diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 26e3784..ee65a40 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -11,3 +11,10 @@
path = vendor/sprockets
url = git://github.com/sstephenson/sprockets.git
+[submodule "vendor/nwmatcher/repository"]
+ path = vendor/nwmatcher/repository
+ url = git://github.com/dperini/nwmatcher.git
+[submodule "vendor/sizzle/repository"]
+ path = vendor/sizzle/repository
+ url = git://github.com/jeresig/sizzle.git
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 60889c5..1bb7c10 100755
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -13,24 +13,63 @@ module PrototypeHelper
TEST_UNIT_DIR = File.join(TEST_DIR, 'unit')
TMP_DIR = File.join(TEST_UNIT_DIR, 'tmp')
VERSION = YAML.load(IO.read(File.join(SRC_DIR, 'constants.yml')))['PROTOTYPE_VERSION']
+ %w[sprockets pdoc unittest_js caja_builder].each do |name|
+ $:.unshift File.join(PrototypeHelper::ROOT_DIR, 'vendor', name, 'lib')
+ end
+ def self.has_git?
+ begin
+ `git --version`
+ return true
+ rescue Error => e
+ return false
+ end
+ end
- def self.sprocketize(path, source, destination = nil, strip_comments = true)
+ def self.require_git
+ return if has_git?
+ puts "\nPrototype requires Git in order to load its dependencies."
+ puts "\nMake sure you've got Git installed and in your path."
+ puts "\nFor more information, visit:\n\n"
+ puts " http://book.git-scm.com/2_installing_git.html"
+ exit
+ end
+ def self.sprocketize(options = {})
+ options = {
+ :destination => File.join(DIST_DIR, options[:source]),
+ :strip_comments => true
+ }.merge(options)
+ load_path = [SRC_DIR, File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'ext', 'sizzle')]
+ if selector = options[:selector_engine]
+ get_selector_engine(selector)
+ load_path << File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'vendor', selector)
+ end
secretary = Sprockets::Secretary.new(
- :root => File.join(ROOT_DIR, path),
- :load_path => [SRC_DIR],
- :source_files => [source],
- :strip_comments => strip_comments
+ :root => File.join(ROOT_DIR, options[:path]),
+ :load_path => load_path,
+ :source_files => [options[:source]],
+ :strip_comments => options[:strip_comments]
- destination = File.join(DIST_DIR, source) unless destination
- secretary.concatenation.save_to(destination)
+ secretary.concatenation.save_to(options[:destination])
def self.build_doc_for(file)
mkdir_p TMP_DIR
temp_path = File.join(TMP_DIR, "prototype.temp.js")
- sprocketize('src', file, temp_path, false)
+ sprocketize(
+ :path => 'src',
+ :source => file,
+ :destination => temp_path,
+ :selector_engine => ENV['SELECTOR_ENGINE'] || 'sizzle',
+ :strip_comments => false
+ )
rm_rf DOC_DIR
PDoc::Runner.new(temp_path, {
@@ -58,17 +97,44 @@ module PrototypeHelper
require_submodule('CajaBuilder', 'caja_builder')
+ def self.get_selector_engine(name)
+ submodule = File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'vendor', name, 'repository')
+ ext = File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'ext', name)
+ unless File.exist?(submodule) || File.exist?(ext)
+ get_submodule('the required selector engine', "#{name}/repository")
+ unless File.exist?(submodule)
+ puts "The selector engine you required isn't available at vendor/#{name}.\n\n"
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.get_submodule(name, path)
+ require_git
+ puts "\nYou seem to be missing #{name}. Obtaining it via git...\n\n"
+ Kernel.system("git submodule init")
+ return true if Kernel.system("git submodule update vendor/#{path}")
+ # If we got this far, something went wrong.
+ puts "\nLooks like it didn't work. Try it manually:\n\n"
+ puts " $ git submodule init"
+ puts " $ git submodule update vendor/#{path}"
+ false
+ end
def self.require_submodule(name, path)
require path
rescue LoadError => e
+ # Wait until we notice that a submodule is missing before we bother the
+ # user about installing git. (Maybe they brought all the files over
+ # from a different machine.)
missing_file = e.message.sub('no such file to load -- ', '')
if missing_file == path
- puts "\nIt looks like you're missing #{name}. Just run:\n\n"
- puts " $ git submodule init"
- puts " $ git submodule update vendor/#{path}"
- puts "\nand you should be all set.\n\n"
+ # Missing a git submodule.
+ retry if get_submodule(name, path)
+ # Missing a gem.
puts "\nIt looks like #{name} is missing the '#{missing_file}' gem. Just run:\n\n"
puts " $ gem install #{missing_file}"
puts "\nand you should be all set.\n\n"
@@ -78,15 +144,15 @@ module PrototypeHelper
-%w[sprockets pdoc unittest_js caja_builder].each do |name|
- $:.unshift File.join(PrototypeHelper::ROOT_DIR, 'vendor', name, 'lib')
task :default => [:dist, :dist_helper, :package, :clean_package_source]
desc "Builds the distribution."
task :dist do
- PrototypeHelper.sprocketize("src", "prototype.js")
+ PrototypeHelper.sprocketize(
+ :path => 'src',
+ :source => 'prototype.js',
+ :selector_engine => ENV['SELECTOR_ENGINE'] || 'sizzle'
+ )
namespace :doc do
@@ -104,7 +170,7 @@ task :doc => ['doc:build']
desc "Builds the updating helper."
task :dist_helper do
- PrototypeHelper.sprocketize("ext/update_helper", "prototype_update_helper.js")
+ PrototypeHelper.sprocketize(:path => 'ext/update_helper', :source => 'prototype_update_helper.js')
Rake::PackageTask.new('prototype', PrototypeHelper::VERSION) do |package|
diff --git a/ext/sizzle/repository/sizzle.js b/ext/sizzle/repository/sizzle.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..801b731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/sizzle/repository/sizzle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0
+ * Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
+ * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ * More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
+var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+ done = 0,
+ toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+ hasDuplicate = false,
+ baseHasDuplicate = true;
+// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
+// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
+// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
+// Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
+[0, 0].sort(function(){
+ baseHasDuplicate = false;
+ return 0;
+var Sizzle = function(selector, context, results, seed) {
+ results = results || [];
+ var origContext = context = context || document;
+ if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+ return results;
+ }
+ var parts = [], m, set, checkSet, check, mode, extra, prune = true, contextXML = isXML(context),
+ soFar = selector;
+ // Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
+ while ( (chunker.exec(""), m = chunker.exec(soFar)) !== null ) {
+ soFar = m[3];
+ parts.push( m[1] );
+ if ( m[2] ) {
+ extra = m[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
+ if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
+ set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context );
+ } else {
+ set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
+ [ context ] :
+ Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ selector = parts.shift();
+ if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] )
+ selector += parts.shift();
+ set = posProcess( selector, set );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+ // (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
+ if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
+ Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
+ var ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
+ context = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] : ret.set[0];
+ }
+ if ( context ) {
+ var ret = seed ?
+ { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
+ Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
+ set = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) : ret.set;
+ if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
+ checkSet = makeArray(set);
+ } else {
+ prune = false;
+ }
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ var cur = parts.pop(), pop = cur;
+ if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
+ cur = "";
+ } else {
+ pop = parts.pop();
+ }
+ if ( pop == null ) {
+ pop = context;
+ }
+ Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
+ }
+ } else {
+ checkSet = parts = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ checkSet = set;
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + (cur || selector);
+ }
+ if ( toString.call(checkSet) === "[object Array]" ) {
+ if ( !prune ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
+ } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ makeArray( checkSet, results );
+ }
+ if ( extra ) {
+ Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
+ Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+ }
+ return results;
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function(results){
+ if ( sortOrder ) {
+ hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
+ results.sort(sortOrder);
+ if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+ for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i] === results[i-1] ) {
+ results.splice(i--, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+Sizzle.matches = function(expr, set){
+ return Sizzle(expr, null, null, set);
+Sizzle.find = function(expr, context, isXML){
+ var set, match;
+ if ( !expr ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var type = Expr.order[i], match;
+ if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
+ var left = match[1];
+ match.splice(1,1);
+ if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
+ match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");
+ set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
+ if ( set != null ) {
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !set ) {
+ set = context.getElementsByTagName("*");
+ }
+ return {set: set, expr: expr};
+Sizzle.filter = function(expr, set, inplace, not){
+ var old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, match, anyFound,
+ isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && isXML(set[0]);
+ while ( expr && set.length ) {
+ for ( var type in Expr.filter ) {
+ if ( (match = Expr.match[ type ].exec( expr )) != null ) {
+ var filter = Expr.filter[ type ], found, item;
+ anyFound = false;
+ if ( curLoop == result ) {
+ result = [];
+ }
+ if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
+ match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
+ if ( !match ) {
+ anyFound = found = true;
+ } else if ( match === true ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( match ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( item ) {
+ found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
+ var pass = not ^ !!found;
+ if ( inplace && found != null ) {
+ if ( pass ) {
+ anyFound = true;
+ } else {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ } else if ( pass ) {
+ result.push( item );
+ anyFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( found !== undefined ) {
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ curLoop = result;
+ }
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ if ( !anyFound ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Improper expression
+ if ( expr == old ) {
+ if ( anyFound == null ) {
+ throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + expr;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ old = expr;
+ }
+ return curLoop;
+var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+ order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
+ match: {
+ ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)/,
+ NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
+ ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,
+ TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\))?/,
+ POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/,
+ PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\2\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
+ },
+ leftMatch: {},
+ attrMap: {
+ "class": "className",
+ "for": "htmlFor"
+ },
+ attrHandle: {
+ href: function(elem){
+ return elem.getAttribute("href");
+ }
+ },
+ relative: {
+ "+": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+ isTag = isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part),
+ isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
+ if ( isTag && !isXML ) {
+ part = part.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
+ while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
+ checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName === part ?
