#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Add qwandry's library to the load path $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' # Require it require "qwandry.rb" # Create launcher @qwandry = Qwandry::Launcher.new opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: qwandry [options] name" opts.separator "" opts.on("-r", "--repo LABELS", Array, "Search in LABELS, default: #{@qwandry.active.to_a.join(',')}","Available Repositories:", *@qwandry.repositories.keys.map{|k| " #{k}"}) do |labels| @qwandry.active.replace(labels) end opts.separator "" opts.on("-e", "--editor EDITOR", "Use EDITOR to open the package") do |editor| @editor = editor end opts.separator "Additional Commands" opts.on("--paths", "Prints all repositories and their paths") do @qwandry.repositories.each do |label, entries| puts "#{label} #{"[default]" if @qwandry.active.include? label}" entries.each do |repo| puts "\t#{repo.path} (#{repo.class.to_s.split('::').last})" end puts "" end exit(0) end opts.on("--customize", "Create and edit files for customizing Qwandry") do dir = Qwandry.config_dir if !dir puts "HOME directory must be defined." exit(1) else FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir, :verbose=>true) unless File.exist?(dir) Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../templates/*'].each do |path| FileUtils.cp(path, dir, :verbose=>true) unless File.exist?(path) end @qwandry.launch dir end exit(0) end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end opts.parse! ARGV if ARGV.length == 0 puts opts exit 1 end # Configure default values @qwandry.editor = @editor if @editor name = ARGV.join(' ') packages = @qwandry.find(*ARGV) ARGV.clear # for the gets below package = nil case packages.length when 0 puts "No packages matched '#{name}'" exit 4 # Exit code 4 for No Package when 1 package = packages.first else packages.each_with_index do |package, index| puts "%3d. %s" % [index+1, package.name] end print ">> " index = gets.to_i - 1 package = packages[index] end if package if @qwandry.launch(package) # Exit code 0 for success exit 0 else # Exit with the status returned by the process used to open the package exit $?.exitstatus end end