/** section: Language, related to: Hash
* $H([object]) -> Hash
* Creates a `Hash`. This is purely a convenience wrapper around the Hash
* constructor, it does not do anything other than pass any argument it's
* given into the Hash constructor and return the result.
function $H(object) {
return new Hash(object);
/** section: Language
* class Hash
* includes Enumerable
* A set of key/value pairs.
* `Hash` can be thought of as an associative array, binding unique keys to
* values (which are not necessarily unique), though it can not guarantee
* consistent order its elements when iterating. Because of the nature of
* JavaScript, every object is in fact a hash; but `Hash` adds a number of
* methods that let you enumerate keys and values, iterate over key/value
* pairs, merge two hashes together, and much more.
Creating a hash
* You can create a Hash either via `new Hash()` or the convenience alias
* `$H()`; there is **no** difference between them. In either case, you may
* optionally pass in an object to seed the `Hash`. If you pass in a `Hash`,
* it will be cloned.
var Hash = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() {
* new Hash([object])
* Creates a new `Hash`. If `object` is given, the new hash will be populated
* with all the object's properties. See [[$H]].
function initialize(object) {
this._object = Object.isHash(object) ? object.toObject() : Object.clone(object);
// Docs for #each even though technically it's implemented by Enumerable
* Hash#each(iterator[, context]) -> Hash
* - iterator (Function): A function that expects each item in the `Hash`
* as the first argument and a numerical index as the second.
* - context (Object): The scope in which to call `iterator`. Determines what
* `this` means inside `iterator`.
* Iterates over the name/value pairs in the hash.
* This is actually just the [[Enumerable#each #each]] method from the
* mixed-in [[Enumerable]] module. It is documented here to describe the
* structure of the elements passed to the iterator and the order of
* iteration.
* The iterator's first argument (the "item") is an object with two
* properties:
* - `key`: the key name as a `String`
* - `value`: the corresponding value (which may be `undefined`)
* The order of iteration is implementation-dependent, as it relies on
* the order of the native `for..in` loop. Although most modern
* implementations exhibit *ordered* behavior, this is not standardized and
* may not always be the case, and so cannot be relied upon.
* Example
* var h = $H({version: 1.6, author: 'The Core Team'});
* h.each(function(pair) {
* alert(pair.key + ' = "' + pair.value + '"');
* });
* // Alerts 'version = "1.6"' and 'author = "The Core Team"'
* // -or-
* // Alerts 'author = "The Core Team"' and 'version = "1.6"'
// Our _internal_ each
function _each(iterator) {
for (var key in this._object) {
var value = this._object[key], pair = [key, value];
pair.key = key;
pair.value = value;
* Hash#set(key, value) -> value
* - key (String): The key to use for this value.
* - value (?): The value to use for this key.
* Stores `value` in the hash using the key `key` and returns `value`.
* Example
* var h = $H();
* h.keys();
* // -> [] (initially empty)
* h.set('a', 'apple');
* // -> "apple"
* h.keys();
* // -> ["a"] (has the new entry)
* h.get('a');
* // -> "apple"
function set(key, value) {
return this._object[key] = value;
* Hash#get(key) -> value
* Returns the stored value for the given `key`.
* Examples
* var h = new Hash({a: 'apple', b: 'banana', c: 'coconut'});
* h.get('a');
* // -> 'apple'
function get(key) {
// simulating poorly supported hasOwnProperty
if (this._object[key] !== Object.prototype[key])
return this._object[key];
* Hash#unset(key) -> value
* Deletes the stored pair for the given `key` from the hash and returns its
* value.
* Example
* var h = new Hash({a: 'apple', b: 'banana', c: 'coconut'});
* h.keys();
* // -> ["a", "b", "c"]
* h.unset('a');
* // -> 'apple'
* h.keys();
* // -> ["b", "c"] ("a" is no longer in the hash)
function unset(key) {
var value = this._object[key];
delete this._object[key];
return value;
* Hash#toObject() -> Object
* Returns a cloned, vanilla object whose properties (and property values)
* match the keys (and values) from the hash.
* Example
* var h = new Hash({ a: 'apple', b: 'banana', c: 'coconut' });
* var obj = h.toObject();
* obj.a;
* // -> "apple"
function toObject() {
return Object.clone(this._object);
* Hash#keys() -> [String...]
* Provides an Array containing the keys for items stored in the hash.
* The order of the keys is not guaranteed.