+ elem || false :
+ elem === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ },
+ ">": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string";
+ if ( isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName === part ? parent : false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
+ elem.parentNode :
+ elem.parentNode === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isPartStr ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ var nodeCheck = part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn("parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
+ },
+ "~": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ var nodeCheck = part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn("previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
+ }
+ },
+ find: {
+ ID: function(match, context, isXML){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ? [m] : [];
+ }
+ },
+ NAME: function(match, context, isXML){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
+ var ret = [], results = context.getElementsByName(match[1]);
+ for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
+ ret.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
+ }
+ },
+ TAG: function(match, context){
+ return context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
+ }
+ },
+ preFilter: {
+ CLASS: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
+ match = " " + match[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";
+ if ( isXML ) {
+ return match;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
+ if ( !inplace )
+ result.push( elem );
+ } else if ( inplace ) {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ID: function(match){
+ return match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
+ },
+ TAG: function(match, curLoop){
+ for ( var i = 0; curLoop[i] === false; i++ ){}
+ return curLoop[i] && isXML(curLoop[i]) ? match[1] : match[1].toUpperCase();
+ },
+ CHILD: function(match){
+ if ( match[1] == "nth" ) {
+ // parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
+ var test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
+ match[2] == "even" && "2n" || match[2] == "odd" && "2n+1" ||
+ !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
+ // calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
+ match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
+ match[3] = test[3] - 0;
+ }
+ // TODO: Move to normal caching system
+ match[0] = done++;
+ return match;
+ },
+ ATTR: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
+ var name = match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
+ if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
+ match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
+ }
+ if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+ match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ PSEUDO: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not){
+ if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
+ // If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
+ if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
+ match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
+ } else {
+ var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ result.push.apply( result, ret );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ POS: function(match){
+ match.unshift( true );
+ return match;
+ }
+ },
+ filters: {
+ enabled: function(elem){
+ return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
+ },
+ disabled: function(elem){
+ return elem.disabled === true;
+ },
+ checked: function(elem){
+ return elem.checked === true;
+ },
+ selected: function(elem){
+ // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+ // options in Safari work properly
+ elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ return elem.selected === true;
+ },
+ parent: function(elem){
+ return !!elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ empty: function(elem){
+ return !elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ has: function(elem, i, match){
+ return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
+ },
+ header: function(elem){
+ return /h\d/i.test( elem.nodeName );
+ },
+ text: function(elem){
+ return "text" === elem.type;
+ },
+ radio: function(elem){
+ return "radio" === elem.type;
+ },
+ checkbox: function(elem){
+ return "checkbox" === elem.type;
+ },
+ file: function(elem){
+ return "file" === elem.type;
+ },
+ password: function(elem){
+ return "password" === elem.type;
+ },
+ submit: function(elem){
+ return "submit" === elem.type;
+ },
+ image: function(elem){
+ return "image" === elem.type;
+ },
+ reset: function(elem){
+ return "reset" === elem.type;
+ },
+ button: function(elem){
+ return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "BUTTON";
+ },
+ input: function(elem){
+ return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(elem.nodeName);
+ }
+ },
+ setFilters: {
+ first: function(elem, i){
+ return i === 0;
+ },
+ last: function(elem, i, match, array){
+ return i === array.length - 1;
+ },
+ even: function(elem, i){
+ return i % 2 === 0;
+ },
+ odd: function(elem, i){
+ return i % 2 === 1;
+ },
+ lt: function(elem, i, match){
+ return i < match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ gt: function(elem, i, match){
+ return i > match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ nth: function(elem, i, match){
+ return match[3] - 0 == i;
+ },
+ eq: function(elem, i, match){
+ return match[3] - 0 == i;
+ }
+ },
+ filter: {
+ PSEUDO: function(elem, match, i, array){
+ var name = match[1], filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ } else if ( name === "contains" ) {
+ return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
+ } else if ( name === "not" ) {
+ var not = match[3];
+ for ( var i = 0, l = not.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( not[i] === elem ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ CHILD: function(elem, match){
+ var type = match[1], node = elem;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'only':
+ case 'first':
+ while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) return false;
+ }
+ if ( type == 'first') return true;
+ node = elem;
+ case 'last':
+ while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case 'nth':
+ var first = match[2], last = match[3];
+ if ( first == 1 && last == 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var doneName = match[0],
+ parent = elem.parentNode;
+ if ( parent && (parent.sizcache !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
+ var count = 0;
+ for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ node.nodeIndex = ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ parent.sizcache = doneName;
+ }
+ var diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
+ if ( first == 0 ) {
+ return diff == 0;
+ } else {
+ return ( diff % first == 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ID: function(elem, match){
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
+ },
+ TAG: function(elem, match){
+ return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName === match;
+ },
+ CLASS: function(elem, match){
+ return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
+ .indexOf( match ) > -1;
+ },
+ ATTR: function(elem, match){
+ var name = match[1],
+ result = Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
+ Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
+ elem[ name ] != null ?
+ elem[ name ] :
+ elem.getAttribute( name ),
+ value = result + "",
+ type = match[2],
+ check = match[4];
+ return result == null ?
+ type === "!=" :
+ type === "=" ?
+ value === check :
+ type === "*=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ type === "~=" ?
+ (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ !check ?
+ value && result !== false :
+ type === "!=" ?
+ value != check :
+ type === "^=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+ type === "$=" ?
+ value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+ type === "|=" ?
+ value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
+ false;
+ },
+ POS: function(elem, match, i, array){
+ var name = match[2], filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var origPOS = Expr.match.POS;
+for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
+ Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source );
+ Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source );
+var makeArray = function(array, results) {
+ array = Array.prototype.slice.call( array, 0 );
+ if ( results ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, array );
+ return results;
+ }
+ return array;
+// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
+// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
+try {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call( document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 );
+// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
+} catch(e){
+ makeArray = function(array, results) {
+ var ret = results || [];
+ if ( toString.call(array) === "[object Array]" ) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
+ } else {
+ if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0; array[i]; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+var sortOrder;
+if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var ret = a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1;
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+} else if ( "sourceIndex" in document.documentElement ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.sourceIndex || !b.sourceIndex ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var ret = a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+} else if ( document.createRange ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.ownerDocument || !b.ownerDocument ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var aRange = a.ownerDocument.createRange(), bRange = b.ownerDocument.createRange();
+ aRange.setStart(a, 0);
+ aRange.setEnd(a, 0);
+ bRange.setStart(b, 0);
+ bRange.setEnd(b, 0);
+ var ret = aRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, bRange);
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
+// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
+ // We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
+ var form = document.createElement("div"),
+ id = "script" + (new Date).getTime();
+ form.innerHTML = "";
+ // Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
+ var root = document.documentElement;
+ root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
+ // The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
+ // Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
+ if ( !!document.getElementById( id ) ) {
+ Expr.find.ID = function(match, context, isXML){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ? m.id === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ? [m] : undefined : [];
+ }
+ };
+ Expr.filter.ID = function(elem, match){
+ var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
+ };
+ }
+ root.removeChild( form );
+ root = form = null; // release memory in IE
+ // Check to see if the browser returns only elements
+ // when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
+ // Create a fake element
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
+ // Make sure no comments are found
+ if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
+ Expr.find.TAG = function(match, context){
+ var results = context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
+ // Filter out possible comments
+ if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
+ var tmp = [];
+ for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ tmp.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ results = tmp;
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ }
+ // Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
+ div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
+ Expr.attrHandle.href = function(elem){
+ return elem.getAttribute("href", 2);
+ };
+ }
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+if ( document.querySelectorAll ) (function(){
+ var oldSizzle = Sizzle, div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = "
+ // Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
+ // in quirks mode.
+ if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Sizzle = function(query, context, extra, seed){
+ context = context || document;
+ // Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
+ // (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
+ if ( !seed && context.nodeType === 9 && !isXML(context) ) {
+ try {
+ return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
+ } catch(e){}
+ }
+ return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
+ };
+ for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
+ Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
+ }
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+if ( document.getElementsByClassName && document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName ) (function(){
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
+ if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 )
+ return;
+ // Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
+ div.lastChild.className = "e";
+ if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 )
+ return;
+ Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
+ Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context, isXML) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
+ }
+ };
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+ var sibDir = dir == "previousSibling" && !isXML;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( sibDir && elem.nodeType === 1 ){
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ var match = false;
+ while ( elem ) {
+ if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
+ match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeName === cur ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+ var sibDir = dir == "previousSibling" && !isXML;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( sibDir && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ var match = false;
+ while ( elem ) {
+ if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
+ match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ if ( !isXML ) {
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
+ if ( elem === cur ) {
+ match = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+var contains = document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, b){
+ return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16;
+} : function(a, b){
+ return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
+var isXML = function(elem){
+ return elem.nodeType === 9 && elem.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" ||
+ !!elem.ownerDocument && elem.ownerDocument.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML";
+var posProcess = function(selector, context){
+ var tmpSet = [], later = "", match,
+ root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
+ // Position selectors must be done after the filter
+ // And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
+ while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
+ later += match[0];
+ selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
+ }
+ selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet );
+ }
+ return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
+window.Sizzle = Sizzle;
diff --git a/ext/sizzle/selector_engine.js b/ext/sizzle/selector_engine.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f460f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/sizzle/selector_engine.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Prototype._original_property = window.Sizzle;
+//= require "repository/sizzle"
+Prototype.Selector = (function(engine) {
+ function extend(elements) {
+ for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
+ Element.extend(elements[i]);
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ function select(selector, scope) {
+ return extend(engine(selector, scope || document));
+ }
+ function match(element, selector) {
+ return engine.matches(selector, [element]).length == 1;
+ }
+ function filter(elements, selector) {
+ return extend(engine.matches(selector, elements));
+ }
+ return {
+ engine: engine,
+ select: select,
+ match: match,
+ filter: filter
+ };
+// Restore globals.
+window.Sizzle = Prototype._original_property;
+delete Prototype._original_property;
diff --git a/ext/update_helper/prototype_update_helper.html b/ext/update_helper/prototype_update_helper.html
index b2d355d..625911d 100644
--- a/ext/update_helper/prototype_update_helper.html
+++ b/ext/update_helper/prototype_update_helper.html
@@ -81,7 +81,12 @@
new Test.Unit.Runner({
testGetStack: function() {
- this.assertMatch(/prototype_update_helper\.html:\d+\n$/, prototypeUpdateHelper.getStack());
+ var stack = prototypeUpdateHelper.getStack();
+ if (stack === '') {
+ this.info('UpdaterHelper#getStack is currently not supported on this browser.')
