module Rails module Upgrading class NewConfigurationGenerator def generate_new_configurations if has_environment? generate_new_application_rb else raise FileNotFoundError, "Can't find environment.rb [config/environment.rb]!" end end def has_environment? File.exists?("config/environment.rb") end def environment_code"config/environment.rb").read end def generate_new_application_rb environment_file = environment_code initializer_code = "" if matches = environment_file.match(/Rails\:\:Initializer\.run do \|config\|\n(.*)\nend/m) initializer_code = matches[1] else raise "There doesn't seem to be a real environment.rb in your app. Are you sure config/environment.rb has the right contents?" end frame = "# Put this in config/application.rb require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__) module #{app_name.classify} class Application < Rails::Application %s end end" frame % [indent(initializer_code)] end def indent(text) text.split("\n").map {|l| " #{l}"}.join("\n") end def app_name File.basename(Dir.pwd) end end end end