arg) if &shell =~# 'sh' && &shell !~# 'csh' return substitute(escaped, '\\\n', '\n', 'g') else return escaped endif endif endfunction function! s:str(string) return '"' . escape(a:string, '"\') . '"' endfunction " }}}1 " Completion {{{1 let s:jar_contents = {} function! foreplay#jar_contents(path) abort if !has_key(s:jar_contents, a:path) && executable('zipinfo') let s:jar_contents[a:path] = split(system('zipinfo -1 '.shellescape(a:path)), "\n") if v:shell_error return [] endif endif return copy(get(s:jar_contents, a:path, [])) endfunction function! foreplay#eval_complete(A, L, P) abort let prefix = matchstr(a:A, '\%(.* \|^\)\%(#\=[\[{('']\)*') let keyword = a:A[strlen(prefix) : -1] return sort(map(foreplay#omnicomplete(0, keyword), 'prefix . v:val.word')) endfunction function! foreplay#ns_complete(A, L, P) abort let matches = [] for dir in foreplay#client().path() if dir =~# '\.jar$' let files = filter(foreplay#jar_contents(dir), 'v:val =~# "\\.clj$"') else let files = split(glob(dir."/**/*.clj", 1), "\n") call map(files, 'v:val[strlen(dir)+1 : -1]') endif let matches += files endfor return filter(map(matches, 's:tons(v:val)'), 'a:A ==# "" || a:A ==# v:val[0 : strlen(a:A)-1]') endfunction function! foreplay#omnicomplete(findstart, base) abort if a:findstart let line = getline('.')[0 : col('.')-2] return col('.') - strlen(matchstr(line, '\k\+$')) - 1 else try let omnifier = '(fn [[k v]] (let [m (meta v)]' . \ ' {:word k :menu (pr-str (:arglists m (symbol ""))) :info (str " " (:doc m)) :kind (if (:arglists m) "f" "v")}))' let ns = foreplay#ns() let [aliases, namespaces, maps] = foreplay#evalparse( \ '[(ns-aliases '.s:qsym(ns).') (all-ns) '. \ '(sort-by :word (map '.omnifier.' (ns-map '.s:qsym(ns).')))]') if a:base =~# '^[^/]*/[^/]*$' let ns = matchstr(a:base, '^.*\ze/') let prefix = ns . '/' let ns = get(aliases, ns, ns) let keyword = matchstr(a:base, '.*/\zs.*') let results = foreplay#evalparse( \ '(sort-by :word (map '.omnifier.' (ns-publics '.s:qsym(ns).')))') for r in results let r.word = prefix . r.word endfor else let keyword = a:base let results = maps + map(sort(keys(aliases) + namespaces), '{"word": v:val."/", "kind": "t", "info": ""}') endif if type(results) == type([]) return filter(results, 'a:base ==# "" || a:base ==# v:val.word[0 : strlen(a:base)-1]') else return [] endif catch /.*/ return [] endtry endif endfunction augroup foreplay_completion autocmd! autocmd FileType clojure setlocal omnifunc=foreplay#omnicomplete augroup END " }}}1 " REPL client {{{1 let s:repl = {"requires": {}} if !exists('s:repls') let s:repls = [] let s:repl_paths = {} endif function! s:qsym(symbol) if a:symbol =~# '^[[:alnum:]?*!+/=<>.:-]\+$' return "'".a:symbol else return '(symbol "'.escape(a:symbol, '"').'")' endif endfunction function! s:repl.path() dict abort return self.connection.path() endfunction function! s:repl.eval(expr, ns) dict abort try let result = self.connection.eval(a:expr, a:ns) catch /^\w\+: Connection/ call filter(s:repl_paths, 'v:val isnot self') call filter(s:repls, 'v:val isnot self') throw v:exception endtry return result endfunction function! s:repl.require(lib) dict abort if a:lib !~# '^\%(user\)\=$' && !get(self.requires, a:lib, 0) let reload = has_key(self.requires, a:lib) ? ' :reload' : '' let self.requires[a:lib] = 0 let result = self.eval('(doto '.s:qsym(a:lib).' (require'.reload.') the-ns)', 'user') let self.requires[a:lib] = !has_key(result, 'ex') endif return '' endfunction function! s:repl.includes_file(file) dict abort let file = substitute(a:file, '\C^zipfile:\(.