# Process Inkscape files and create sets of cards for board games Not much in the way of docs yet. You'll need `inkscape`, `convert`, `montage`, and `gs` in your `PATH`. Create a `Cardfile` in your working directory. It should look something like this: ``` ruby @session.configure do |c| c.svg_source = "template/template.svg" c.svg_merged_target = "template/output.svg" c.png_export_width = 825 c.pdf_card_size = "750x1050" c.pdf_dpi = 300 c.individual_files_path = "template/output/card_%02d.svg" c.png_files_path = "template/png/card_%02d.png" c.pdf_target = "merged.pdf" end @session.process do require 'google_drive' require 'virtus' require 'active_support/inflector' require './card_definitions.rb' CardDefinitions.processed.each do |card| @session.with_new_target do |target| datum = card.to_svggvs # #active_layers indicates what sublayers within the "Source" layer of # the Inkscape document should be toggled as visible. All others are hidden. target.active_layers = datum[:active] # Any text with {% liquid_like_tags %} will have those tags replaced with the # values within the hash passed in. target.replacements = datum[:replacements] end end end ``` You can also have a `.cardrc` file which is run before loading the `Cardfile`. Process your cards with `svggvs`: * `svggvs merged_file`: Create a big SVG file with al cards as layers * `svggvs svgs`: Write out individual SVG files * `svggvs pngs`: Write out PNG files after writing out the SVG files * `svggvs pdf`: Write out the merged PnP PDF file You can also pass in `--cardfile ` to load a different cardfile, say for card backs.