!SLIDE # `describe` !SLIDE # Describes a thing or a behavior of a thing !SLIDE # Let's describe... !SLIDE image-80-percent !SLIDE even-larger ``` coffeescript describe 'Cat', -> # cat behavior descriptions go here ``` !SLIDE # Something that cats do... !SLIDE image-80-percent !SLIDE larger ``` coffeescript describe 'Cat', -> describe '#meow', -> # description of the meow behavior goes here ``` !SLIDE # John behavior #1 ## Use Ruby-style indicators for instance- and class-level methods, even in Jasmine ``` coffeescript describe 'John', -> describe 'spec definitions', -> it 'should look like you did it in RSpec', -> ``` !SLIDE # Describe how we expect a cat to meow !SLIDE # `it` !SLIDE even-larger ``` coffeescript describe 'Cat', -> describe '#meow', -> it 'should meow correctly', -> # expectation of a cat meowing ``` !SLIDE # We have the description... !SLIDE # Now let's add the expectations!