*\)::', '\1/', '') for path in self.path() if file[0 : len(path)-1] ==? path return 1 endif endfor endfunction function! s:register_connection(conn, ...) call insert(s:repls, extend({'connection': a:conn}, deepcopy(s:repl))) if a:0 && a:1 !=# '' let s:repl_paths[a:1] = s:repls[0] endif return s:repls[0] endfunction " }}}1 " :Connect {{{1 command! -bar -complete=customlist,s:connect_complete -nargs=? ForeplayConnect :exe s:Connect() function! foreplay#input_host_port() let arg = input('Host> ', 'localhost') if arg ==# '' return '' endif echo "\n" let arg .= ':' . input('Port> ') if arg =~# ':$' return '' endif echo "\n" return arg endfunction function! s:protos() return map(split(globpath(&runtimepath, 'autoload/*/foreplay_connection.vim'), "\n"), 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":h:t")') endfunction function! s:connect_complete(A, L, P) let proto = matchstr(a:A, '\w\+\ze://') if proto ==# '' let options = map(s:protos(), 'v:val."://"') else let rest = matchstr(a:A, '://\zs.*') try let options = {proto}#foreplay_connection#complete(rest) catch /^Vim(let):E117/ let options = ['localhost:'] endtry call map(options, 'proto."://".v:val') endif if a:A !=# '' call filter(options, 'v:val[0 : strlen(a:A)-1] ==# a:A') endif return options endfunction function! s:Connect(arg) if a:arg =~# '^\w\+://' let [proto, arg] = split(a:arg, '://') elseif a:arg !=# '' return 'echoerr '.string('Usage: :Connect proto://...') else let protos = s:protos() if empty(protos) return 'echoerr '.string('No protocols available') endif let proto = s:inputlist('Protocol> ', protos) if proto ==# '' return endif redraw! echo ':Connect' echo 'Protocol> '.proto let arg = {proto}#foreplay_connection#prompt() endif try let connection = {proto}#foreplay_connection#open(arg) catch /.*/ return 'echoerr '.string(v:exception) endtry if type(connection) !=# type({}) || empty(connection) return '' endif let client = s:register_connection(connection) echo 'Connected to '.proto.'://'.arg let path = fnamemodify(exists('b:java_root') ? b:java_root : fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:s?.*\zs[\/]src[\/].*??'), ':~') let root = input('Scope connection to: ', path, 'dir') if root !=# '' let s:repl_paths[fnamemodify(root, ':p:s?[\/]$??')] = client endif return '' endfunction augroup foreplay_connect autocmd! autocmd FileType clojure command! -bar -complete=customlist,s:connect_complete -nargs=? Connect :ForeplayConnect augroup END " }}}1 " Java runner {{{1 if !exists('g:java_cmd') let g:java_cmd = exists('$JAVA_CMD') ? $JAVA_CMD : 'java' endif let s:oneoff = {} function! s:oneoff.path() dict abort return classpath#split(classpath#from_vim(self.classpath)) endfunction let s:oneoff_pr = tempname() let s:oneoff_ex = tempname() let s:oneoff_stk = tempname() let s:oneoff_in = tempname() let s:oneoff_out = tempname() let s:oneoff_err = tempname() function! s:oneoff.eval(expr, ns) dict abort if &verbose echohl WarningMSG echomsg "No REPL found. Running java clojure.main ..." echohl None endif if a:ns !=# '' && a:ns !=# 'user' let ns = '(require '.s:qsym(a:ns).') (in-ns '.s:qsym(a:ns).') ' else let ns = '' endif call writefile([], s:oneoff_pr, 'b') call writefile([], s:oneoff_ex, 'b') call writefile([], s:oneoff_stk, 'b') call writefile(split('(do '.a:expr.')', "\n"), s:oneoff_in, 'b') call writefile([], s:oneoff_out, 'b') call writefile([], s:oneoff_err, 'b') let command = g:java_cmd.' -cp '.shellescape(self.classpath).' clojure.main -e ' . \ foreplay#shellesc( \ '(binding [*out* (java.io.FileWriter. '.s:str(s:oneoff_out).')' . \ ' *err* (java.io.FileWriter. '.s:str(s:oneoff_err).')]' . \ ' (try' . \ ' (require ''clojure.repl) '.ns.'