+ } else {
+ this.assertMatch(/prototype_update_helper\.html:\d+\n$/, prototypeUpdateHelper.getStack());
+ }
testDisplay: function() {
@@ -280,6 +285,38 @@
+ testSelectorInstanceMethods: function() {
+ var selector = new Selector('div');
+ this.assertWarnNotified('The Selector class has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.');
+ selector.findElements(document);
+ this.assertWarnNotified('Selector#findElements has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.');
+ selector.match(document.documentElement);
+ this.assertWarnNotified('Selector#match has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.');
+ selector.toString();
+ this.assertWarnNotified('Selector#toString has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.');
+ selector.inspect();
+ this.assertWarnNotified('Selector#inspect has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.');
+ },
+ testSelectorMatchElements: function() {
+ Selector.matchElements([], 'div');
+ this.assertWarnNotified('Selector.matchElements has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.');
+ },
+ testSelectorFindElement: function() {
+ Selector.findElement([], 'div');
+ this.assertWarnNotified('Selector.findElement has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.');
+ },
+ testSelectorFindChildElements: function() {
+ Selector.findChildElements(document, 'div');
+ this.assertWarnNotified('Selector.findChildElements has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.');
+ },
testLogDeprecationOption: function() {
prototypeUpdateHelper.logLevel = UpdateHelper.Warn;
var h = $H({ foo: 2 });
diff --git a/ext/update_helper/prototype_update_helper.js b/ext/update_helper/prototype_update_helper.js
index e5107ca..b022966 100644
--- a/ext/update_helper/prototype_update_helper.js
+++ b/ext/update_helper/prototype_update_helper.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
//= require "update_helper"
-/* UpdateHelper for Prototype <%= PROTOTYPE_VERSION %> (c) 2008 Tobie Langel
+/* UpdateHelper for Prototype <%= PROTOTYPE_VERSION %> (c) 2008-2009 Tobie Langel
* UpdateHelper for Prototype is freely distributable under the same
* terms as Prototype (MIT-style license).
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* This, for example, will prevent deprecation messages from being logged.
var prototypeUpdateHelper = new UpdateHelper([
@@ -275,6 +275,62 @@ var prototypeUpdateHelper = new UpdateHelper([
message: 'The class API has been fully revised and now allows for mixins and inheritance.\n' +
'You can find more about it here: http://prototypejs.org/learn/class-inheritance',
condition: function() { return !arguments.length }
+ },
+ {
+ methodName: 'initialize',
+ namespace: Selector.prototype,
+ message: 'The Selector class has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.',
+ type: 'warn'
+ },
+ {
+ methodName: 'findElements',
+ namespace: Selector.prototype,
+ message: 'Selector#findElements has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.',
+ type: 'warn'
+ },
+ {
+ methodName: 'match',
+ namespace: Selector.prototype,
+ message: 'Selector#match has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.',
+ type: 'warn'
+ },
+ {
+ methodName: 'toString',
+ namespace: Selector.prototype,
+ message: 'Selector#toString has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.',
+ type: 'warn'
+ },
+ {
+ methodName: 'inspect',
+ namespace: Selector.prototype,
+ message: 'Selector#inspect has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.',
+ type: 'warn'
+ },
+ {
+ methodName: 'matchElements',
+ namespace: Selector,
+ message: 'Selector.matchElements has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.',
+ type: 'warn'
+ },
+ {
+ methodName: 'findElement',
+ namespace: Selector,
+ message: 'Selector.findElement has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.',
+ type: 'warn'
+ },
+ {
+ methodName: 'findChildElements',
+ namespace: Selector,
+ message: 'Selector.findChildElements has been deprecated. Please use the new Prototype.Selector API instead.',
+ type: 'warn'
diff --git a/ext/update_helper/update_helper.js b/ext/update_helper/update_helper.js
index 81a0ad0..2a4b7b6 100644
--- a/ext/update_helper/update_helper.js
+++ b/ext/update_helper/update_helper.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Update Helper (c) 2008 Tobie Langel
+/* Update Helper (c) 2008-2009 Tobie Langel
* Requires Prototype >= 1.6.0
@@ -54,9 +54,12 @@ var UpdateHelper = Class.create({
try {
throw new Error("stack");
} catch(e) {
- return (e.stack || '').match(this.Regexp).reject(function(path) {
- return /(prototype|unittest|update_helper)\.js/.test(path);
- }).join("\n");
+ var match = (e.stack || '').match(this.Regexp);
+ if (match) {
+ return match.reject(function(path) {
+ return (/(prototype|unittest|update_helper)\.js/).test(path);
+ }).join("\n");
+ } else { return ''; }
diff --git a/src/deprecated.js b/src/deprecated.js
index c5ea33e..c008d66 100644
--- a/src/deprecated.js
+++ b/src/deprecated.js
@@ -184,3 +184,95 @@ Element.ClassNames.prototype = {
Object.extend(Element.ClassNames.prototype, Enumerable);
+/** deprecated, section: DOM
+ * class Selector
+ *
+ * A class that queries the document for elements that match a given CSS
+ * selector.
+(function() {
+ window.Selector = Class.create({
+ /** deprecated
+ * new Selector(expression)
+ * - expression (String): A CSS selector.
+ *
+ * Creates a `Selector` with the given CSS selector.
+ **/
+ initialize: function(expression) {
+ this.expression = expression.strip();
+ },
+ /** deprecated
+ * Selector#findElements(root) -> [Element...]
+ * - root (Element | document): A "scope" to search within. All results will
+ * be descendants of this node.
+ *
+ * Searches the document for elements that match the instance's CSS
+ * selector.
+ **/
+ findElements: function(rootElement) {
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(this.expression, rootElement);
+ },
+ /** deprecated
+ * Selector#match(element) -> Boolean
+ *
+ * Tests whether a `element` matches the instance's CSS selector.
+ **/
+ match: function(element) {
+ return Prototype.Selector.match(element, this.expression);
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return this.expression;
+ },
+ inspect: function() {
+ return "#";
+ }
+ });
+ Object.extend(Selector, {
+ /** deprecated
+ * Selector.matchElements(elements, expression) -> [Element...]
+ *
+ * Filters the given collection of elements with `expression`.
+ *
+ * The only nodes returned will be those that match the given CSS selector.
+ **/
+ matchElements: Prototype.Selector.filter,
+ /** deprecated
+ * Selector.findElement(elements, expression[, index = 0]) -> Element
+ * Selector.findElement(elements[, index = 0]) -> Element
+ *
+ * Returns the `index`th element in the collection that matches
+ * `expression`.
+ *
+ * Returns the `index`th element overall if `expression` is not given.
+ **/
+ findElement: function(elements, expression, index) {
+ index = index || 0;
+ var matchIndex = 0, element;
+ // Match each element individually, since Sizzle.matches does not preserve order
+ for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
+ element = elements[i];
+ if (Prototype.Selector.match(element, expression) && index === matchIndex++) {
+ return Element.extend(element);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /** deprecated
+ * Selector.findChildElements(element, expressions) -> [Element...]
+ *
+ * Searches beneath `element` for any elements that match the selector
+ * (or selectors) specified in `expressions`.
+ **/
+ findChildElements: function(element, expressions) {
+ var selector = expressions.toArray().join(', ');
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(selector, element || document);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/src/dom.js b/src/dom.js
index f9ff3ff..1fb0187 100644
--- a/src/dom.js
+++ b/src/dom.js
@@ -19,8 +19,15 @@
+/** section: DOM
+ * Prototype
+ *
+ * The Prototype namespace.
+ *
//= require "dom/dom"
+//= require
//= require "dom/selector"
//= require "dom/form"
//= require "dom/event"
diff --git a/src/dom/dom.js b/src/dom/dom.js
index 9ba4659..c6e5688 100644
--- a/src/dom/dom.js
+++ b/src/dom/dom.js
@@ -459,12 +459,18 @@ Element.Methods = {
* won't do!) of `element` that points to a single DOM node (e.g.,
* `nextSibling` or `parentNode`).
- recursivelyCollect: function(element, property) {
+ recursivelyCollect: function(element, property, maximumLength) {
element = $(element);
+ maximumLength = maximumLength || -1;
var elements = [];
- while (element = element[property])
+ while (element = element[property]) {
if (element.nodeType == 1)
+ if (elements.length == maximumLength)
+ break;
+ }
return elements;
@@ -552,7 +558,7 @@ Element.Methods = {
* Collects all of `element`'s previous siblings and returns them as an
* array of elements.
- previousSiblings: function(element) {
+ previousSiblings: function(element, maximumLength) {
return Element.recursivelyCollect(element, 'previousSibling');
@@ -584,9 +590,10 @@ Element.Methods = {
* Checks if `element` matches the given CSS selector.
match: function(element, selector) {
+ element = $(element);
if (Object.isString(selector))
- selector = new Selector(selector);
- return selector.match($(element));
+ return Prototype.Selector.match(element, selector);
+ return selector.match(element);
@@ -604,7 +611,7 @@ Element.Methods = {
if (arguments.length == 1) return $(element.parentNode);
var ancestors = Element.ancestors(element);
return Object.isNumber(expression) ? ancestors[expression] :
- Selector.findElement(ancestors, expression, index);
+ Prototype.Selector.filter(ancestors, expression)[index || 0];
@@ -636,10 +643,14 @@ Element.Methods = {
previous: function(element, expression, index) {
element = $(element);
- if (arguments.length == 1) return $(Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(element));
- var previousSiblings = Element.previousSiblings(element);
- return Object.isNumber(expression) ? previousSiblings[expression] :
- Selector.findElement(previousSiblings, expression, index);
+ if (Object.isNumber(expression)) index = expression, expression = false;
+ if (!Object.isNumber(index)) index = 0;
+ if (expression) {
+ return Prototype.Selector.filter(element.previousSiblings(), expression)[index];
+ } else {
+ return element.recursivelyCollect("previousSibling", index + 1)[index];
+ }
@@ -654,23 +665,29 @@ Element.Methods = {
next: function(element, expression, index) {
element = $(element);
- if (arguments.length == 1) return $(Selector.handlers.nextElementSibling(element));
- var nextSiblings = Element.nextSiblings(element);
- return Object.isNumber(expression) ? nextSiblings[expression] :
- Selector.findElement(nextSiblings, expression, index);
+ if (Object.isNumber(expression)) index = expression, expression = false;
+ if (!Object.isNumber(index)) index = 0;
+ if (expression) {
+ return Prototype.Selector.filter(element.nextSiblings(), expression)[index];
+ } else {
+ var maximumLength = Object.isNumber(index) ? index + 1 : 1;
+ return element.recursivelyCollect("nextSibling", index + 1)[index];
+ }
- * Element.select(@element, selector...) -> [Element...]