* Example
* var h = $H({one: "uno", two: "due", three: "tre"});
* h.keys();
* // -> ["one", "three", "two"] (these may be in any order)
function keys() {
return this.pluck('key');
* Hash#values() -> Array
* Collects the values of the hash and returns them in an array.
* The order of the values is not guaranteed.
* Example
* var h = $H({one: "uno", two: "due", three: "tre"});
* h.values();
* // -> ["uno", "tre", "due"] (these may be in any order)
function values() {
return this.pluck('value');
* Hash#index(value) -> String
* Returns the first key in the hash whose value matches `value`.
* Returns `false` if there is no such key.
function index(value) {
var match = this.detect(function(pair) {
return pair.value === value;
return match && match.key;
* Hash#merge(object) -> Hash
* - object (Object | Hash): The object to merge with this hash to produce
* the resulting hash.
* Returns a new `Hash` instance with `object`'s key/value pairs merged in;
* this hash remains unchanged.
* To modify the original hash in place, use [[Hash#update]].
* Example
* var h = $H({one: "uno", two: "due"});
* var h2 = h.merge({three: "tre"});
* h.keys();
* // -> ["one", "two"] (unchanged)
* h2.keys();
* // -> ["one", "two", "three"] (has merged contents)
function merge(object) {
return this.clone().update(object);
* Hash#update(object) -> Hash
* - object (Object | Hash): The object to merge with this hash to produce
* the resulting hash.
* Updates a hash *in place* with the key/value pairs of `object`, returns
* the hash.
* `update` modifies the hash. To get a new hash instead, use
* [[Hash#merge]].
* Example
* var h = $H({one: "uno", two: "due"});
* h.update({three: "tre"});
* // -> h (a reference to the original hash)
* h.keys();
* // -> ["one", "two", "three"] (has merged contents)
function update(object) {
return new Hash(object).inject(this, function(result, pair) {
result.set(pair.key, pair.value);
return result;
// Private. No PDoc necessary.
function toQueryPair(key, value) {
if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return key;
return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(String.interpret(value));
/** related to: String#toQueryParams
* Hash#toQueryString() -> String
* Returns a URL-encoded string containing the hash's contents as query
* parameters according to the following rules:
* - An undefined value results a parameter with no value portion at all
* (simply the key name, no equal sign).
* - A null value results a parameter with a blank value (the key followed
* by an equal sign and nothing else).
* - A boolean value results a parameter with the value "true" or "false".
* - An Array value results in a parameter for each array element, in
* array order, each using the same key.
* - All keys and values are URI-encoded using JavaScript's native
* `encodeURIComponent` function.
* The order of pairs in the string is not guaranteed, other than the order
* of array values described above.
* Example
* $H({action: 'ship',
* order_id: 123,
* fees: ['f1', 'f2']
* }).toQueryString();
* // -> "action=ship&order_id=123&fees=f1&fees=f2"
* $H({comment: '',
* 'key with spaces': true,
* related_order: undefined,
* contents: null,
* 'label': 'a demo'
* }).toQueryString();
* // -> "comment=&key%20with%20spaces=true&related_order&contents=&label=a%20demo"
* // an empty hash is an empty query string:
* $H().toQueryString();
* // -> ""
function toQueryString() {
return this.inject([], function(results, pair) {
var key = encodeURIComponent(pair.key), values = pair.value;
if (values && typeof values == 'object') {
if (Object.isArray(values))
return results.concat(values.map(toQueryPair.curry(key)));
} else results.push(toQueryPair(key, values));
return results;
/** related to: Object.inspect
* Hash#inspect() -> String
* Returns the debug-oriented string representation of the Hash.
function inspect() {
return '#';
/** related to: Object.toJSON
* Hash#toJSON() -> String
* Returns a JSON string containing the keys and values in this hash.
* Example
* var h = $H({'a': 'apple', 'b': 23, 'c': false});
* h.toJSON();
* // -> {"a": "apple", "b": 23, "c": false}
function toJSON() {
return Object.toJSON(this.toObject());
* Hash#clone() -> Hash
* Returns a clone of this Hash.
function clone() {
return new Hash(this);
return {
initialize: initialize,
_each: _each,
set: set,
get: get,
unset: unset,
toObject: toObject,
toTemplateReplacements: toObject,
keys: keys,
values: values,
index: index,
merge: merge,
update: update,
toQueryString: toQueryString,
inspect: inspect,
clone: clone
Hash.from = $H;