# picture-processor Process a bunch of pictures in nested directories and provide a nice, mobile- friendly view of them. ## REPL with vim-fireplace and Piggieback ### client-side * `lein repl` * In the repl, `(web-start)` to launch a Jetty server on port 3500. * In the browser, `http://localhost:3500`. * In vim, `:Connect`, then `:Piggieback (weasel.repl.websocket/repl-env :port 45192)` * In the browser console, `startRepl(45192)` * Evaluate away! ### server-side * `lein repl` * In the repl, `(start)` to launch a cljs node repl. * In vim, `:Connect`, then `:Piggieback (weasel.repl.websocket/repl-env :port 45192)` * In the cljs repl, `(require 'picture-processor.repl)` * ...and then `(picture-processor.repl/start 45192)` * Evaluate away! ## License Copyright © 2016 FIXME Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.