- * - selector (String): A CSS selector.
+ * Element.select(@element, expression...) -> [Element...]
+ * - expression (String): A CSS selector.
* Takes an arbitrary number of CSS selectors and returns an array of
* descendants of `element` that match any of them.
select: function(element) {
- var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- return Selector.findChildElements(element, args);
+ element = $(element);
+ var expressions = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).join(', ');
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(expressions, element);
@@ -704,8 +721,9 @@ Element.Methods = {
* // -> [li#lon, li#tok]
adjacent: function(element) {
- var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- return Selector.findChildElements(element.parentNode, args).without(element);
+ element = $(element);
+ var expressions = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).join(', ');
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(expressions, element.parentNode).without(element);
diff --git a/src/dom/event.js b/src/dom/event.js
index b57d3c4..0bd9fd1 100644
--- a/src/dom/event.js
+++ b/src/dom/event.js
@@ -149,8 +149,12 @@
function findElement(event, expression) {
var element = Event.element(event);
if (!expression) return element;
- var elements = [element].concat(element.ancestors());
- return Selector.findElement(elements, expression, 0);
+ while (element) {
+ if (Prototype.Selector.match(element, expression)) {
+ return Element.extend(element);
+ }
+ element = element.parentNode
+ }
diff --git a/src/dom/selector.js b/src/dom/selector.js
index 7ba2942..7e7470b 100644
--- a/src/dom/selector.js
+++ b/src/dom/selector.js
@@ -1,869 +1,56 @@
-/* Portions of the Selector class are derived from Jack Slocum's DomQuery,
- * part of YUI-Ext version 0.40, distributed under the terms of an MIT-style
- * license. Please see http://www.yui-ext.com/ for more information. */
-/** section: DOM
- * class Selector
- *
- * A class that queries the document for elements that match a given CSS
- * selector.
-var Selector = Class.create({
- /**
- * new Selector(expression)
- * - expression (String): A CSS selector.
- *
- * Creates a `Selector` with the given CSS selector.
- **/
- initialize: function(expression) {
- this.expression = expression.strip();
- if (this.shouldUseSelectorsAPI()) {
- this.mode = 'selectorsAPI';
- } else if (this.shouldUseXPath()) {
- this.mode = 'xpath';
- this.compileXPathMatcher();
- } else {
- this.mode = "normal";
- this.compileMatcher();
- }
- },
- shouldUseXPath: (function() {
- // Some versions of Opera 9.x produce incorrect results when using XPath
- // with descendant combinators.
- // see: http://opera.remcol.ath.cx/bugs/index.php?action=bug&id=652
- var isBuggy = false;
- if (document.evaluate && window.XPathResult) {
- var el = document.createElement('div');
- el.innerHTML = '';
- var xpath = ".//*[local-name()='ul' or local-name()='UL']" +
- "//*[local-name()='li' or local-name()='LI']";
- var result = document.evaluate(xpath, el, null,
- isBuggy = (result.snapshotLength !== 2);
- el = null;
- }
- return isBuggy;
- })();
- return function() {
- if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath) return false;
- var e = this.expression;
- // Safari 3 chokes on :*-of-type and :empty
- if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit &&
- (e.include("-of-type") || e.include(":empty")))
- return false;
- // XPath can't do namespaced attributes, nor can it read
- // the "checked" property from DOM nodes
- if ((/(\[[\w-]*?:|:checked)/).test(e))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- })(),
- shouldUseSelectorsAPI: function() {
- if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SelectorsAPI) return false;
- if (Selector.CASE_INSENSITIVE_CLASS_NAMES) return false;
- if (!Selector._div) Selector._div = new Element('div');
- // Make sure the browser treats the selector as valid. Test on an
- // isolated element to minimize cost of this check.
- try {
- Selector._div.querySelector(this.expression);
- } catch(e) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- compileMatcher: function() {
- var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, h = Selector.handlers,
- c = Selector.criteria, le, p, m, len = ps.length, name;
- if (Selector._cache[e]) {
- this.matcher = Selector._cache[e];
- return;
- }
- this.matcher = ["this.matcher = function(root) {",
- "var r = root, h = Selector.handlers, c = false, n;"];
- while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) {
- le = e;
- for (var i = 0; i [Element...]
- * - root (Element || document): A "scope" to search within. All results will
- * be descendants of this node.
- *
- * Searches the document for elements that match the instance's CSS
- * selector.
- **/
- findElements: function(root) {
- root = root || document;
- var e = this.expression, results;
- switch (this.mode) {
- case 'selectorsAPI':
- // querySelectorAll queries document-wide, then filters to descendants
- // of the context element. That's not what we want.
- // Add an explicit context to the selector if necessary.
- if (root !== document) {
- var oldId = root.id, id = $(root).identify();
- // Escape special characters in the ID.
- id = id.replace(/([\.:])/g, "\\$1");
- e = "#" + id + " " + e;
- }
- results = $A(root.querySelectorAll(e)).map(Element.extend);
- root.id = oldId;
- return results;
- case 'xpath':
- return document._getElementsByXPath(this.xpath, root);
- default:
- return this.matcher(root);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Selector#match(element) -> Boolean
- *
- * Tests whether a `element` matches the instance's CSS selector.
- **/
- match: function(element) {
- this.tokens = [];
- var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, as = Selector.assertions;
- var le, p, m, len = ps.length, name;
- while (e && le !== e && (/\S/).test(e)) {
- le = e;
- for (var i = 0; i";
- }
-if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SelectorsAPI &&
- document.compatMode === 'BackCompat') {
- // Versions of Safari 3 before 3.1.2 treat class names case-insensitively in
- // quirks mode. If we detect this behavior, we should use a different
- // approach.
- Selector.CASE_INSENSITIVE_CLASS_NAMES = (function(){
- var div = document.createElement('div'),
- span = document.createElement('span');
- div.id = "prototype_test_id";
- span.className = 'Test';
- div.appendChild(span);
- var isIgnored = (div.querySelector('#prototype_test_id .test') !== null);
- div = span = null;
- return isIgnored;
- })();
-Object.extend(Selector, {
- _cache: { },
- xpath: {
- descendant: "//*",
- child: "/*",
- adjacent: "/following-sibling::*[1]",
- laterSibling: '/following-sibling::*',
- tagName: function(m) {
- if (m[1] == '*') return '';
- return "[local-name()='" + m[1].toLowerCase() +
- "' or local-name()='" + m[1].toUpperCase() + "']";
- },
- className: "[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' #{1} ')]",
- id: "[@id='#{1}']",
- attrPresence: function(m) {
- m[1] = m[1].toLowerCase();
- return new Template("[@#{1}]").evaluate(m);
- },
- attr: function(m) {
- m[1] = m[1].toLowerCase();
- m[3] = m[5] || m[6];
- return new Template(Selector.xpath.operators[m[2]]).evaluate(m);
- },
- pseudo: function(m) {
- var h = Selector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]];
- if (!h) return '';
- if (Object.isFunction(h)) return h(m);
- return new Template(Selector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]]).evaluate(m);
- },
- operators: {
- '=': "[@#{1}='#{3}']",
- '!=': "[@#{1}!='#{3}']",
- '^=': "[starts-with(@#{1}, '#{3}')]",
- '$=': "[substring(@#{1}, (string-length(@#{1}) - string-length('#{3}') + 1))='#{3}']",
- '*=': "[contains(@#{1}, '#{3}')]",
- '~=': "[contains(concat(' ', @#{1}, ' '), ' #{3} ')]",
- '|=': "[contains(concat('-', @#{1}, '-'), '-#{3}-')]"
- },
- pseudos: {
- 'first-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::*)]',
- 'last-child': '[not(following-sibling::*)]',
- 'only-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::* or following-sibling::*)]',
- 'empty': "[count(*) = 0 and (count(text()) = 0)]",
- 'checked': "[@checked]",
- 'disabled': "[(@disabled) and (@type!='hidden')]",
- 'enabled': "[not(@disabled) and (@type!='hidden')]",
- 'not': function(m) {
- var e = m[6], p = Selector.patterns,
- x = Selector.xpath, le, v, len = p.length, name;
- var exclusion = [];
- while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) {
- le = e;
- for (var i = 0; i= 0)]";
- return new Template(predicate).evaluate({
- fragment: fragment, a: a, b: b });
- }
- }
- }
- },
- criteria: {
- tagName: 'n = h.tagName(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;',
- className: 'n = h.className(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;',
- id: 'n = h.id(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;',
- attrPresence: 'n = h.attrPresence(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;',
- attr: function(m) {
- m[3] = (m[5] || m[6]);
- return new Template('n = h.attr(n, r, "#{1}", "#{3}", "#{2}", c); c = false;').evaluate(m);
- },
- pseudo: function(m) {
- if (m[6]) m[6] = m[6].replace(/"/g, '\\"');
- return new Template('n = h.pseudo(n, "#{1}", "#{6}", r, c); c = false;').evaluate(m);
- },
- descendant: 'c = "descendant";',
- child: 'c = "child";',
- adjacent: 'c = "adjacent";',
- laterSibling: 'c = "laterSibling";'
- },
- patterns: [
- // combinators must be listed first
- // (and descendant needs to be last combinator)
- { name: 'laterSibling', re: /^\s*~\s*/ },
- { name: 'child', re: /^\s*>\s*/ },
- { name: 'adjacent', re: /^\s*\+\s*/ },
- { name: 'descendant', re: /^\s/ },
- // selectors follow
- { name: 'tagName', re: /^\s*(\*|[\w\-]+)(\b|$)?/ },
- { name: 'id', re: /^#([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/ },
- { name: 'className', re: /^\.([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/ },
- { name: 'pseudo', re: /^:((first|last|nth|nth-last|only)(-child|-of-type)|empty|checked|(en|dis)abled|not)(\((.*?)\))?(\b|$|(?=\s|[:+~>]))/ },
- { name: 'attrPresence', re: /^\[((?:[\w-]+:)?[\w-]+)\]/ },
- { name: 'attr', re: /\[((?:[\w-]*:)?[\w-]+)\s*(?:([!^$*~|]?=)\s*((['"])([^\4]*?)\4|([^'"][^\]]*?)))?\]/ }
- ],
- // for Selector.match and Element#match
- assertions: {
- tagName: function(element, matches) {
- return matches[1].toUpperCase() == element.tagName.toUpperCase();
- },
- className: function(element, matches) {
- return Element.hasClassName(element, matches[1]);
- },
- id: function(element, matches) {
- return element.id === matches[1];
- },
- attrPresence: function(element, matches) {
- return Element.hasAttribute(element, matches[1]);
- },
- attr: function(element, matches) {
- var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(element, matches[1]);
- return nodeValue && Selector.operators[matches[2]](nodeValue, matches[5] || matches[6]);
- }
- },
- handlers: {
- // joins two collections
- concat: function(a, b) {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++)
- a.push(node);
- return a;
- },
- // marks an array of nodes for counting
- mark: function(nodes) {
- var _true = Prototype.emptyFunction;
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- node._countedByPrototype = _true;
- return nodes;
- },
- unmark: (function(){
- // IE improperly serializes _countedByPrototype in (inner|outer)HTML
