# Vagrant Wordpress Theming # This is a [Vagrant][vagrant] setup for creating Wordpress themes. Uses [Chef Solo][chef] recipes for provisioning. The recipes are copied from [my fork][cookbooks-developish] of [those by Opscode][cookbooks-opscode], which allows for their use with Chef Solo and for a blank MySQL root password. NEVER WORRY ABOUT SETTING UP MYSQL AND PHP ON YOUR MAC EVER AGAIN! ## Requirements ## * [Vagrant][vagrant] $ gem install vagrant ## To get started ## $ git clone git://github.com/paulcarvill/vagrant-wordpress.git $ cd vagrant-wordpress $ vagrant up $ open http://localhost:8080 Copy a base theme (like [Starkers][starkers]) into the theme directory, choose it in the Wordpress dashboard, and get to work! Your Ubuntu/PHP/MySQL box exists as a virtual machine. The website running on the virtual machine is pointing back at the theme directory on your local machine. So you can do your work, keep it in version control, and destroy the virtual machine once you're finished using: $ vagrant destroy [vagrant]:http://vagrantup.com [chef]:http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Chef+Solo [cookbooks-developish]:https://github.com/opscode/cookbooks [cookbooks-opscode]:https://github.com/opscode/cookbooks [starkers]:http://starkerstheme.com