(spit '.s:str(s:oneoff_pr).' (pr-str (eval (read-string (slurp '.s:str(s:oneoff_in).')))))' . \ ' (catch Exception e' . \ ' (spit *err* (.toString e))' . \ ' (spit '.s:str(s:oneoff_ex).' (class e))' . \ ' (spit '.s:str(s:oneoff_stk).' (apply str (interpose "\n" (.getStackTrace e))))))' . \ ' nil)') let wtf = system(command) let result = {} let result.value = join(readfile(s:oneoff_pr, 'b'), "\n") let result.out = join(readfile(s:oneoff_out, 'b'), "\n") let result.err = join(readfile(s:oneoff_err, 'b'), "\n") let result.ex = join(readfile(s:oneoff_ex, 'b'), "\n") let result.stacktrace = readfile(s:oneoff_stk) call filter(result, '!empty(v:val)') if v:shell_error && get(result, 'ex', '') ==# '' throw 'Error running Clojure: '.wtf else return result endif endfunction function! s:oneoff.require(symbol) return '' endfunction " }}}1 " Client {{{1 function! s:client() abort silent doautocmd User ForeplayPreConnect let buf = exists('s:input') ? s:input : '%' let root = simplify(fnamemodify(bufname(buf), ':p:s?[\/]$??')) let previous = "" while root !=# previous if has_key(s:repl_paths, root) return s:repl_paths[root] endif let previous = root let root = fnamemodify(root, ':h') endwhile return foreplay#local_client(1) endfunction function! foreplay#client() abort return s:client() endfunction function! foreplay#local_client(...) if !a:0 silent doautocmd User ForeplayPreConnect endif let buf = exists('s:input') ? s:input : '%' for repl in s:repls if repl.includes_file(fnamemodify(bufname(buf), ':p')) return repl endif endfor let cp = classpath#from_vim(getbufvar(buf, '&path')) return extend({'classpath': cp}, s:oneoff) endfunction function! foreplay#eval(expr, ...) abort let c = s:client() if !a:0 && foreplay#ns() !~# '^\%(user\)$' call c.require(foreplay#ns()) endif let result = c.eval(a:expr, a:0 ? a:1 : foreplay#ns()) if get(result, 'err', '') !=# '' echohl ErrorMSG echo substitute(result.err, '\n$', '', '') echohl NONE endif if get(result, 'out', '') !=# '' echo substitute(result.out, '\n$', '', '') endif if get(result, 'ex', '') !=# '' let err = 'Clojure: '.result.ex elseif has_key(result, 'value') return result.value else let err = 'foreplay.vim: Something went wrong: '.string(result) endif throw err endfunction function! foreplay#evalparse(expr) abort let body = foreplay#eval( \ '(symbol ((fn *vimify [x]' . \ ' (cond' . \ ' (map? x) (str "{" (apply str (interpose ", " (map (fn [[k v]] (str (*vimify k) ": " (*vimify v))) x))) "}")' . \ ' (coll? x) (str "[" (apply str (interpose ", " (map *vimify x))) "]")' . \ ' (number? x) (pr-str x)' . \ ' (keyword? x) (pr-str (name x))' . \ ' :else (pr-str (str x)))) '.a:expr.'))', \ a:0 ? a:1 : foreplay#ns()) if body ==# '' return '' else return eval(body) endif endfunction " }}}1 " Eval {{{1 let foreplay#skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") =~? "comment\\|string\\|char"' function! s:opfunc(type) abort let sel_save = &selection let cb_save = &clipboard let reg_save = @@ try set selection=inclusive clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus if a:type =~ '^\d\+$' silent exe 'normal! ^v'.a:type.'$hy' elseif a:type =~# '^.