- // due to node properties being mapped directly to attributes
- var PROPERTIES_ATTRIBUTES_MAP = (function(){
- var el = document.createElement('div'),
- isBuggy = false,
- propName = '_countedByPrototype',
- value = 'x';
- el[propName] = value;
- isBuggy = (el.getAttribute(propName) === value);
- el = null;
- return isBuggy;
- })();
- function(nodes) {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- node.removeAttribute('_countedByPrototype');
- return nodes;
- } :
- function(nodes) {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- node._countedByPrototype = void 0;
- return nodes;
- }
- })(),
- // mark each child node with its position (for nth calls)
- // "ofType" flag indicates whether we're indexing for nth-of-type
- // rather than nth-child
- index: function(parentNode, reverse, ofType) {
- parentNode._countedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction;
- if (reverse) {
- for (var nodes = parentNode.childNodes, i = nodes.length - 1, j = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var node = nodes[i];
- if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._countedByPrototype)) node.nodeIndex = j++;
- }
- } else {
- for (var i = 0, j = 1, nodes = parentNode.childNodes; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._countedByPrototype)) node.nodeIndex = j++;
- }
- },
- // filters out duplicates and extends all nodes
- unique: function(nodes) {
- if (nodes.length == 0) return nodes;
- var results = [], n;
- for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
- // use `typeof` operator to prevent errors
- if (typeof (n = nodes[i])._countedByPrototype == 'undefined') {
- n._countedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction;
- results.push(Element.extend(n));
- }
- return Selector.handlers.unmark(results);
- },
- descendant: function(nodes) {
- var h = Selector.handlers;
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName('*'));
- return results;
- },
- child: function(nodes) {
- var h = Selector.handlers;
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- for (var j = 0, child; child = node.childNodes[j]; j++)
- if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName != '!') results.push(child);
- }
- return results;
- },
- adjacent: function(nodes) {
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- var next = this.nextElementSibling(node);
- if (next) results.push(next);
- }
- return results;
- },
- laterSibling: function(nodes) {
- var h = Selector.handlers;
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- h.concat(results, Element.nextSiblings(node));
- return results;
- },
- nextElementSibling: function(node) {
- while (node = node.nextSibling)
- if (node.nodeType == 1) return node;
- return null;
- },
- previousElementSibling: function(node) {
- while (node = node.previousSibling)
- if (node.nodeType == 1) return node;
- return null;
- },
- tagName: function(nodes, root, tagName, combinator) {
- var uTagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
- var results = [], h = Selector.handlers;
- if (nodes) {
- if (combinator) {
- // fastlane for ordinary descendant combinators
- if (combinator == "descendant") {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName(tagName));
- return results;
- } else nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
- if (tagName == "*") return nodes;
- }
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (node.tagName.toUpperCase() === uTagName) results.push(node);
- return results;
- } else return root.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
- },
- id: function(nodes, root, id, combinator) {
- var targetNode = $(id), h = Selector.handlers;
- if (root == document) {
- // We don't have to deal with orphan nodes. Easy.
- if (!targetNode) return [];
- if (!nodes) return [targetNode];
- } else {
- // In IE, we can check sourceIndex to see if root is attached
- // to the document. If not (or if sourceIndex is not present),
- // we do it the hard way.
- if (!root.sourceIndex || root.sourceIndex < 1) {
- var nodes = root.getElementsByTagName('*');
- for (var j = 0, node; node = nodes[j]; j++) {
- if (node.id === id) return [node];
- }
- }
- }
- if (nodes) {
- if (combinator) {
- if (combinator == 'child') {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (targetNode.parentNode == node) return [targetNode];
- } else if (combinator == 'descendant') {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (Element.descendantOf(targetNode, node)) return [targetNode];
- } else if (combinator == 'adjacent') {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(targetNode) == node)
- return [targetNode];
- } else nodes = h[combinator](nodes);
- }
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (node == targetNode) return [targetNode];
- return [];
- }
- return (targetNode && Element.descendantOf(targetNode, root)) ? [targetNode] : [];
- },
- className: function(nodes, root, className, combinator) {
- if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
- return Selector.handlers.byClassName(nodes, root, className);
- },
- byClassName: function(nodes, root, className) {
- if (!nodes) nodes = Selector.handlers.descendant([root]);
- var needle = ' ' + className + ' ';
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node, nodeClassName; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- nodeClassName = node.className;
- if (nodeClassName.length == 0) continue;
- if (nodeClassName == className || (' ' + nodeClassName + ' ').include(needle))
- results.push(node);
- }
- return results;
- },
- attrPresence: function(nodes, root, attr, combinator) {
- if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*");
- if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
- var results = [];
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (Element.hasAttribute(node, attr)) results.push(node);
- return results;
- },
- attr: function(nodes, root, attr, value, operator, combinator) {
- if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*");
- if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
- var handler = Selector.operators[operator], results = [];
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(node, attr);
- if (nodeValue === null) continue;
- if (handler(nodeValue, value)) results.push(node);
- }
- return results;
- },
- pseudo: function(nodes, name, value, root, combinator) {
- if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
- if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*");
- return Selector.pseudos[name](nodes, value, root);
- }
- },
- pseudos: {
- 'first-child': function(nodes, value, root) {
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- if (Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(node)) continue;
- results.push(node);
- }
- return results;
- },
- 'last-child': function(nodes, value, root) {
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- if (Selector.handlers.nextElementSibling(node)) continue;
- results.push(node);
- }
- return results;
- },
- 'only-child': function(nodes, value, root) {
- var h = Selector.handlers;
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (!h.previousElementSibling(node) && !h.nextElementSibling(node))
- results.push(node);
- return results;
- },
- 'nth-child': function(nodes, formula, root) {
- return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root);
- },
- 'nth-last-child': function(nodes, formula, root) {
- return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true);
- },
- 'nth-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
- return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, false, true);
- },
- 'nth-last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
- return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true, true);
- },
- 'first-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
- return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, false, true);
- },
- 'last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
- return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, true, true);
- },
- 'only-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
- var p = Selector.pseudos;
- return p['last-of-type'](p['first-of-type'](nodes, formula, root), formula, root);
- },
- // handles the an+b logic
- getIndices: function(a, b, total) {
- if (a == 0) return b > 0 ? [b] : [];
- return $R(1, total).inject([], function(memo, i) {
- if (0 == (i - b) % a && (i - b) / a >= 0) memo.push(i);
- return memo;
- });
- },
- // handles nth(-last)-child, nth(-last)-of-type, and (first|last)-of-type
- nth: function(nodes, formula, root, reverse, ofType) {
- if (nodes.length == 0) return [];
- if (formula == 'even') formula = '2n+0';
- if (formula == 'odd') formula = '2n+1';
- var h = Selector.handlers, results = [], indexed = [], m;
- h.mark(nodes);
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- if (!node.parentNode._countedByPrototype) {
- h.index(node.parentNode, reverse, ofType);
- indexed.push(node.parentNode);
- }
- }
- if (formula.match(/^\d+$/)) { // just a number
- formula = Number(formula);
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (node.nodeIndex == formula) results.push(node);
- } else if (m = formula.match(/^(-?\d*)?n(([+-])(\d+))?/)) { // an+b
- if (m[1] == "-") m[1] = -1;
- var a = m[1] ? Number(m[1]) : 1,
- b = m[2] ? Number(m[2]) : 0,
- indices = Selector.pseudos.getIndices(a, b, nodes.length);
- for (var i = 0, node, l = indices.length; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- for (var j = 0; j < l; j++)
- if (node.nodeIndex == indices[j]) results.push(node);
- }
- }
- h.unmark(nodes);
- h.unmark(indexed);
- return results;
- },
- 'empty': function(nodes, value, root) {
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
- // IE treats comments as element nodes
- if (node.tagName == '!' || node.firstChild) continue;
- results.push(node);
- }
- return results;
- },
- 'not': function(nodes, selector, root) {
- var h = Selector.handlers, selectorType, m,
- exclusions = new Selector(selector).findElements(root);
- h.mark(exclusions);
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (!node._countedByPrototype) results.push(node);
- h.unmark(exclusions);
- return results;
- },
- 'enabled': function(nodes, value, root) {
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (!node.disabled && (!node.type || node.type !== 'hidden'))
- results.push(node);
- return results;
- },
- 'disabled': function(nodes, value, root) {
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (node.disabled) results.push(node);
- return results;
- },
- 'checked': function(nodes, value, root) {
- for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
- if (node.checked) results.push(node);
- return results;
- }
- },
- operators: {
- '=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v; },
- '!=': function(nv, v) { return nv != v; },
- '^=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.startsWith(v); },
- '$=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.endsWith(v); },
- '*=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.include(v); },
- '~=': function(nv, v) { return (' ' + nv + ' ').include(' ' + v + ' '); },
- '|=': function(nv, v) { return ('-' + (nv || "").toUpperCase() +
- '-').include('-' + (v || "").toUpperCase() + '-'); }
- },
- /**
- * Selector.split(expression) -> [String...]
