!SLIDE # Sass !SLIDE # What is Sass? ## It's a preprocesor !SLIDE # What does it do? * Variables `$foo` * Mixins `@mixin` * Functions * Selector Inheritance `@extend, &` * Control Directives `@if, @for, @each, @while` * It's a language! !SLIDE variables # Variables ``` scss $foo : #fffff; $bar : (1px * 2em) / 4px; ``` !SLIDE # Lists ``` css border : 1px solid black; ``` !SLIDE ``` scss $my-list : 1px solid black; $my-list2 : 1px, solid, black; $my-list3 : (1px solid black); border : $my-list; ``` !SLIDE # In Ruby ``` ruby Sass::Script::List.new(['1px', 'solid', 'black'], ',') ``` !SLIDE ## List Functions * `length($list)` * `nth($list, $n)` * `join($list1, $list2, [$separator])` * More coming soon! !SLIDE mixins # Functions and Mixins ``` scss @function get-stops($colors, $stops) { $out:(); @each $color in $colors { $i: index($colors, $color); $stop: 0% + nth($stops, $i); $out: append($out, $color $stop, 'comma'); } @return $out; } @mixin menu-level2-active { $args: get-stops($menu-active-colors, $menu-active-stops); @include background(linear-gradient($menu-active-direction, $args)); } ``` !SLIDE inheritance # Inheritance ``` scss a { color : $link-color; &:hover { color : $link-hover-color; } } ``` ``` css a { color : blue; } a:hover { color : red; } ``` !SLIDE extend ## Extend ``` scss .foo { font-size : 10px; } .bar { @extend .foo; } ``` ``` css .foo, .bar { font-size : 10px; } ``` !SLIDE ## Extending with Ruby ``` ruby def sprite(map, sprite, offset_x = ZERO, offset_y = ZERO) sprite = convert_sprite_name(sprite) verify_map(map) unless sprite.is_a?(Sass::Script::String) raise Sass::SyntaxError end url = sprite_url(map) position = sprite_position(map, sprite, offset_x, offset_y) Sass::Script::List.new([url] + position.value, :space) end Sass::Script::Functions.declare :sprite, [:map, :sprite] Sass::Script::Functions.declare :sprite, [:map, :sprite, :offset_x] Sass::Script::Functions.declare :sprite, [:map, :sprite, :offset_x, :offset_y] ``` !SLIDE ## Data types * Bool * Color * List * Number * String