$' silent exe "normal! `<" . a:type . "`>y" elseif a:type ==# 'line' silent exe "normal! '[V']y" elseif a:type ==# 'block' silent exe "normal! `[\`]y" elseif a:type ==# 'outer' call searchpair('(','',')', 'Wbcr', g:foreplay#skip) silent exe "normal! vaby" else silent exe "normal! `[v`]y" endif redraw return @@ finally let @@ = reg_save let &selection = sel_save let &clipboard = cb_save endtry endfunction function! s:filterop(type) abort let reg_save = @@ try let expr = s:opfunc(a:type) let @@ = matchstr(expr, '^\n\+').foreplay#eval(expr, foreplay#ns()).matchstr(expr, '\n\+$') if @@ !~# '^\n*$' normal! gvp endif catch /^Clojure:/ return '' finally let @@ = reg_save endtry endfunction function! s:printop(type) abort let s:todo = s:opfunc(a:type) call feedkeys("\ForeplayPrintLast") endfunction function! s:print_last() abort try echo foreplay#eval(s:todo) catch /^Clojure:/ endtry return '' endfunction function! s:editop(type) abort call feedkeys(&cedit . "\", 'n') let input = s:input(substitute(substitute(s:opfunc(a:type), "\s*;[^\n]*", '', 'g'), '\n\+\s*', ' ', 'g')) try if input !=# '' echo foreplay#eval(input) endif catch /^Clojure:/ return '' endtry endfunction function! s:Eval(bang, line1, line2, count, args) abort if a:args !=# '' let expr = a:args else if a:count ==# 0 normal! ^ let line1 = searchpair('(','',')', 'bcrn', g:foreplay#skip) let line2 = searchpair('(','',')', 'rn', g:foreplay#skip) else let line1 = a:line1 let line2 = a:line2 endif if !line1 || !line2 return '' endif let expr = join(getline(line1, line2), "\n") if a:bang exe line1.','.line2.'delete _' endif endif try let result = foreplay#eval(expr) if a:bang if a:args !=# '' call append(a:line1, result) exe a:line1 else call append(a:line1-1, result) exe a:line1-1 endif else echo result endif catch /^Clojure:/ endtry return '' endfunction " If we call input() directly inside a try, and the user opens the command " line window and tries to switch out of it (such as with ctrl-w), Vim will " crash when the command line window closes. Adding an indirect function call " works around this. function! s:actually_input(...) return call(function('input'), a:000) endfunction function! s:input(default) abort if !exists('g:FOREPLAY_HISTORY') let g:FOREPLAY_HISTORY = [] endif try let s:input = bufnr('%') let s:oldhist = s:histswap(g:FOREPLAY_HISTORY) return s:actually_input(foreplay#ns().'=> ', a:default, 'customlist,foreplay#eval_complete') finally unlet! s:input if exists('s:oldhist') let g:FOREPLAY_HISTORY = s:histswap(s:oldhist) endif endtry endfunction function! s:inputclose() abort let l = substitute(getcmdline(), '"\%(\\.\|[^"]\)*"\|\\.', '', 'g') let open = len(substitute(l, '[^(]', '', 'g')) let close = len(substitute(l, '[^)]', '', 'g')) if open - close == 1 return ")\" else return ")" endif endfunction function! s:inputeval() abort let input = s:input('') redraw if input ==# '' return '' else try echo foreplay#eval(input) return '' catch /^Clojure:/ return '' catch return 'echoerr '.string(v:exception) endtry endif endfunction function! s:recall() abort try cnoremap ) inputclose() let input = s:input('(') if input =~# '^(\=$' return '' else return foreplay#eval(input) endif catch /^Clojure:/ return '' finally silent! cunmap ) endtry endfunction function! s:histswap(list) let old = [] for i in range(1, histnr('@') * (histnr('@') > 0)) call extend(old, [histget('@', i)]) endfor call histdel('@') for entry in a:list call histadd('@', entry) endfor return old