- *
- * Takes a string of CSS selectors separated by commas; returns an array
- * of individual selectors.
- *
- * Safer than doing a naive `Array#split`, since selectors can have commas
- * in other places.
- **/
- split: function(expression) {
- var expressions = [];
- expression.scan(/(([\w#:.~>+()\s-]+|\*|\[.*?\])+)\s*(,|$)/, function(m) {
- expressions.push(m[1].strip());
- });
- return expressions;
- },
- /**
- * Selector.matchElements(elements, expression) -> [Element...]
- *
- * Filters the given collection of elements with `expression`.
- *
- * The only nodes returned will be those that match the given CSS selector.
- **/
- matchElements: function(elements, expression) {
- var matches = $$(expression), h = Selector.handlers;
- h.mark(matches);
- for (var i = 0, results = [], element; element = elements[i]; i++)
- if (element._countedByPrototype) results.push(element);
- h.unmark(matches);
- return results;
- },
- /**
- * Selector.findElement(elements, expression[, index = 0]) -> Element
- * Selector.findElement(elements[, index = 0]) -> Element
- *
- * Returns the `index`th element in the collection that matches
- * `expression`.
- *
- * Returns the `index`th element overall if `expression` is not given.
- **/
- findElement: function(elements, expression, index) {
- if (Object.isNumber(expression)) {
- index = expression; expression = false;
- }
- return Selector.matchElements(elements, expression || '*')[index || 0];
- },
- /**
- * Selector.findChildElements(element, expressions) -> [Element...]
- *
- * Searches beneath `element` for any elements that match the selector
- * (or selectors) specified in `expressions`.
- **/
- findChildElements: function(element, expressions) {
- expressions = Selector.split(expressions.join(','));
- var results = [], h = Selector.handlers;
- for (var i = 0, l = expressions.length, selector; i < l; i++) {
- selector = new Selector(expressions[i].strip());
- h.concat(results, selector.findElements(element));
- }
- return (l > 1) ? h.unique(results) : results;
- }
-if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
- Object.extend(Selector.handlers, {
- // IE returns comment nodes on getElementsByTagName("*").
- // Filter them out.
- concat: function(a, b) {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++)
- if (node.tagName !== "!") a.push(node);
- return a;
- }
- });
-/** related to: Selector
+/** related to: Prototype.Selector
* $$(expression...) -> [Element...]
* Returns all elements in the document that match the provided CSS selectors.
-function $$() {
- return Selector.findChildElements(document, $A(arguments));
+window.$$ = function() {
+ var expression = $A(arguments).join(', ');
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(expression, document);
+ * Prototype.Selector
+ *
+ * A namespace that acts as a wrapper around
+ * the choosen selector engine (Sizzle by default).
+ *
+// Implementation provided by selector engine.
+ * Prototype.Selector.select(expression[, root = document]) -> [Element...]
+ * - expression (String): A CSS selector.
+ * - root (Element | document): A "scope" to search within. All results will
+ * be descendants of this node.
+ *
+ * Searches `root` for elements that match the provided CSS selector and returns an
+ * array of extended [[Element]] objects.
+// Implementation provided by selector engine.
+ * Prototype.Selector.match(element, expression) -> Boolean
+ * - element (Element): a DOM element.
+ * - expression (String): A CSS selector.
+ *
+ * Tests whether `element` matches the CSS selector.
+// Implementation provided by selector engine.
+ * Prototype.Selector.filter(elements, expression) -> [Element...]
+ * - elements (Enumerable): a collection of DOM elements.
+ * - expression (String): A CSS selector.
+ *
+ * Filters the given collection of elements with `expression` and returns an
+ * array of extended [[Element]] objects.
+ *
+ * The only nodes returned will be those that match the given CSS selector.
+// Implementation provided by selector engine.
diff --git a/test/unit/fixtures/selector.html b/test/unit/fixtures/selector.html
index 42abcd4..4cfa29f 100644
--- a/test/unit/fixtures/selector.html
+++ b/test/unit/fixtures/selector.html
@@ -79,4 +79,10 @@
diff --git a/test/unit/fixtures/selector_engine.html b/test/unit/fixtures/selector_engine.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b1acd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/fixtures/selector_engine.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/unit/selector_engine_test.js b/test/unit/selector_engine_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec966f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/selector_engine_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+new Test.Unit.Runner({
+ testEngine: function() {
+ this.assert(Prototype.Selector.engine);
+ },
+ testSelect: function() {
+ var elements = Prototype.Selector.select('.test_class');
+ this.assert(Object.isArray(elements));
+ this.assertEqual(2, elements.length);
+ this.assertEqual('test_div_parent', elements[0].id);
+ this.assertEqual('test_div_child', elements[1].id);
+ },
+ testSelectWithContext: function() {
+ var elements = Prototype.Selector.select('.test_class', $('test_div_parent'));
+ this.assert(Object.isArray(elements));
+ this.assertEqual(1, elements.length);
+ this.assertEqual('test_div_child', elements[0].id);
+ },
+ testSelectWithEmptyResult: function() {
+ var elements = Prototype.Selector.select('.non_existent');
+ this.assert(Object.isArray(elements));
+ this.assertEqual(0, elements.length);
+ },
+ testMatch: function() {
+ var element = $('test_div_parent');
+ this.assertEqual(true, Prototype.Selector.match(element, '.test_class'));
+ this.assertEqual(false, Prototype.Selector.match(element, '.non_existent'));
+ },
+ testFilter: function() {
+ var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('*'),
+ filtered = Prototype.Selector.filter(elements, '.test_class');
+ this.assert(Object.isArray(filtered));
+ this.assertEqual(2, filtered.length);
+ this.assertEqual('test_div_parent', filtered[0].id);
+ this.assertEqual('test_div_child', filtered[1].id);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/unit/selector_test.js b/test/unit/selector_test.js
index fc2eae2..633b82b 100644
--- a/test/unit/selector_test.js
+++ b/test/unit/selector_test.js
@@ -356,14 +356,6 @@ new Test.Unit.Runner({
this.assert(typeof results[2].show == 'function');
- testCountedIsNotAnAttribute: function() {
- var el = $('list');
- Selector.handlers.mark([el]);
- this.assert(!el.innerHTML.include("_counted"));
- Selector.handlers.unmark([el]);
- this.assert(!el.innerHTML.include("_counted"));
- },
testCopiedNodesGetIncluded: function() {
Selector.matchElements($('counted_container').descendants(), 'div'),
@@ -412,5 +404,11 @@ new Test.Unit.Runner({
this.assertEqual(2, $(el).select('ul li').length);
+ },
+ testFindElementWithIndexWhenElementsAreNotInDocumentOrder: function() {
+ var ancestors = $("target_1").ancestors();
+ this.assertEqual($("container_2"), Selector.findElement(ancestors, "[container], .container", 0));
+ this.assertEqual($("container_1"), Selector.findElement(ancestors, "[container], .container", 1));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/legacy_selector/repository/legacy_selector.js b/vendor/legacy_selector/repository/legacy_selector.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0253d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/legacy_selector/repository/legacy_selector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+/* Portions of the Prototype.LegacySelector class are derived from Jack Slocum's DomQuery,
+ * part of YUI-Ext version 0.40, distributed under the terms of an MIT-style
+ * license. Please see http://www.yui-ext.com/ for more information. */
+Prototype.LegacySelector = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(expression) {
+ this.expression = expression.strip();
+ if (this.shouldUseSelectorsAPI()) {
+ this.mode = 'selectorsAPI';
+ } else if (this.shouldUseXPath()) {
+ this.mode = 'xpath';
+ this.compileXPathMatcher();
+ } else {
+ this.mode = "normal";
+ this.compileMatcher();
+ }
+ },
+ shouldUseXPath: (function() {
+ // Some versions of Opera 9.x produce incorrect results when using XPath
+ // with descendant combinators.
+ // see: http://opera.remcol.ath.cx/bugs/index.php?action=bug&id=652
+ var isBuggy = false;
+ if (document.evaluate && window.XPathResult) {
+ var el = document.createElement('div');
+ el.innerHTML = '';
+ var xpath = ".//*[local-name()='ul' or local-name()='UL']" +
+ "//*[local-name()='li' or local-name()='LI']";
+ var result = document.evaluate(xpath, el, null,
+ isBuggy = (result.snapshotLength !== 2);
+ el = null;
+ }
+ return isBuggy;
+ })();
+ return function() {
+ if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath) return false;
+ var e = this.expression;
+ // Safari 3 chokes on :*-of-type and :empty
+ if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit &&
+ (e.include("-of-type") || e.include(":empty")))
+ return false;
+ // XPath can't do namespaced attributes, nor can it read
+ // the "checked" property from DOM nodes
+ if ((/(\[[\w-]*?:|:checked)/).test(e))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ })(),
+ shouldUseSelectorsAPI: function() {
+ if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SelectorsAPI) return false;
+ if (Prototype.LegacySelector.CASE_INSENSITIVE_CLASS_NAMES) return false;
+ if (!Prototype.LegacySelector._div) Prototype.LegacySelector._div = new Element('div');
+ // Make sure the browser treats the selector as valid. Test on an
+ // isolated element to minimize cost of this check.
