# Sinatra Extension: StaticAssets Gem *sinatra-static-assets* implements the following helpers methods: * `image_tag` * `stylesheet_link_tag` * `javascript_script_tag` * `link_tag` To install it, run: sudo gem install wbzyl-sinatra-static-assets -s http://gems.github.com All these methods are simple wrappers around the `url_for` method from the [sinatra-url-for](http://github.com/emk/sinatra-url-for/) gem. ## When will you need it? Whenever you use the [Passenger module for Apache2](http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache.html#deploying_rack_to_sub_uri) or use `Rack::URLMap` to dispatch an application to sub URI. Example: Suppose that we already have a virtual host `hitch.local` and two Sinatra applications that live in `/home/me/www/summer` and `/home/me/www/winter` directories, respectively. We want our Sinatra applications to be accessible from the following sub URI: http://hitch.local/summer and http://hitch.local/winter To configure Apache2 and Passenger to serve our applications we need to create a new configuration file with the following content: ServerName hitch.local DocumentRoot /srv/www/hitch.local RackBaseURI /summer RackBaseURI /winter and a link to the applications directories in `/srv/www/hitch.local`: ln -s /home/me/www/summer/public /srv/www/hitch.local/summer ln -s /home/me/www/winter/public /srv/www/hitch.local/winter After restarting an Apache2 server and visiting, for example, the first application at `http://hitch.local/summer` we see that links to images, stylesheets and javascripts are broken. The hitch here is that in Sinatra applications we usually refer to images/stylesheets/javascripts with absolute URI: /images/tatry1.jpg /stylesheets/app.css /javascripts/app.js That setup **works** whenever we are running applications locally. The absolute URI above tells a browser to request images (stylesheets and javascripts) from: http://localhost:4567/images/tatry1.jpg which in turn, tells a server to send a file: /home/me/www/summer/public/images/tatry1.jpg The `public` directory is the default directory where static files should be served from. So, the `/images/tatry1.jpg` picture will be there and will be served unless we had changed that default directory. But these absolute URIs do not work when, for example, the *summer* application is dispatched to `/summer` sub URI. As a result the images are at: http://hitch.local/summer/images/tatry1.jpg but we request them from: http://hitch.local/images/tatry1.jpg And this **does not work** because there is no application dispatched to *images* sub URI. The recommended way to deal with an absolute URI is to use a helper method that automatically converts `/images/tatry1.jpg` to `/summer/images/tatry1.jpg` for application dispatched to `/summer` sub URI. In the above example you can simply remove the `` HTML tag and replace it with a Ruby inline code like this: <%= image_tag("/images/tatry1.jpg", :alt => "Błyszcz, 2159 m") %> See also, [How to fix broken images/CSS/JavaScript URIs in sub-URI deployments](http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache.html#sub_uri_deployment_uri_fix) ## Usage examples In HTML `` and `` tags have no end tag. In XHTML, on the contrary, these tags must be properly closed. We can choose the appropriate behaviour with *closed* option: image_tag "/images/tatry1.jpg", :alt => "Błyszcz, 2159 m", :closed => true The default value of *closed* option is `false`. stylesheet_link_tag "/stylesheets/screen.css", "/stylesheets/summer.css", :media => "projection" javascript_script_tag "/javascripts/jquery.js", "/javascripts/summer.js", :charset => "iso-8859-2" link_to "Tatry Mountains Rescue Team", "/topr" In order to use include the following in a Sinatra application: gem 'wbzyl-sinatra-static-assets' require 'sinatra/static_assets' Or, if subclassing `Sinatra::Base`, include helpers manually: gem 'wbzyl-sinatra-static-assets' require 'sinatra/static_assets' class Summer < Sinatra::Base helpers Sinatra::StaticAssets # ... end ## Miscellaneous stuff 1. The `examples` directory contains *summer* and *winter* applications. 2. In order to create a virual host add the following to */etc/hosts/*: localhost.localdomain localhost hitch.local 3. TODO: write tests