endfunction nnoremap ForeplayPrintLast :exe print_last() nnoremap ForeplayPrint :set opfunc=printopg@ xnoremap ForeplayPrint :call printop(visualmode()) nnoremap ForeplayFilter :set opfunc=filteropg@ xnoremap ForeplayFilter :call filterop(visualmode()) nnoremap ForeplayEdit :set opfunc=editopg@ xnoremap ForeplayEdit :call editop(visualmode()) nnoremap ForeplayPrompt :exe inputeval() noremap! ForeplayRecall =recall() function! s:setup_eval() abort command! -buffer -bang -range=0 -nargs=? -complete=customlist,foreplay#eval_complete Eval :exe s:Eval(0, , , , ) nmap cp ForeplayPrint nmap cpp ForeplayPrintab nmap c! ForeplayFilter nmap c!! ForeplayFilterab nmap cq ForeplayEdit nmap cqq ForeplayEditab nmap cqp ForeplayPrompt exe 'nmap cqc ForeplayPrompt' . &cedit . 'i' map! ( ForeplayRecall endfunction function! s:cmdwinenter() setlocal filetype=clojure endfunction function! s:cmdwinleave() setlocal filetype< omnifunc< endfunction augroup foreplay_eval autocmd! autocmd FileType clojure call s:setup_eval() autocmd CmdWinEnter @ if exists('s:input') | call s:cmdwinenter() | endif autocmd CmdWinLeave @ if exists('s:input') | call s:cmdwinleave() | endif augroup END " }}}1 " :Require {{{1 function! s:Require(bang, ns) let cmd = ('(require '.s:qsym(a:ns ==# '' ? foreplay#ns() : a:ns).' :reload'.(a:bang ? '-all' : '').')') echo cmd try call foreplay#eval(cmd) return '' catch /^Clojure:.*/ return '' endtry endfunction function! s:setup_require() command! -buffer -bar -bang -complete=customlist,foreplay#ns_complete -nargs=? Require :exe s:Require(0, ) nnoremap cpr :Require nnoremap cpR :Require! endfunction augroup foreplay_require autocmd! autocmd FileType clojure call s:setup_require() augroup END " }}}1 " Go to source {{{1 function! foreplay#source(symbol) abort let c = foreplay#local_client() call c.require(foreplay#ns()) let cmd = \ " (when-let [v (resolve " . s:qsym(a:symbol) .')]' . \ ' (when-let [filepath (:file (meta v))]' . \ ' (when-let [url (.getResource (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader) filepath)]' . \ ' (symbol (str (str "+" (:line (meta v))) " "' . \ ' (if (= "jar" (.getProtocol url))' . \ ' (str "zip" (.replaceFirst (.getFile url) "!/" "::"))' . \ ' (.getFile url)))))))' let result = get(split(c.eval(cmd, foreplay#ns()).value, "\n"), 0, '') return result ==# 'nil' ? '' : result endfunction function! s:Edit(cmd, keyword) abort if a:keyword =~# '^\k\+/$' let location = foreplay#findfile(a:keyword[0: -2]) elseif a:keyword =~# '^\k\+\.[^/.]\+$' let location = foreplay#findfile(a:keyword) else let location = foreplay#source(a:keyword) endif if location !=# '' if matchstr(location, '^+\d\+ \zs.*') ==# expand('%:p') && a:cmd ==# 'edit' return matchstr(location, '\d\+') else return a:cmd.' '.location.'|let &l:path = '.string(&l:path) endif endif let v:errmsg = "Couldn't find source for ".a:keyword return 'echoerr v:errmsg' endfunction nnoremap ForeplayDjump :exe Edit('edit', expand('')) nnoremap ForeplayDsplit :exe Edit('split', expand('')) nnoremap ForeplayDtabjump :exe Edit('tabedit', expand('')) augroup foreplay_source autocmd! autocmd FileType clojure setlocal includeexpr=tr(v:fname,'.