+ try {
+ Prototype.LegacySelector._div.querySelector(this.expression);
+ } catch(e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ compileMatcher: function() {
+ var e = this.expression, ps = Prototype.LegacySelector.patterns, h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers,
+ c = Prototype.LegacySelector.criteria, le, p, m, len = ps.length, name;
+ if (Prototype.LegacySelector._cache[e]) {
+ this.matcher = Prototype.LegacySelector._cache[e];
+ return;
+ }
+ this.matcher = ["this.matcher = function(root) {",
+ "var r = root, h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers, c = false, n;"];
+ while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) {
+ le = e;
+ for (var i = 0; i";
+ }
+if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SelectorsAPI &&
+ document.compatMode === 'BackCompat') {
+ // Versions of Safari 3 before 3.1.2 treat class names case-insensitively in
+ // quirks mode. If we detect this behavior, we should use a different
+ // approach.
+ Prototype.LegacySelector.CASE_INSENSITIVE_CLASS_NAMES = (function(){
+ var div = document.createElement('div'),
+ span = document.createElement('span');
+ div.id = "prototype_test_id";
+ span.className = 'Test';
+ div.appendChild(span);
+ var isIgnored = (div.querySelector('#prototype_test_id .test') !== null);
+ div = span = null;
+ return isIgnored;
+ })();
+Object.extend(Prototype.LegacySelector, {
+ _cache: { },
+ xpath: {
+ descendant: "//*",
+ child: "/*",
+ adjacent: "/following-sibling::*[1]",
+ laterSibling: '/following-sibling::*',
+ tagName: function(m) {
+ if (m[1] == '*') return '';
+ return "[local-name()='" + m[1].toLowerCase() +
+ "' or local-name()='" + m[1].toUpperCase() + "']";
+ },
+ className: "[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' #{1} ')]",
+ id: "[@id='#{1}']",
+ attrPresence: function(m) {
+ m[1] = m[1].toLowerCase();
+ return new Template("[@#{1}]").evaluate(m);
+ },
+ attr: function(m) {
+ m[1] = m[1].toLowerCase();
+ m[3] = m[5] || m[6];
+ return new Template(Prototype.LegacySelector.xpath.operators[m[2]]).evaluate(m);
+ },
+ pseudo: function(m) {
+ var h = Prototype.LegacySelector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]];
+ if (!h) return '';
+ if (Object.isFunction(h)) return h(m);
+ return new Template(Prototype.LegacySelector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]]).evaluate(m);
+ },
+ operators: {
+ '=': "[@#{1}='#{3}']",
+ '!=': "[@#{1}!='#{3}']",
+ '^=': "[starts-with(@#{1}, '#{3}')]",
+ '$=': "[substring(@#{1}, (string-length(@#{1}) - string-length('#{3}') + 1))='#{3}']",
+ '*=': "[contains(@#{1}, '#{3}')]",
+ '~=': "[contains(concat(' ', @#{1}, ' '), ' #{3} ')]",
+ '|=': "[contains(concat('-', @#{1}, '-'), '-#{3}-')]"
+ },
+ pseudos: {
+ 'first-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::*)]',
+ 'last-child': '[not(following-sibling::*)]',
+ 'only-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::* or following-sibling::*)]',
+ 'empty': "[count(*) = 0 and (count(text()) = 0)]",
+ 'checked': "[@checked]",
+ 'disabled': "[(@disabled) and (@type!='hidden')]",
+ 'enabled': "[not(@disabled) and (@type!='hidden')]",
+ 'not': function(m) {
+ var e = m[6], p = Prototype.LegacySelector.patterns,
+ x = Prototype.LegacySelector.xpath, le, v, len = p.length, name;
+ var exclusion = [];
+ while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) {
+ le = e;
+ for (var i = 0; i= 0)]";
+ return new Template(predicate).evaluate({
+ fragment: fragment, a: a, b: b });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ criteria: {
+ tagName: 'n = h.tagName(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;',
+ className: 'n = h.className(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;',
+ id: 'n = h.id(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;',
+ attrPresence: 'n = h.attrPresence(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;',
+ attr: function(m) {
+ m[3] = (m[5] || m[6]);
+ return new Template('n = h.attr(n, r, "#{1}", "#{3}", "#{2}", c); c = false;').evaluate(m);
+ },
+ pseudo: function(m) {
+ if (m[6]) m[6] = m[6].replace(/"/g, '\\"');
+ return new Template('n = h.pseudo(n, "#{1}", "#{6}", r, c); c = false;').evaluate(m);
+ },
+ descendant: 'c = "descendant";',
+ child: 'c = "child";',
+ adjacent: 'c = "adjacent";',
+ laterSibling: 'c = "laterSibling";'
+ },
+ patterns: [
+ // combinators must be listed first
+ // (and descendant needs to be last combinator)
+ { name: 'laterSibling', re: /^\s*~\s*/ },
+ { name: 'child', re: /^\s*>\s*/ },
+ { name: 'adjacent', re: /^\s*\+\s*/ },
+ { name: 'descendant', re: /^\s/ },
+ // selectors follow
+ { name: 'tagName', re: /^\s*(\*|[\w\-]+)(\b|$)?/ },
+ { name: 'id', re: /^#([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/ },
+ { name: 'className', re: /^\.([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/ },
+ { name: 'pseudo', re: /^:((first|last|nth|nth-last|only)(-child|-of-type)|empty|checked|(en|dis)abled|not)(\((.*?)\))?(\b|$|(?=\s|[:+~>]))/ },
+ { name: 'attrPresence', re: /^\[((?:[\w-]+:)?[\w-]+)\]/ },
+ { name: 'attr', re: /\[((?:[\w-]*:)?[\w-]+)\s*(?:([!^$*~|]?=)\s*((['"])([^\4]*?)\4|([^'"][^\]]*?)))?\]/ }
+ ],
+ // for Prototype.LegacySelector.match and Element#match
+ assertions: {
+ tagName: function(element, matches) {
+ return matches[1].toUpperCase() == element.tagName.toUpperCase();
+ },
+ className: function(element, matches) {
+ return Element.hasClassName(element, matches[1]);
+ },
+ id: function(element, matches) {
+ return element.id === matches[1];
+ },
+ attrPresence: function(element, matches) {
+ return Element.hasAttribute(element, matches[1]);
+ },
+ attr: function(element, matches) {
+ var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(element, matches[1]);
+ return nodeValue && Prototype.LegacySelector.operators[matches[2]](nodeValue, matches[5] || matches[6]);
+ }
+ },
+ handlers: {
+ // joins two collections
+ concat: function(a, b) {
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++)
+ a.push(node);
+ return a;
+ },
+ // marks an array of nodes for counting
+ mark: function(nodes) {
+ var _true = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ node._countedByPrototype = _true;
+ return nodes;
+ },
+ unmark: (function(){
+ // IE improperly serializes _countedByPrototype in (inner|outer)HTML
+ // due to node properties being mapped directly to attributes
+ var PROPERTIES_ATTRIBUTES_MAP = (function(){
+ var el = document.createElement('div'),
+ isBuggy = false,
+ propName = '_countedByPrototype',
+ value = 'x';
+ el[propName] = value;
+ isBuggy = (el.getAttribute(propName) === value);
+ el = null;
+ return isBuggy;
+ })();
+ function(nodes) {
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ node.removeAttribute('_countedByPrototype');
+ return nodes;
+ } :
+ function(nodes) {
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ node._countedByPrototype = void 0;
+ return nodes;
+ }
+ })(),
+ // mark each child node with its position (for nth calls)
+ // "ofType" flag indicates whether we're indexing for nth-of-type
+ // rather than nth-child
+ index: function(parentNode, reverse, ofType) {
+ parentNode._countedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+ if (reverse) {
+ for (var nodes = parentNode.childNodes, i = nodes.length - 1, j = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var node = nodes[i];
+ if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._countedByPrototype)) node.nodeIndex = j++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 0, j = 1, nodes = parentNode.childNodes; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._countedByPrototype)) node.nodeIndex = j++;
+ }
+ },
+ // filters out duplicates and extends all nodes
+ unique: function(nodes) {
+ if (nodes.length == 0) return nodes;
+ var results = [], n;
+ for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
+ // use `typeof` operator to prevent errors
+ if (typeof (n = nodes[i])._countedByPrototype == 'undefined') {
+ n._countedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+ results.push(Element.extend(n));
+ }
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers.unmark(results);
+ },
+ descendant: function(nodes) {
+ var h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers;
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName('*'));
+ return results;
+ },
+ child: function(nodes) {
+ var h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers;
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0, child; child = node.childNodes[j]; j++)
+ if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName != '!') results.push(child);
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ adjacent: function(nodes) {
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ var next = this.nextElementSibling(node);
+ if (next) results.push(next);
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ laterSibling: function(nodes) {
+ var h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers;
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ h.concat(results, Element.nextSiblings(node));
+ return results;
+ },
+ nextElementSibling: function(node) {
+ while (node = node.nextSibling)
+ if (node.nodeType == 1) return node;
+ return null;
+ },
+ previousElementSibling: function(node) {
+ while (node = node.previousSibling)
+ if (node.nodeType == 1) return node;
+ return null;
+ },
+ tagName: function(nodes, root, tagName, combinator) {
+ var uTagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
+ var results = [], h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers;
+ if (nodes) {
+ if (combinator) {
+ // fastlane for ordinary descendant combinators
+ if (combinator == "descendant") {
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName(tagName));
+ return results;
+ } else nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
+ if (tagName == "*") return nodes;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (node.tagName.toUpperCase() === uTagName) results.push(node);
+ return results;
+ } else return root.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
+ },
+ id: function(nodes, root, id, combinator) {
+ var targetNode = $(id), h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers;
+ if (root == document) {
+ // We don't have to deal with orphan nodes. Easy.
