maintainer "Opscode, Inc." maintainer_email "" license "Apache 2.0" description "Installs and maintains php and php modules" version "1.0.0" depends "build-essential" depends "xml" depends "mysql" %w{ debian ubuntu centos redhat fedora }.each do |os| supports os end recipe "php", "Installs php" recipe "php::package", "Installs php using packages." recipe "php::source", "Installs php from source." recipe "php::module_apc", "Install the php5-apc package" recipe "php::module_curl", "Install the php5-curl package" recipe "php::module_fileinfo", "Install the php5-fileinfo package" recipe "php::module_fpdf", "Install the php-fpdf package" recipe "php::module_gd", "Install the php5-gd package" recipe "php::module_ldap", "Install the php5-ldap package" recipe "php::module_memcache", "Install the php5-memcache package" recipe "php::module_mysql", "Install the php5-mysql package" recipe "php::module_pgsql", "Install the php5-pgsql packag" recipe "php::module_sqlite3", "Install the php5-sqlite3 package"