{$param} = null; } } function parse($string, $type = PW_ADBOXES_PROJECT_WONDERFUL) { $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element_handler', 'end_element_handler'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'character_data_handler'); $this->current_type = $type; $this->is_valid = true; if (($result = xml_parse($this->parser, $string, true)) != 1) { $this->is_valid = false; } xml_parser_free($this->parser); if ($this->is_valid) { foreach (array('memberid', 'adboxes') as $required_parameter) { if (is_null($this->{$required_parameter})) { $this->is_valid = false; break; } } } return $this->is_valid; } function start_element_handler($parser, $name, $attributes) { $this->current_string = ""; switch ($name) { case "PW:MEMBER": $valid = false; if (isset($attributes['MEMBERID'])) { if (is_numeric($attributes['MEMBERID'])) { $this->memberid = $attributes['MEMBERID']; $valid = true; } } $this->is_valid = $valid; break; case "PW:ADBOXES": $this->adboxes = array(); break; case "PW:ADBOX": $new_attributes = array(); foreach (array('ADBOXID', 'SITENAME', 'URL', 'DIMENSIONS', 'RATING', 'CATEGORY') as $field) { if (!isset($attributes[$field])) { $this->is_valid = false; break; } else { $new_attributes[strtolower($field)] = $attributes[$field]; } } if ($this->is_valid) { if (!is_numeric($attributes['ADBOXID'])) { $this->is_valid = false; break; } if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+x[0-9]+$#', $attributes['DIMENSIONS']) == 0) { $this->is_valid = false; break; } if (($result = parse_url($attributes['URL'])) === false) { $this->is_valid = false; break; } foreach (array('scheme', 'host', 'path') as $part) { if (!isset($result[$part])) { $this->is_valid = false; break; } } if ($this->is_valid) { $new_attributes['type'] = $this->current_type; $this->current_adbox = (object)$new_attributes; } } break; } } function end_element_handler($parser, $name) { switch ($name) { case "PW:ADBOX": foreach (array("description", "tags", "standardcode", "advancedcode") as $element) { if (!isset($this->current_adbox->{$element})) { $this->is_valid = false; break; } } if ($this->is_valid) { $this->adboxes[] = $this->current_adbox; } break; case "PW:DESCRIPTION": case "PW:TAGS": case "PW:STANDARDCODE": case "PW:ADVANCEDCODE": $short_name = strtolower(substr($name, 3)); $this->current_adbox->{$short_name} = $this->current_string; break; } } function character_data_handler($parser, $data) { $this->current_string .= $data; } /** * Get information to create widgets. * @return array The widget information. */ function get_sidebar_widget_info() { if ($this->is_valid) { $widgets = array(); foreach ($this->adboxes as $adbox) { $widgets[] = array( "id" => "project_wonderful_{$this->memberid}_{$adbox->adboxid}", "name" => sprintf(__('PW %1$s %2$s (%3$s)', 'comicpress-manager'), $adbox->dimensions, $adbox->sitename, $adbox->adboxid), "options" => array("adboxid" => $adbox->adboxid) ); } return $widgets; } else { return false; } } } ?>