+ if (!targetNode) return [];
+ if (!nodes) return [targetNode];
+ } else {
+ // In IE, we can check sourceIndex to see if root is attached
+ // to the document. If not (or if sourceIndex is not present),
+ // we do it the hard way.
+ if (!root.sourceIndex || root.sourceIndex < 1) {
+ var nodes = root.getElementsByTagName('*');
+ for (var j = 0, node; node = nodes[j]; j++) {
+ if (node.id === id) return [node];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nodes) {
+ if (combinator) {
+ if (combinator == 'child') {
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (targetNode.parentNode == node) return [targetNode];
+ } else if (combinator == 'descendant') {
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (Element.descendantOf(targetNode, node)) return [targetNode];
+ } else if (combinator == 'adjacent') {
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers.previousElementSibling(targetNode) == node)
+ return [targetNode];
+ } else nodes = h[combinator](nodes);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (node == targetNode) return [targetNode];
+ return [];
+ }
+ return (targetNode && Element.descendantOf(targetNode, root)) ? [targetNode] : [];
+ },
+ className: function(nodes, root, className, combinator) {
+ if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers.byClassName(nodes, root, className);
+ },
+ byClassName: function(nodes, root, className) {
+ if (!nodes) nodes = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers.descendant([root]);
+ var needle = ' ' + className + ' ';
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node, nodeClassName; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ nodeClassName = node.className;
+ if (nodeClassName.length == 0) continue;
+ if (nodeClassName == className || (' ' + nodeClassName + ' ').include(needle))
+ results.push(node);
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ attrPresence: function(nodes, root, attr, combinator) {
+ if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*");
+ if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
+ var results = [];
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (Element.hasAttribute(node, attr)) results.push(node);
+ return results;
+ },
+ attr: function(nodes, root, attr, value, operator, combinator) {
+ if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*");
+ if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
+ var handler = Prototype.LegacySelector.operators[operator], results = [];
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(node, attr);
+ if (nodeValue === null) continue;
+ if (handler(nodeValue, value)) results.push(node);
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ pseudo: function(nodes, name, value, root, combinator) {
+ if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes);
+ if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*");
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos[name](nodes, value, root);
+ }
+ },
+ pseudos: {
+ 'first-child': function(nodes, value, root) {
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ if (Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers.previousElementSibling(node)) continue;
+ results.push(node);
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ 'last-child': function(nodes, value, root) {
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ if (Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers.nextElementSibling(node)) continue;
+ results.push(node);
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ 'only-child': function(nodes, value, root) {
+ var h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers;
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (!h.previousElementSibling(node) && !h.nextElementSibling(node))
+ results.push(node);
+ return results;
+ },
+ 'nth-child': function(nodes, formula, root) {
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root);
+ },
+ 'nth-last-child': function(nodes, formula, root) {
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true);
+ },
+ 'nth-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, false, true);
+ },
+ 'nth-last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true, true);
+ },
+ 'first-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, false, true);
+ },
+ 'last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, true, true);
+ },
+ 'only-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) {
+ var p = Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos;
+ return p['last-of-type'](p['first-of-type'](nodes, formula, root), formula, root);
+ },
+ // handles the an+b logic
+ getIndices: function(a, b, total) {
+ if (a == 0) return b > 0 ? [b] : [];
+ return $R(1, total).inject([], function(memo, i) {
+ if (0 == (i - b) % a && (i - b) / a >= 0) memo.push(i);
+ return memo;
+ });
+ },
+ // handles nth(-last)-child, nth(-last)-of-type, and (first|last)-of-type
+ nth: function(nodes, formula, root, reverse, ofType) {
+ if (nodes.length == 0) return [];
+ if (formula == 'even') formula = '2n+0';
+ if (formula == 'odd') formula = '2n+1';
+ var h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers, results = [], indexed = [], m;
+ h.mark(nodes);
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ if (!node.parentNode._countedByPrototype) {
+ h.index(node.parentNode, reverse, ofType);
+ indexed.push(node.parentNode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (formula.match(/^\d+$/)) { // just a number
+ formula = Number(formula);
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (node.nodeIndex == formula) results.push(node);
+ } else if (m = formula.match(/^(-?\d*)?n(([+-])(\d+))?/)) { // an+b
+ if (m[1] == "-") m[1] = -1;
+ var a = m[1] ? Number(m[1]) : 1;
+ var b = m[2] ? Number(m[2]) : 0;
+ var indices = Prototype.LegacySelector.pseudos.getIndices(a, b, nodes.length);
+ for (var i = 0, node, l = indices.length; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < l; j++)
+ if (node.nodeIndex == indices[j]) results.push(node);
+ }
+ }
+ h.unmark(nodes);
+ h.unmark(indexed);
+ return results;
+ },
+ 'empty': function(nodes, value, root) {
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ // IE treats comments as element nodes
+ if (node.tagName == '!' || node.firstChild) continue;
+ results.push(node);
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ 'not': function(nodes, selector, root) {
+ var h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers, selectorType, m;
+ var exclusions = new Prototype.LegacySelector(selector).findElements(root);
+ h.mark(exclusions);
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (!node._countedByPrototype) results.push(node);
+ h.unmark(exclusions);
+ return results;
+ },
+ 'enabled': function(nodes, value, root) {
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (!node.disabled && (!node.type || node.type !== 'hidden'))
+ results.push(node);
+ return results;
+ },
+ 'disabled': function(nodes, value, root) {
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (node.disabled) results.push(node);
+ return results;
+ },
+ 'checked': function(nodes, value, root) {
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (node.checked) results.push(node);
+ return results;
+ }
+ },
+ operators: {
+ '=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v; },
+ '!=': function(nv, v) { return nv != v; },
+ '^=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.startsWith(v); },
+ '$=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.endsWith(v); },
+ '*=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.include(v); },
+ '~=': function(nv, v) { return (' ' + nv + ' ').include(' ' + v + ' '); },
+ '|=': function(nv, v) { return ('-' + (nv || "").toUpperCase() +
+ '-').include('-' + (v || "").toUpperCase() + '-'); }
+ },
+ split: function(expression) {
+ var expressions = [];
+ expression.scan(/(([\w#:.~>+()\s-]+|\*|\[.*?\])+)\s*(,|$)/, function(m) {
+ expressions.push(m[1].strip());
+ });
+ return expressions;
+ },
+ matchElements: function(elements, expression) {
+ var matches = $$(expression), h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers;
+ h.mark(matches);
+ for (var i = 0, results = [], element; element = elements[i]; i++)
+ if (element._countedByPrototype) results.push(element);
+ h.unmark(matches);
+ return results;
+ },
+ findElement: function(elements, expression, index) {
+ if (Object.isNumber(expression)) {
+ index = expression; expression = false;
+ }
+ return Prototype.LegacySelector.matchElements(elements, expression || '*')[index || 0];
+ },
+ findChildElements: function(element, expressions) {
+ expressions = Prototype.LegacySelector.split(expressions.join(','));
+ var results = [], h = Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers;
+ for (var i = 0, l = expressions.length, selector; i < l; i++) {
+ selector = new Prototype.LegacySelector(expressions[i].strip());
+ h.concat(results, selector.findElements(element));
+ }
+ return (l > 1) ? h.unique(results) : results;
+ }
+if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
+ Object.extend(Prototype.LegacySelector.handlers, {
+ // IE returns comment nodes on getElementsByTagName("*").
+ // Filter them out.
+ concat: function(a, b) {
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++)
+ if (node.tagName !== "!") a.push(node);
+ return a;
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/vendor/legacy_selector/selector_engine.js b/vendor/legacy_selector/selector_engine.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf62875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/legacy_selector/selector_engine.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//= require "repository/legacy_selector"
+Prototype.Selector = (function(engine) {
+ function select(selector, scope) {
+ return engine.findChildElements(scope || document, [selector]);
+ }
+ function match(element, selector) {
+ return !!engine.findElement([element], selector);
+ }
+ return {
+ engine: engine,
+ select: select,
+ match: match,
+ filter: engine.matchElements
+ };
diff --git a/vendor/nwmatcher/repository b/vendor/nwmatcher/repository
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..c9f5d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/nwmatcher/repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit c9f5d5d4fc4ca294477f803bb8d688a8d45de664
diff --git a/vendor/nwmatcher/selector_engine.js b/vendor/nwmatcher/selector_engine.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bc8ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/nwmatcher/selector_engine.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Prototype._original_property = window.NW;
+//= require "repository/src/nwmatcher"
+Prototype.Selector = (function(engine) {
+ function select(selector, scope) {
+ return engine.select(selector, scope || document, null, Element.extend);
+ }
+ function filter(elements, selector) {
+ var results = [], element, i = 0;
+ while (element = elements[i++]) {
+ if (engine.match(element, selector)) {
+ Element.extend(element);
+ results.push(element);
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ return {
+ engine: engine,
+ select: select,
+ match: engine.match,
+ filter: filter
+ };
+// Restore globals.
+window.NW = Prototype._original_property;
+delete Prototype._original_property;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/sizzle/repository b/vendor/sizzle/repository
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..415e466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/sizzle/repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 415e466f70e5a53f589161b1f2944e5485007409
diff --git a/vendor/sizzle/selector_engine.js b/vendor/sizzle/selector_engine.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f460f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/sizzle/selector_engine.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Prototype._original_property = window.Sizzle;
+//= require "repository/sizzle"
+Prototype.Selector = (function(engine) {
+ function extend(elements) {
+ for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
+ Element.extend(elements[i]);
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ function select(selector, scope) {
+ return extend(engine(selector, scope || document));
+ }
+ function match(element, selector) {
+ return engine.matches(selector, [element]).length == 1;
+ }
+ function filter(elements, selector) {
+ return extend(engine.matches(selector, elements));
+ }
+ return {
+ engine: engine,
+ select: select,
+ match: match,
+ filter: filter
+ };
+// Restore globals.
+window.Sizzle = Prototype._original_property;
+delete Prototype._original_property;