require 'spec_helper' require 'nokogiri' describe Rack::LiveReload::BodyProcessor do describe 'head tag regex' do let(:regex) { described_class::HEAD_TAG_REGEX } subject { regex } it { should be_kind_of(Regexp) } it 'only picks a valid tag' do regex.match("").to_s.should eq('') regex.match("").to_s.should eq('') regex.match("").to_s.should eq("") end it 'responds false when no head tag' do regex.match("
").should be_false end end let(:processor) {, options) } let(:body) { [ page_html ] } let(:options) { {} } let(:page_html) { '' } let(:processor_result) do if !processor.processed? processor.process!(env) end processor end subject { processor } describe "livereload local uri" do context 'does not exist' do before do stub_request(:any, 'localhost:35729/livereload.js').to_timeout end it { should use_vendored } end context 'exists' do before do stub_request(:any, 'localhost:35729/livereload.js') end it { should_not use_vendored } end context 'with custom port' do let(:options) { {:live_reload_port => '12348'}} context 'exists' do before do stub_request(:any, 'localhost:12348/livereload.js') end it { should_not use_vendored } end end context 'specify vendored' do let(:options) { { :source => :vendored } } it { should use_vendored } end context 'specify LR' do let(:options) { { :source => :livereload } } it { should_not use_vendored } end end context 'text/html' do before do processor.stubs(:use_vendored?).returns(true) end let(:host) { 'host' } let(:env) { { 'HTTP_HOST' => host } } let(:processed_body) { processor_result.new_body.join('') } let(:length) { processor_result.content_length } let(:page_html) { '' } context 'vendored' do it 'should add the vendored livereload js script tag' do processed_body.should include("script") processed_body.should include(described_class::LIVERELOAD_JS_PATH) length.to_s.should == processed_body.length.to_s described_class::LIVERELOAD_JS_PATH.should_not include(host) processed_body.should include('swfobject') processed_body.should include('web_socket') end end context 'at the top of the head tag' do let(:page_html) { '' } let(:body_dom) { Nokogiri::XML(processed_body) } it 'should add the livereload js script tag before all other script tags' do body_dom.at_css("head")[:attribute].should == 'attribute' body_dom.at_css("script:eq(5)")[:src].should include(described_class::LIVERELOAD_JS_PATH) body_dom.at_css("script:last-child")[:insert].should == "before" end context 'when a relative URL root is specified' do before do ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'] = '/a_relative_path' end it 'should prepend the relative path to the script src' do body_dom.at_css("script:eq(5)")[:src].should match(%r{^/a_relative_path/}) end end end describe "LIVERELOAD_PORT value" do let(:options) { { :live_reload_port => 12345 }} it "sets the variable at the top of the file" do processed_body.should include 'RACK_LIVERELOAD_PORT = 12345' end end context 'in header tags' do let(:page_html) { "

Just a normal header tag

" } let(:body_dom) { Nokogiri::XML(processed_body) } it 'should not add the livereload js' do body_dom.at_css("header")[:class].should == 'hero' body_dom.css('script').should be_empty end end context 'not vendored' do before do processor.stubs(:use_vendored?).returns(false) end it 'should add the LR livereload js script tag' do processed_body.should include("script") processed_body.should include(processor.livereload_local_uri.gsub('localhost', 'host')) end end context 'set options' do let(:options) { { :host => new_host, :port => port, :min_delay => min_delay, :max_delay => max_delay } } let(:min_delay) { 5 } let(:max_delay) { 10 } let(:port) { 23 } let(:new_host) { 'myhost' } it 'should add the livereload.js script tag' do processed_body.should include("mindelay=#{min_delay}") processed_body.should include("maxdelay=#{max_delay}") processed_body.should include("port=#{port}") processed_body.should include("host=#{new_host}") end end context 'force flash' do let(:options) { { :force_swf => true } } it 'should not add the flash shim' do processed_body.should include('WEB_SOCKET_FORCE_FLASH') processed_body.should include('swfobject') processed_body.should include('web_socket') end end context 'no flash' do let(:options) { { :no_swf => true } } it 'should not add the flash shim' do processed_body.should_not include('swfobject') processed_body.should_not include('web_socket') end end context 'no host at all' do let(:env) { {} } it 'should use localhost' do processed_body.should include('localhost') end end end end