$LOAD_PATH.unshift 'lib' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/clean' task :default => [:sup, :docs, :test] desc 'Holla' task :sup do verbose do lines = File.read('README').split("\n")[0,12] lines.map! { |line| line[15..-1] } puts lines.join("\n") end end desc 'Run tests (default)' Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/*_test.rb'] t.ruby_opts = ['-rubygems'] if defined? Gem end # Bring in Rocco tasks require 'rocco/tasks' Rocco::make 'docs/' desc 'Build rocco docs' task :docs => :rocco directory 'docs/' desc 'Build docs and open in browser for the reading' task :read => :docs do sh 'open docs/rocco.html' end # Make index.html a copy of rocco.html file 'docs/index.html' => 'docs/rocco.html' do |f| cp 'docs/rocco.html', 'docs/index.html', :preserve => true end task :docs => 'docs/index.html' CLEAN.include 'docs/index.html' # Alias for docs task task :doc => :docs # GITHUB PAGES =============================================================== desc 'Update gh-pages branch' task :pages => ['docs/.git', :docs] do rev = `git rev-parse --short HEAD`.strip Dir.chdir 'docs' do sh "git add *.html" sh "git commit -m 'rebuild pages from #{rev}'" do |ok,res| if ok verbose { puts "gh-pages updated" } sh "git push -q o HEAD:gh-pages" end end end end # Update the pages/ directory clone file 'docs/.git' => ['docs/', '.git/refs/heads/gh-pages'] do |f| sh "cd docs && git init -q && git remote add o ../.git" if !File.exist?(f.name) sh "cd docs && git fetch -q o && git reset -q --hard o/gh-pages && touch ." end CLOBBER.include 'docs/.git' # PACKAGING ================================================================= if defined?(Gem) SPEC = eval(File.read('rocco.gemspec')) def package(ext='') "pkg/rocco-#{SPEC.version}" + ext end desc 'Build packages' task :package => %w[.gem .tar.gz].map {|e| package(e)} desc 'Build and install as local gem' task :install => package('.gem') do sh "gem install #{package('.gem')}" end directory 'pkg/' file package('.gem') => %w[pkg/ rocco.gemspec] + SPEC.files do |f| sh "gem build rocco.gemspec" mv File.basename(f.name), f.name end file package('.tar.gz') => %w[pkg/] + SPEC.files do |f| sh "git archive --format=tar HEAD | gzip > #{f.name}" end end # GEMSPEC =================================================================== file 'rocco.gemspec' => FileList['{lib,test,bin}/**','Rakefile'] do |f| version = File.read('lib/rocco.rb')[/VERSION = '(.*)'/] && $1 date = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") spec = File. read(f.name). sub(/s\.version\s*=\s*'.*'/, "s.version = '#{version}'") parts = spec.split(" # = MANIFEST =\n") files = `git ls-files`. split("\n").sort.reject{ |file| file =~ /^\./ }. map{ |file| " #{file}" }.join("\n") parts[1] = " s.files = %w[\n#{files}\n ]\n" spec = parts.join(" # = MANIFEST =\n") spec.sub!(/s.date = '.*'/, "s.date = '#{date}'") File.open(f.name, 'w') { |io| io.write(spec) } puts "#{f.name} #{version} (#{date})" end