# Vagrant Wordpress Theming # This is a [Vagrant][vagrant] setup for creating Wordpress themes. Uses [Chef Solo][chef] recipes for provisioning. The recipes are copied from [my fork][cookbooks-developish] of [those by Opscode][cookbooks-opscode], which allows for their use with Chef Solo and for a blank MySQL root password. ## Requirements ## * [Vagrant][vagrant] ## To get started ## $ git clone git://github.com/developish/vagrant-wordpress.git $ cd vagrant-wordpress $ vagrant up $ open http://localhost:8080 Copy a base theme (like [Starkers][starkers]) into the theme directory, choose it in the Wordpress dashboard, and get to work! [vagrant]:http://vagrantup.com [chef]:http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Chef+Solo [cookbooks-developish]:https://github.com/opscode/cookbooks [cookbooks-opscode]:https://github.com/opscode/cookbooks [starkers]:http://starkerstheme.com