array(), 'styles' => array()); // If the environment is anything but production, errors will be rendered in the page. $trivial_env = 'development'; if (($config = fe_check('config/')) !== false) { include($config); } $trim = str_replace(realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']), '', realpath($root_dir)); $requested = preg_replace('#/$#', '/index.html', $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']); $requested = preg_replace("#${trim}/(.*)\.[^\.]+\$#", '\1', $requested); /** * Check the root path for the requested file. * @param string $path The path to look for. * @return string The path to the file on the filesystem, or false if not found. */ function fe_check($path) { global $root_dir; if (file_exists($full_path = ($root_dir . '/' . $path))) { return $full_path; } else { return false; } } /** * Load a partial file. * Partials live in the views directory and are prefixed with an underscore (ex: section/ * @param string $name The name of the partial without the leading underscore (ex: section/a_partial). * @param array $local A hash of variables to include into the local scope of the partial. * @return string The partial's result. */ function partial($name, $local = array()) { $name = preg_replace('#/([^/]+)$', '/_\1', $name); if (($path = fe_check('views/' . $name . '.inc')) !== false) { extract($local); ob_start(); include($path); return ob_get_clean(); } else { render_error("No partial named ${name} found!"); } } /** * Handle a rendering error. * If the environment is 'production', the error is only logged. If it's anything else, it's printed * on the screen. Regardless, an HTTP 500 error is returned and processing stops. * @param string $error The error message to display. */ function render_error($error) { global $trivial_env; if ($trivial_env == 'production') { error_log($error); } else { echo "
"; } header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); exit(1); } /** * Render style link tags. */ function styles() { $args = func_get_args(); return head_component('style', $args); } /** * Render script tags. */ function scripts() { $args = func_get_args(); return head_component('script', $args); } /** * Render a style tag. */ function style($name, $additional = '') { return asset($name, 'styles/%s.css', '', true, $additional); } /** * Render a script tag. */ function script($name) { return asset($name, 'scripts/%s.js', ''); } /** * Render an asset tag, busting the cache if necessary. */ function asset($name, $search, $format, $bust_cache = true, $additional = '') { if (($file = fe_check(sprintf($search, $name))) !== false) { return sprintf($format, $name, $bust_cache ? cachebuster($file) : '', $additional); } return ''; } /** * Get a cachebuster string for a file. */ function cachebuster($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { return '?' . filemtime($file); } else { return ''; } } /** * Render head compoments. * @param string $what The type of component to render. $global_head is searched for a matching key and values for that key are merged into the list of styles. * @param array $additional An array of additional components to display. * @param string $search The search pattern to use for each component, run through sprintf() with the first %s being replaced with the component name. * @param string $format The output format of the HTML tag to bring in the content. * @return string The HTML for all found components. */ function head_component($what, $additional = array()) { global $requested, $global_head; $output = array(); $components = $additional; if (isset($global_head[$what]) && is_array($global_head[$what])) { $components = array_merge($components, $global_head[$what]); } $components = array_merge($components, array('application', $requested)); foreach ($components as $name) { $output[] = call_user_func($what, $name); } return implode("\n", $output); } /** * Get the code to embed the Blueprint CSS framework. * You should be starting with Blueprint and working your way from there, if only for the CSS reset & IE fixes alone. * @return string The HTML for Blueprint. */ function blueprint() { $output = array(); $output[] = style('blueprint/screen', 'media="screen, projection"'); $output[] = style('blueprint/print', 'media="print"'); $output[] = ''; return implode('', $output); } // Search for files in the content directory, starting with .inc files (which will be include()d), then .html files (which will be file_get_content()sed) $content = null; if (($content_file = fe_check('content/' . $requested . '.inc')) !== false) { ob_start(); include($content_file); $content = ob_get_clean(); } else { if (($content_file = fe_check('content/' . $requested . '.html')) !== false) { $content = file_get_contents($content_file); } } // Look for an action for the request. If it's found, execute it. Remember, $content contains the result of the above operation, if something was found. foreach (array('application', $requested) as $action) { if (($action_file = fe_check('actions/' . $action . '.inc')) !== false) { include($action_file); } } // Look for a view with the same name as the request. If it's found, include() it, wrapping the include() in an output buffer block. if (($view_file = fe_check('views/' . $requested . '.inc')) !== false) { ob_start(); include($view_file); $content = ob_get_clean(); } // We should have content by this point. If not, raise an error. if (is_null($content)) { render_error("No content generated for ${requested}! Did you create a content, action, or view file for this request?"); } // We should have a layout, too. If not, raise an error. if (($layout_file = fe_check('views/' . $layout . '.inc')) !== false) { ob_start(); include($layout_file); $content = ob_get_clean(); } else { render_error("Layout not found: ${layout}"); } // We're done! echo $content;