!SLIDE variable-layout # Variables Definitions !SLIDE bad-variables ``` scss $height : 2px; // There are 100 lines before this .content_head { @include clearfix; .hr { padding-top : (rhythm(1) / 2) - $height; width : 100%; border-bottom : $height solid $secondary-accent-color; margin-bottom : 10px; display : block; @extend .float-right; } .release_identifiers { @extend .float-right; text-align : right; font-family : $ancillary-font; } } ``` !SLIDE important #Always define your variables at the top of each file! !SLIDE big-list variable-why * Easy to find * Easy to update * No surprises !SLIDE ``` scss /* Local Variables */ $release-content-height : rhythm(2); $section-side-width : column-width(4) + $sidebar-width; $group-image-height : rhythm(6); .show { h1 { @include header(3); @include trailer; color : $primary-accent-color; } // ... goes on for 100+ lines ```