module PureMVCGen module Commands class NewCommand < CmdParse::Command def initialize super('new', true) self.short_desc = "Command to generate PureMVC classes" # add sub commands self.add_command( self.add_command( self.add_command( end class CreateCommand < CmdParse::Command def initialize super('command', false) @type = :simple self.short_desc = "Creates a simple or macro command (defaults to simple)." self.description = <<-EOL Generates a simple or macro command. Generating a simple command is the default behavior, unless the macro switch is passed: -m or --macro If no other switches are passed, the ANT script will prompt for a command name and constant, however these may be passed on the command line with the -n (or --name) and -c (or --const) switches. EOL self.options = default_options do |opt| opt.on("-m", "--macro", "Specifies the command is a MacroCommand") { @type = :macro } opt.on("-n", "--name COMMAND_NAME", "Specifies the name for the command") { |name| @command_name = name } opt.on("-c", "--const COMMAND_CONSTANT", "Specifies the constant to use for the command") { |const| @command_const = const } end end def execute(args) cmd = "" cmd << "{@command_name} " unless @command_name.nil? cmd << "-Dcmd.const=#{@command_const} " unless @command_const.nil? cmd << "#{@type == :simple ? "create-simple-command" : "create-macro-command"}" call_ant cmd end end class CreateMediator < CmdParse::Command def initialize super('mediator', false) self.short_desc = "Creates a new mediator." self.options = default_options do |opt| opt.on("-n", "--name MEDIATOR_NAME", "Specifies the name for the mediator") { |name| @mediator_name = name } end end def execute(args) cmd = "" cmd << "{@mediator_name} " unless @mediator_name.nil? cmd << "create-mediator" call_ant cmd end end class CreateProxy < CmdParse::Command def initialize super('proxy', false) self.short_desc = "Creates a new proxy." self.options = default_options do |opt| opt.on("-n", "--name PROXY_NAME", "Specifies the name for the proxy") { |name| @proxy_name = name } end end def execute(args) cmd = "" cmd << "{@proxy_name} " unless @proxy_name.nil? cmd << "create-proxy" call_ant cmd end end end end end