-','/_') autocmd FileType clojure setlocal suffixesadd=.clj,.java autocmd FileType clojure setlocal define=^\\s*(def\\w* autocmd FileType clojure command! -bar -buffer -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,foreplay#eval_complete Djump :exe s:Edit('edit', ) autocmd FileType clojure command! -bar -buffer -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,foreplay#eval_complete Dsplit :exe s:Edit('split', ) autocmd FileType clojure nmap [ ForeplayDjump autocmd FileType clojure nmap ] ForeplayDjump autocmd FileType clojure nmap ForeplayDsplit autocmd FileType clojure nmap d ForeplayDsplit autocmd FileType clojure nmap gd ForeplayDtabedit augroup END " }}}1 " Go to file {{{1 function! foreplay#findfile(path) abort let c = foreplay#local_client() call c.require(foreplay#ns()) let cmd = \ '(symbol' . \ ' (or' . \ ' (when-let [url (.getResource (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader) %s)]' . \ ' (if (= "jar" (.getProtocol url))' . \ ' (str "zip" (.replaceFirst (.getFile url) "!/" "::"))' . \ ' (.getFile url)))' . \ ' ""))' let path = a:path if path !~# '[/.]' && path =~# '^\k\+$' let aliascmd = printf(cmd, \ '(if-let [ns ((ns-aliases *ns*) '.s:qsym(path).')]' . \ ' (str (.replace (.replace (str (ns-name ns)) "-" "_") "." "/") ".clj")' . \ ' "'.path.'.clj")') let result = get(split(c.eval(aliascmd, foreplay#ns()).value, "\n"), 0, '') else if path !~# '/' let path = tr(path, '.-', '/_') endif if path !~# '\.\w\+$' let path .= '.clj' endif let result = get(split(c.eval(printf(cmd, '"'.escape(path, '"').'"'), foreplay#ns()).value, "\n"), 0, '') endif if result ==# '' return findfile(path, &l:path) else return result endif endfunction function! s:GF(cmd, file) abort if a:file =~# '^[^/]*/[^/.]*$' && a:file =~# '^\k\+$' let [file, jump] = split(a:file, "/") else let file = a:file endif let file = foreplay#findfile(file) if file ==# '' let v:errmsg = "Couldn't find file for ".a:file return 'echoerr v:errmsg' endif return a:cmd . \ (exists('jump') ? ' +sil!\ djump\ ' . jump : '') . \ ' ' . fnameescape(file) . \ '| let &l:path = ' . string(&l:path) endfunction augroup foreplay_go_to_file autocmd! autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap gf :exe GF('edit', expand('')) autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap f :exe GF('split', expand('')) autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap :exe GF('split', expand('')) autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap gf :exe GF('tabedit', expand('')) augroup END " }}}1 " Documentation {{{1 function! s:buffer_path(...) abort let buffer = a:0 ? a:1 : exists('s:input') ? s:input : '%' if getbufvar(buffer, '&buftype') =~# '^no' return '' endif let path = substitute(fnamemodify(bufname(buffer), ':p'), '\C^zipfile:\(.*\)::', '\1/', '') for dir in classpath#split(classpath#from_vim(getbufvar(buffer, '&path'))) if dir !=# '' && path[0 : strlen(dir)-1] ==# dir return path[strlen(dir)+1:-1] endif endfor return '' endfunction function! s:tons(path) abort return tr(substitute(a:path, '\.\w\+$', '', ''), '\/_', '..-') endfunction function! foreplay#ns() abort let lnum = 1 while lnum < line('$') && getline(lnum) =~# '^\s*\%(;.*\)\=$' let lnum += 1 endwhile let lines = join(getline(lnum, lnum+10), ' ') let lines = substitute(lines, '"\%(\\.\|[^"]\)*"', '', 'g') let lines = substitute(lines, '\^\={[^{}]*}', '', '') let ns = matchstr(lines, '\C^(\s*\%(in-ns\s*''\|ns\s\+\)\zs[A-Za-z0-9_?*!+/=<>.-]\+\ze') if ns !=# '' return ns endif let path = s:buffer_path() return s:tons(path ==# '' ? 'user' : path) endfunction function! s:Lookup(ns, macro, arg) abort " doc is in clojure.core in older Clojure versions try call foreplay#eval("(require '".a:ns.") (eval (list (if (ns-resolve 'clojure.core '".a:macro.") 'clojure.core/".a:macro." '".a:ns.'/'.a:macro.") '".a:arg.'))') catch /^Clojure:/ catch /.*/ echohl ErrorMSG echo v:exception echohl None endtry return '' endfunction function! s:inputlist(label, entries) let choices = [a:label] for i in range(len(a:entries)) let choices += [printf('%2d. %s', i+1, a:entries[i])] endfor let choice = inputlist(choices) if choice return a:entries[choice-1] else return '' endif endfunction function! s:Apropos(pattern) abort if a:pattern =~# '^#\="' let pattern = a:pattern elseif a:pattern =~# '^^' let pattern = '#"' . a:pattern . '"' else let pattern = '"' . a:pattern . '"' endif let matches = foreplay#evalparse('(clojure.repl/apropos '.pattern.')') if empty(matches) return '' endif let choice = s:inputlist('Look up docs for:', matches) if choice !=# '' return 'echo "\n"|Doc '.choice else return '' endif endfunction function! s:K() let word = expand('') let java_candidate = matchstr(word, '^\%(\w\+\.\)*\u\l\w*\ze\%(\.\|\/\w\+\)\=$') if java_candidate !=# '' return 'Javadoc '.java_candidate else return 'Doc '.word endif endfunction nnoremap ForeplayK :=K() nnoremap ForeplaySource :Source augroup foreplay_doc autocmd! autocmd FileType clojure nmap K ForeplayK autocmd FileType clojure nmap [d ForeplaySource autocmd FileType clojure nmap ]d ForeplaySource autocmd FileType clojure command! -buffer -nargs=1 Apropos :exe s:Apropos() autocmd FileType clojure command! -buffer -nargs=1 FindDoc :exe s:Lookup('clojure.repl', 'find-doc', printf('#"%s"', )) autocmd FileType clojure command! -buffer -bar -nargs=1 Javadoc :exe s:Lookup('clojure.java.javadoc', 'javadoc', ) autocmd FileType clojure command! -buffer -bar -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,foreplay#eval_complete Doc :exe s:Lookup('clojure.repl', 'doc', ) autocmd FileType clojure command! -buffer -bar -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,foreplay#eval_complete Source :exe s:Lookup('clojure.repl', 'source', ) augroup END " }}}1 " Leiningen {{{1 function! s:hunt(start, anchor) abort let root = simplify(fnamemodify(a:start, ':p:s?[\/]$??')) if !isdirectory(fnamemodify(root, ':h')) return '' endif let previous = "" while root !=# previous if filereadable(root . '/' . a:anchor) && isdirectory(root . '/src') return root endif let previous = root let root = fnamemodify(root, ':h') endwhile return '' endfunction if !exists('s:leiningen_repl_ports') let s:leiningen_repl_ports = {} endif function! s:leiningen_connect() if !exists('b:leiningen_root') return endif let portfile = b:leiningen_root . '/target/repl-port' if getfsize(portfile) > 0 && getftime(portfile) !=# get(s:leiningen_repl_ports, b:leiningen_root, -1) let port = matchstr(readfile(portfile, 'b', 1)[0], '\d\+') let s:leiningen_repl_ports[b:leiningen_root] = getftime(portfile) try call s:register_connection(nrepl#foreplay_connection#open(port), b:leiningen_root) catch /^nREPL: .*[Cc]onnection/ call delete(portfile) endtry endif endfunction function! s:leiningen_init() abort if !exists('b:leiningen_root') let root = s:hunt(expand('%:p'), 'project.clj') if root !=# '' let b:leiningen_root = root endif endif if !exists('b:leiningen_root') return endif let b:java_root = b:leiningen_root setlocal makeprg=lein efm=%+G call s:leiningen_connect() endfunction augroup foreplay_leiningen autocmd! autocmd User ForeplayPreConnect call s:leiningen_connect() autocmd FileType clojure call s:leiningen_init() augroup END " }}}1 " vim:set et sw=2: